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Why has the UTC timestamp been removed from an otherwise actually quite useful piece of the UI?

There's a reason stated but, I think it's just an excuse personally more than anything else. It was a lot easier having the timestamp already listed on the scoreboard rather than having to rely on other things either on the recording itself or in-game.
On another note by the way, I honestly believe that if this previous UI was going to be replaced for any reason. Just simply restyle it instead of full on replacing it. The UI pack for instance I had installed made it look much nicer & simplistic, whereas now it's just in the way all the time.

Personally, the fact that this timestamp was removed from the scoreboard makes me dislike the change, at least add that time feature back in where it dare argue "belongs" in perfectly. This is just one of the changes that's been seen in-game that I dislike.

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Inactive forum account


@Welshy. That used local time to display it in corner of the scoreboard window. That is easily seen if there is similar overlay already active on the same screen, or you have different device showing the current local time next to main screen, such as smartphone, or similar. 


If you want to ask anywhere on forums whenever 32-bit version of MP will be supported in future, try to start GTA V on your 32-bit machine before checking game's system requirements.

Instead of quoting the post above, use the ^ character. The character is actually pointing to the post above.

How to fix sudden steering issue on your USB steering wheel


Please add the date and time back and make it resizeable without the chat, because holy macaroni, it is massive, and if I make it smaller my chat becames unreadable.

  • Upvote 2

Ghost Express

~Driver: 2023 August - September~

~Human Resources: 2023 September - xxxx.xx.xx~

~Recruitment Manager: 2023 October - xxxx.xx.xx~

~Driver of the month 2023 september~

~Staff of the month 2023 december~

 ~Driver of the month 2nd place 2024 october~


You can't catch what you can't see!


Considerably worse than the old one in every way. The panel is way too big, the fonts are way too big, even with the scale set to it's minimum it takes up twice the screen size of the old one while only able to show 2 or 3 usernames. I'm guessing this was never even tested on a high resolution display... the scale slider should go way, way smaller for this to even be useable at resolutions above 1080p.

  • Upvote 3

Old Panel: On the left of the screen, doesn't obstruct the player's vision, works perfectly fine. 


New Panel: In the middle of the screen with very low opacity and therefore almost completely blocks player's vision, adds nothing new to the game, its exactly the same thing. No option to increase the opacity, move the panel to another part of the screen or reduce the size. 


Do i really need to spell it out for you? Completely unnecessary change, easily in the top 5 of worst changes in the history of TMP...Revert it back asap. 


Edit: They just added the option to change opacity and size as i was typing the above. Reducing the opacity caused the game to hang and i had to ALT-F4 out. Such inconvinience for no reason, the old panel was totally fine. 

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Thoughts on new player scoreboard? My opinions, it’s a little Bulky! You can only change the Height. I’d personally like a toggle to remove the Mute player icon as i have CB turned off so them icons are useless. Also the Area above where the first name is, is too bulky and not needed. It looks nice, just to big and comes out to wide for my liking with no way to make it more compact. Also you could remove the Report icon next to each player and simply introduce double clicking a user name to bring up the report section. 

Edit: if you right click anyones name it comes up with the options such as mute that player or report that player, so with this option you don’t even need the mute/report icons next to each player. 

  • Upvote 1
2 hours ago, Luna said:



Regarding the date and time, we understand it used to be helpful when filing web reports. Please remember that we just ask for a rough indication such as date and morning/evening; the exact time is not needed. 

You can also always refer to the time on your computer or the time the video file was saved. /time also exists if you definitely want to have it on video.


I hope this helps!

The date & Time took up no space, yet its very useful to quickly glance over and know what the time is (because you may have to log off at a certain time or you might just want to know what the time is). It’s okay saying you can use /time but again this is just making people have to type while driving which can easily lead to being distracted for a split second and then we all know what happened…

  • True Story 1



Hello, I have a problem with the new one Player panel. This does not take over the right position in the settings despite saving. After restarting, the player panel is back in the middle of the screen instead of at the top right. What else can I do?


Gruß Dickie86


If you Press Y and have chat open, you have a message ready to post, but you sot there for several minutes waiting to press Enter to plst the message, when you post the message (maybe after 5 minutes) it doesn’t post and freezes. You have to press Esc to close chat, then Y to reopen it and then you can post the message. 

This is more an issue if you are Control Control anywhere, and you have placed your message into the chat and you are waiting to send it.. after so long of waiting, it wont send but if you send message in first few minutes, its fine

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