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A Drive through Hellroad.


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So here I have a bunch of pictures I took in a timespan of 1 hour driving From calais to Duisburg. I had some VTC mates discussing this road in Discord so I thought it couldn't be that bad: I discovered, to my horror, that it indeed was this bad (I had to create an imgur gallery because there were too many pictures for the Forums).

Later on you'll see a couple of screenshots from when I decided to transform into Roadside Assistance, together with a couple of other drivers, and help people pass through the chaos. For example stopping to see if anyone parked on the shoulder needed help with anything, or redirecting traffic around a tipped over truck because the guy wouldn't F7.

Don't wanna sound stupid or hateful, but why are Turkish or Russian driver always the idiots crashing and ramming?

P.S.: No, I do not wish to report these people because it's 1% of all that I've seen and I don't have the time, physically, to sit here and write a report for everyone of them.


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You should be aware that yourself stopping on the road is not permitted within the game as this would see you either being kicked or banned for blocking, also classing yourself as roadside assistance is not permitted, there is only 1 group of people that are permitted to call themselves roadside assistance and that would be Admins If anyone is blocking, ramming etc i.e. breaking the rules just report them and action will be taken against them even if it means teleporting them to the nearest repair station.


I am an ex-community manager and Game Moderator. All ban request via pm will be ignored and must be sent through the proper channels.

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10 minutes ago, Craigals said:

You should be aware that yourself stopping on the road is not permitted within the game as this would see you either being kicked or banned for blocking, also classing yourself as roadside assistance is not permitted, there is only 1 group of people that are permitted to call themselves roadside assistance and that would be Admins If anyone is blocking, ramming etc i.e. breaking the rules just report them and action will be taken against them even if it means teleporting them to the nearest repair station.

Well first of all, most times I wasn't stopping in the road, but on the side, second of all it appears that all of my reports and demands for admins go in vain and I've only seen an admin on the road twice. I have reported two people three days ago and the reports have still not been claimed by anybody. Yesterday I did see a bit of activity with ad admin banning three people and was happy, but I honestly picture the admin scene as completely defenseless Police in a Mad Max-esque world.

Sorry if some players decided to take a bit of control and try to help others.


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C - D road isn't the only road in the game, admins get loads of reports and spend alot of their time in game dealing with those so you won't always see them in game (watch an admins stream and you'll see how the admins work in game) Also there are thousands of reports so just have some patience, its only been a few days, your reports will be claimed just give them some time 


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1 minute ago, Sysgen said:

Why don't you inform yourself correctly before making an opinion on admins. Go watch an admin stream and then you could make an informed opinion.

If you could kindly link me to whatever admin's stream you're talking about I'd be glad to take back all I've said about them.

1 minute ago, Killua (DavidOC93) said:

C - D road isn't the only road in the game, admins get loads of reports and spend alot of their time in game dealing with those so you won't always see them in game (watch an admins stream and you'll see how the admins work in game) Also there are thousands of reports so just have some patience, its only been a few days, your reports will be claimed just give them some time 

Finally a nice response, thank you.


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22 minutes ago, FrankieMitts said:

 [..]I have reported two people three days ago and the reports have still not been claimed by anybody. Yesterday I did see a bit of activity with ad admin banning three people and was happy, but I honestly picture the admin scene as completely defenseless Police in a Mad Max-esque world. [...]

As said countless times here on forums, we always get lots of web reports and it's almost impossible not to have a backlog of a few days even if we have got many admins. We kindly ask users to be patient.


Also, keep in mind that most admins check in-game reports when administrating the servers, aka flying all over the map trying to cover all server(s), instead of wasting all our resources in one single road and leaving the whole server unchecked ignoring other potential issues somewhere else in the map. We can't watch that road only, but we do come there when someone makes an in-game report which takes us there.

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Sorry, I'll abuse all you admins being here:

I was driving around in France near Brussels and someone was sitting in the middle of the road, so I slowed down and honked, when a guy from the other lane turned and crashed straight into me, to which I typed in chat "You are the biggest idiot" I was immediately kicked from the game?

Are you serious? "Insulting"? I don't know who kicked me because my game crashed, but I'm stunned by how pretentious that is. I filed a couple of reports in-game about people overtaking, ramming etc. and nothing happened but when I say the word "idiot" to someone else I'm the one kicked?

I'm not mad because I had to leave soon anyway, just really confused? We're not in 3rd grade, I see people insulting each other all the time with way more offensive stuff and if I call someone an idiot for overtaking where they shouldn't have I get kicked?

I was relieved by what you all said to me but this just changed my mind! There must be a few admins on, and as you said they must be busy, right? Then why didn't anything happen to the people reported but as soon as I said a elementary school courtyard level insult I get not even warned, kicked!

Again, I'm not angry, I just don't get this? I sound like I'm bragging too much, but if there's stuff to brag about, hell, I will.


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1 - Keep your insults to yourself, we ban or kick insults as much as we can but we can't catch them all, it was your time. 

2 - When you click report in TAB and click a reason, before an admin can handle your request, in the best of conditions is maybe 5 seconds. Within that five seconds, the perpetrator can have moved 100 meters away from the event and we need to record the infraction to ban. So a player hits you and drives away, we arrive on site, we float in the sky, you can't see us, we see the event is over, there is nothing we can do, we move on. 

3 - There are small kids that play this game so we try hard to keep the chat and radio clean. 

4 - Keep the insults to yourself, I know I said it already, it serves no purpose and it actually makes Trolls so happy. 

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1 hour ago, Sysgen said:

Why don't you inform yourself correctly before making an opinion on admins. Go watch an admin stream and then you could make an informed opinion.

   This is the only thing I'll say


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17 minutes ago, Sysgen said:

1 - Keep your insults to yourself, we ban or kick insults as much as we can but we can't catch them all, it was your time. 

2 - When you click report in TAB and click a reason, before an admin can handle your request, in the best of conditions is maybe 5 seconds. Within that five seconds, the perpetrator can have moved 100 meters away from the event and we need to record the infraction to ban. So a player hits you and drives away, we arrive on site, we float in the sky, you can't see us, we see the event is over, there is nothing we can do, we move on. 

3 - There are small kids that play this game so we try hard to keep the chat and radio clean. 

4 - Keep the insults to yourself, I know I said it already, it serves no purpose and it actually makes Trolls so happy. 

It was my time sounds very threatening, and I'm pretty sure any kid can understand the word "idiot" and can understand that it's bad.

I agree with Kiwi, I do feel like you're treating me poorly in this topic. I guess the report thing then is useless and I'll never report anyone anymore, I'll try making formal reports on the forums. 


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Nobody is treating you poorly here.


Probably an administrator was around looking at someone else and he saw someone writing in chat "idiot" -> kick (insulting=against rules). Just because an admin is near that doesn't mean he's looking at you only, he may be there for another report and can't know what's happening many meters away, we can't read up minds yet.


On top of that it doesn't matter what happened, insulting is against the rules and therefore a punishable offence. If someone rams me and I ram him back for "revenge" we both get banned. There's no such thing as revenge here, there's just a "reporter" and a "reported".


Of course sysgen didn't mean to be offensive, but you've got to understand that we put many hours of our free time in this mod, trying to help the community and so on.

Immediately receiving negative feedback after driving once or twice in one road (well known road and where many admins recommend not to drive there) or in the whole server, without considering what we're doing and making it look like we're minding our own business looking only at stuff we want to hear, is surely something we're not happy to see.


Constructive criticism is always welcome here, but judging all the administration team by a one hour drive on one road is something that we can't take as constructive, or better: we don't like being judged on such a small experience with our mod, since many other players could prove you wrong having seen what we do and how big is our interest to help the community

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56 minutes ago, marco6158 said:

Nobody is treating you poorly here.


Probably an administrator was around looking at someone else and he saw someone writing in chat "idiot" -> kick (insulting=against rules). Just because an admin is near that doesn't mean he's looking at you only, he may be there for another report and can't know what's happening many meters away, we can't read up minds yet.


On top of that it doesn't matter what happened, insulting is against the rules and therefore a punishable offence. If someone rams me and I ram him back for "revenge" we both get banned. There's no such thing as revenge here, there's just a "reporter" and a "reported".


Of course sysgen didn't mean to be offensive, but you've got to understand that we put many hours of our free time in this mod, trying to help the community and so on.

Immediately receiving negative feedback after driving once or twice in one road (well known road and where many admins recommend not to drive there) or in the whole server, without considering what we're doing and making it look like we're minding our own business looking only at stuff we want to hear, is surely something we're not happy to see.


Constructive criticism is always welcome here, but judging all the administration team by a one hour drive on one road is something that we can't take as constructive, or better: we don't like being judged on such a small experience with our mod, since many other players could prove you wrong having seen what we do and how big is our interest to help the community

I guess I'm just always at the wrong place at the wrong time? Sorry, I only have 30 hours in the game and I always have "dictatorial" tendencies. I always try to command everyone else. Someone set this to solved or something.


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Hey mate, let's all have fun instead of turning this into a sensitive subject. Not happy about the experience on that famous and infamous road? There's plenty of roads elsewhere to use. Keep following the rules and everything will be fine! :)

Admins worked very hard to earn their title. We all have to understand that we are all humans at the end of the line. I know that sometimes we lack patience, I do too sometimes, but I try not to "react" directly when I meet a troll for example. I made mistakes before, and I got kicked once for overtaking a convoy... because there was a bunch of people stopping on the side of the road getting back... Nonetheless, let's just take it easy and don't overreact on little things.


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