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[Warning] Teamspeak Exploit


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Just a heads up, Not trying to put fear into anyone but I know the Teamspeak is very popular


There is a major exploit at the moment which allows files to automatically be downloaded to your PC and executed.
Hopefully you can understand how serious this is. I know plenty of people use TS daily so this is just a general warning.



More info here: 




For those who don't know how bad this is, A common form of malware, RAT (Remote Admin Tool) is a small file usually disguised as a friendly program, and encrypted to make it undetectable by Antivirus's, which if opened gives the sender 100% Control over your PC, gives them a log of your passwords and many more. 

Keep TS updated. 


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I downloaded ts but ugh it's worst then trying to figure out handbrake -.-

The layout is just a mess... besides I don't care about my major passwords they all have secondary security functions not on my computer, they would literally have to steal my ip upload my session id's, computer information, and gain access to my phone...

I rarely plug my phone into the computer next to charging and it has a pin which prevents auto mount, plus half my cables won't mount the device anyways and just charge it XD

Want my passwords hackers? Sure here yea go, but I'm no easy meal ticket, more like a goto jail pass XD

Signature removed by a wondering ghost


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That article was hilarious... I'm safe 100% or if a hacker took the challenge it would take far too long and they would get less than minimum wage for the outcome even if I left them for 6 weeks afterwards ;)

Note: I'm not hating on her or women, just him.

Where he went wrong:

1: marrying a female who he could outwit most likely every time.

2: Not teaching the basics of computer security to said person.

3: Not telling her that you told hackers to try to destroy their lives...

What the article taught me:

1: don't permit others to access your own personal email (duh), even your spouse, esp if they are not computer savvy

2: my requirements for female companionship is at least the basis that all men should use, but they don't (females have to outwit you min 50% of the time)

3: Forbes sucks at naming articles... it should of been "marriage test, see if I can get hackers to hack my wife (not life)"

In any case both should mutually agree to end the relationship. She shouldn't trust him and he can't trust her with internet security. Plus now hackers think they are ready bait...

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