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About legocube

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  1. i downloaded this tool, edit my save game, tried it with the manual save but it didn't work, but with the autosave it worked just fine(gave myself money and level) it gave me an error, hit ignore and modified what i wanted and it saved it and it worked when i was checking in game. i'm using the latest ets2 version hope this helps others who try to use this. yes i had also that warning with the 61 version... continue loading
  2. contul nu se sterge(posibil sa ceri sa-l dezactiveze, cred).
  3. ce update de windows, de drivere de retea si alte ....? nu mai scrieti tampenii. in primul rand: - ai cel putin 2 ore jucate? - ai pus in steam profilul pe public sa poata verifica sistemul ca ai jocul? - ai cel putin 1 camion cumparat? citeste si asta
  4. ^not gonna happen anytime soon
  5. so it seems that right now there is no way to launch mp(having in steam the -homedir option is ignored) without moving back the ets 2 folder with the profiles back to Documents folder. thanks. this can be closed
  6. i tried to launch the mp today and for some weeks i moved the "Documents" ets 2 folder onto where i installed the game(and set the -homedir option in steam(seems not to cause some lag spikes that i have)). i started the mp and it want's the Documents path... any options or ideas to not have to move the folder again(have some big mods in there and don't want to take space from my windows drive).
  7. sounds good, one thing: no Ai traffic is possible due to game engine(if game engine( was like let's say the one that GTA has, then you could have Ai traffic also).
  8. lights working fine with version(for me at least)
  9. this idea.... don't want to insult you(OP) but you(kinda)deserve it for a number of reasons. i can compare this to racism. as a "potato" PC user that will upgrade to a better pc(a little, but better) i stay away from Rotterdam and now Calais Duisburg roads where i know i'll get 2 fps(yeah 2), i just take other routes that i know are free and can enjoy the mp(if i run into a convoy i stop and let them go) want not to lag? here is a solution for YOU and all those that complain about other's lag: here are some parts from the top of my head 1)motherboard: asus z-170(don't matter version) ~ 160 euro with shipping 2) let's say 16 GB of DDR4 ~ 100 euro 3) video card: gtx 1050ti ~ 160? euro 4) ssd: 240GB ~ 100 euro 5)power supply ~600W ~ 80 euro feel free to donate me these(you're loaded, right? and i won't lag anymore(not that bad anyway). Oh, and not to forget, the total of these in some countries is about 2 paychecks.
  10. Schwarzmuller Trailer DLC is already released. if you mean the mp client to support this dlc that is a totally other mater.
  11. trailer dlc. deactivate it and it will be good
  12. NEVER disable firewall the client doesn't support the new trailer dlc, if you have it disable it in steam
  13. isn't the radio just like the quick save option, lags for a sec if you push the button?
  14. fun thing would be to make it happen for a few days. the rage that will come with it would be hilarious(first from the people wanting this and after the rest of us).
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