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Reallow/edit - Cow trailer Mod

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Suggestion Name:  Re-allow or edit cow trailer mod
Suggestion Description: This cow trailer mod used to be one of the allowed mods (still is on the allowed mods list) http://mods.wotmp.com/mod/inek-tasiyici-treyler.html  My suggestion is that this mod be allowed back into the game or if not possible edit the mod by putting the cows on a different base game trailer (the one that diggers, tractors etc go on)
Any example images: TWPOcR1.png
Maybe the cows could be placed on one of these trailers instead - FRehphI.pngJM11XBO.png
Why should it be added?: Its a brilliant and pretty comical trailer and adds a bit of fun/shock/comical to mp, it used to be on the allowed mod list so surely it can or a similar version be in mp again. Its also something different that you wouldn't see much of in mp. (It would be a real shame to not see that funny cow trailer around in mp anymore)
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7 hours ago, DiegoLBC1 said:

^ Never caused this before...


just because it didn't happen before, doesn't mean to say it wont happen now since the new trailer updates with the realistic Fifth wheel and King Pin.


But still, what is the point of having these sorts of mods? its ugly looking, its unrealistic and above all else, it can be a FPS hog (as ive noticed in the past when people have used these sorts of trailers, frame rates go from solid 60 to 50 and as soon as theyre out of rendering distance, frames are perfect)

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@Spieker Cars in the cattle transporter - sounds like an interesting trailer :D

I assume the allowed mods would have to be made specifically for mp on a way that they won't cause problems for other players.

10 minutes :o Is it really that/quick simple



Those trailers didn't cause problems before and the only reason this one is no longer allowed is because it has truck wheels on the trailer (I think so anyway).

That's why I'm suggesting to put the cows from the aria trailer onto the trailer in the 3rd pic which is a trailer in the game thats used for loads of different loads


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@DavidOC93 It is interesting :D


It doesn't even change the job list, the files in the job def folder only refer to a modified file. And once you have the modified trailer, you don't need this file anymore because the data of the trailer is stored in the game.sii :D




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