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Look at the sides of the Volvo logo! :)


YUP! more and more trucks nowadays are adding these LED beacons, so their visibility is higher, same as new police cars, new ambulances... LED beacons! :D

Thanks for the pic! :)



I like the idea, very subtle, but adds a lot.


Yeah, it does :)  Thanks for your comment!

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Look at the sides of the Volvo logo! :)

Off topic but dam that pic just made me want a 8 wheeler truck mod for MP. That would be sweet! I also agree with Haulvoc above.

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Retired ets2mp trucker, cya all elsewhere. B)

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No, it won´t cause lag as it don´t have any reflections.

@FlyingDutchman, you can just remove those coulors ;)

if you want to remove the other coloured beacons youll need to edit the code of the mod and that will be breaking the license unless there is a agreement between the mod author  and the mp team


if you want to remove the other coloured beacons youll need to edit the code of the mod and that will be breaking the license unless there is a agreement between the mod author  and the mp team


v1.0 doesn't include coloured beacons, just amber ones


Anyway, I think BigT would be ok about using his mod on MP, while we keep his name on the mod. He shared this mod with everyone who wanted to download it and use it. I think that while we say "BigT made these beacons", he will be ok.. but well, maybe a message should be sent to him talking about this.


PD: I've tried to tell this in the most correct way, I hope it's understandable. English is not my first language.



By the way, lately I've seen this on trucks:





Is this related to this mod?


Lights Add-on Mod | MetaltigerSA



Why not doing the same with LED Beacons? If you just enable v1.0 there will be only amber beacons.



While bumping topic daily to the top, Where exactly you didn't grasp from "no mods will be added until beta" ?


You have not read the topic sent you obviously. "This is an addition mod" is not an excuse, "additional" mods are worse than replacements. They look for new files on everyone's systems... SCS changed something in game about modeling next patch, so will mod maker update their mod immidiately, send to MP devs, so we have to wait for that for a release or crash everytime someone using it till next version of mod is released?


PS: That was a rhetorical question, you don't need to answer that...

"Trucking is like love... Only newbies go fast and end up early



that mod only uses the standard lights which are already ingame only thing altered in singleplayer is you can place them wherever you like 


I think they're not standard lights, but anyway... Do you think it could be possible to have this beacons on MP?


And about Metaltiger's light mod, I think it doesn't work for me. I have installed the mod and activated it, but I still can't place headlights or whatever on the lower bar.



Still awaiting a dev response.... It'd be nice to see a mod (like this) get accepted for the simple fact there's really no downside to it. It causes less lag than the default beacons, you could add 10000 beacons on the truck and nothing will happen. They put on the snow mod which essentially added more models therefore anyone that says "no mods are allowed if they require non-vanilla models" is just a hypocrite. 



Still awaiting a dev response.... It'd be nice to see a mod (like this) get accepted for the simple fact there's really no downside to it. It causes less lag than the default beacons, you could add 10000 beacons on the truck and nothing will happen. They put on the snow mod which essentially added more models therefore anyone that says "no mods are allowed if they require non-vanilla models" is just a hypocrite. 


Yeah, it's been 18 days already...



Can someone like forward this to the devs? Please? I haven't gone on ETS2MP in like 2 weeks cause I'm waiting for a reply about this. Would love to see it implemented, and if not, an explanation (detailed) as to why it can't/won't be added (without biased information)

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i put 2 led flash beacon on one of my trucks in single player and when i turned them on i along with the in-game beacons i went from 30fps to 25 fps but i had everything maxed out except for the scaling which i have set at 150% and i wasn't moving



i put 2 led flash beacon on one of my trucks in single player and when i turned them on i along with the in-game beacons i went from 30fps to 25 fps but i had everything maxed out except for the scaling which i have set at 150% and i wasn't moving


How many of those beacons did you have? I believe your issue was the beacons not the LEDS

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This is my first post, hope you like it and consider the idea.


Suggestion Name: Enable LED Flash Beacon mod

Suggestion Description: well, it just have no description, it's just a led beacon

Any example images https://youtu.be/v9UHUT8-w9E




I can use this mode ? Multiplayer   : if  i  use this mode i made problem ?


I can use this mode ? Multiplayer   : if  i  use this mode i made problem ?

You can't use this mod on MP, just because you CAN'T, for now at least. I hope we can use this in the close future.


C'mon guys, let's keep this a nice place ;)

What do you mean by "this"?

If you mean this suggestion... isn't it already? :D

I wouldn't have imagined before that this suggestion would be one of the most viewed and most replied :) hehe


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