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steering wheel help



hello all,

not sure if this is the correct section but here we go:

I have a thrustmaster ferrari gt vibration cockpit 458 and it seems to have issues turning

this is both with ets2 and ats, when I complete a turn it freaks out and jerks to the right causing me to crash,

im forced to turn the wheel completely to the right in order for it to (recalibrate?) fix itself.

if anybody can help that would be great.


thanks in advance

Edited by TreesAreLife
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8 answers to this question

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In keyboard control settings, check if turning left and right are not assigned to wheel. I had same issue, unassigning them from wheel worked. You might want to check controller settings too. 

Helped ya? Why not giving me a reputation point? Thanks!

Earth is hexagon.


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What are binds of "Steering left" and/or "Steering right"? Can you show the screenshot of the first page of "Keys and Buttons" section of game options?


If you want to ask anywhere on forums whenever 32-bit version of MP will be supported in future, try to start GTA V on your 32-bit machine before checking game's system requirements.

Instead of quoting the post above, use the ^ character. The character is actually pointing to the post above.

How to fix sudden steering issue on your USB steering wheel

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Ensure that you’ve installed all of the required drivers for your steering wheel.


A possible solution could be to adjust your steering sensitivity, it might be a little bit too powerful.


Another solution could be resetting your control configuration entirely.

1 - Open the ‘Euro Truck Simulator 2’ folder in your documents.

2 - Open the ‘Profiles’ folder and navigate to your profile (sort by date modified if you have recently been playing on it).

3 - Delete the ‘controls.sii’ file within the profile.


This could be a problem with the wheel itself and not the game, in which case I’d recommend that you take a look at Thrustmaster’s support area on their website.

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