I would love to participate but I'm not available on Sundays after 4:00 p.m. PST so I wouldn't be able to participate on the second day even if I qualify
its to wide i can make it as short as i want it but it locks width at to wide
i prefer the old one over this it both looked better and was a better size for when i need to open it on the move
Lights are required to be on at night time for a reason I don't see any reason why anyone should be allowed to drive their vehicle in the night without lights on however I do believe the time that we should be forced to switch lights on should be moved further back until more darker out
that must be from my old VTC i dident even know that old tracker was still in this pc thanks ill hunt it down and update you if it fixed it
i also went to the site and shutoff tracking data there
nope still crashed from what i can tell old ver files never where removed when i switched back to the normal ver of the game im going to try reinstalling the game
i tryed that before i came here
i have read https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/93045-game-crash-after-delivery/
however i dont know what "regedit" is. my only work around is starting the game up right after the crash and it will turn in the cargo but it crashes on the next one just like before
im a retuning player on a new pc due to my old one breaking down from old age
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