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Exact times for bans


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Suggestion Name: Exact times for bans
Suggestion Description: Basically each ban to have 3 different lenths (example: swearing: 1st ban is 1 day, 2nd is 3 days, 3rd is a week) and also making them so that they respect the current system in use

Any example images: From a Arma 3 Roleplay Community: QqUJ8a8.png

Why should it be added?: Players should know what is the ban times that you can get and not risk themselves to get that ban. It is also a useful thing to see if IGA's respect those ban times when they issue a ban


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How bans are issued

The first 3 bans issued are at admin discretion. The 4th ban is 1 month. The 5th ban is 3 months. The 6th ban is permanent with no chance of undo.

Any bans further than 12 months before the current ban are ignored under this rule. This is considered the cooling off period.



The ban system has recently been changed so...

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and how would they know for how long to ban when they are in game?


later edit: they ban in game for 1 hr or 1 week, and after finishing the in game run search ban history and modify the bans acordingly.

the way it's now it's good.

what you want is a system that when a ban is issued to modify the length accordingly, you can make such a system and give it to them or wait until such system is implemented.

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Bans are issued based on severity of the situation. Reckless driving can be a small thing, or if done at europoort, it can be a huge issue, for example.


That's why we leave it to admin discretion to a certain extent. Durations are reviewed and sometimes changed after the person has been banned to make sure the punishment is fair.


It has also been rejected before, so rejected.

HumaneWolf - Website - Twitter - GitHub



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