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Speed limitation as punishment for swearing.


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Suggestion Name: Speed limitation for bad players that swear as punishment.

Suggestion Description:the speed could be set by admin maybe or be a preset that cannot be changed and be used on those that would swear .Now i don't know if there is a Gag command but this could stop people from swearing and getting more negative that it would already be(about the fact that they know this exists at least) .


Any example images: it doesn't need such thing.


Why should it be added?: would make them think twice , you know ? is not fun to drive on highway with 60 km/h or something like that.

Just sayin'.

"The true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"



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So let me get this straight... a speed limitation... on an already existing speed limitation? What is this? Speed-limitception? And for using bad words in chat? I'm sorry but this is just silly. Plus it would certainly require a lot of coding. A big waste of time for something so small. I don't like cursing and bad words myself, but this kind of thing is mostly insignificant. Kick/ban is waaaaaaaaaaaaay more effective if the offense is bad enough to require action from the staff.



1- The developers already stated several times before that changes in the speed limiter, although possible, are very complicated to do and would take a bunch of time that would be more well-spent on building/improving the mod itself so no, they are never going to do it;

2- Swearing is something so tiny that does not even deserve the attention of admins. The time they'd spend on moderating every single word that is said by the over 2500 players in the chat every single day would be better spent dealing with the thousands of reports they already have. Rammers, griefers/trolls, blockers, etc. It all is way more important. If something said in the chat is grave enough to require admin action, then a kick or ban would, as I already stated above, be much more effective.


With all taken into consideration, bother with this kind of thing would be just a huge waste of time and resources.






Even better... try a 310 HP Iveco with a 25 ton trailer.

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Some people should really get a license before even thinking about buying Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator. Drive safely, folks!



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:D it was just a suggestion i'm glad to see feedback , i understand it is complicated and it can't be done anyway i wasn't thinking that anyone would waste time with this since there are enough and more efficient ways to deal with bad guyz , but this just came through my mind and i said to myself why not post it here :)

"The true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"



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well , it would descrease the chances at least , for some ... man as i said it just came through my mind it isn't like it's eficient or something .(or good) but someone could expand it maybe maybe it would give a idea to someone else idk(that's how i got this idea)

"The true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"



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-1 sorry, however I can identify with the need to have some kind of 'punishment' this will indeed just lead to people trolling holding up traffic with their slowed down trucks and as far as the swearing goes it doesn't really prevent them from typing "Damn f&cking slow truck" in chat again. Only puts fuel on the fire + gives extra danger to quicker traffic.

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I use 1844 , with 410 HP , I ofcourse can not speed up like a Mercedes-Benz S series car... like I can not IRL too, not sure why you guys imagine "slow" traffic in highways causing accidents, due to lag/sync issues, opposite actually does... I rarely go over 70 km/h when I'm towing 20+ tons of load... Sorry to play it as a simulator...

"Trucking is like love... Only newbies go fast and end up early


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