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Charge €1 to make a report via the website


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Suggestion Name: Charge €1 to make a report via the website

Suggestion Description: To make a report via the website, you must pay €1 for each report made.


Why it should be added: 

Ladies and gentlemen, I present my brilliant idea to reduce toxicity and the "report culture" in this game.


Charging €1 per web report will massively reduce the amount of frivolous reports, such as where someone who drives down C-D for the sole purpose of reporting people and clipping every tiny infraction of the rules regardless if they were personally affected by it.

Not only that, but it ensures the future of TruckersMP by providing a great source of income.


This proposed fee will therefore create a good balance between the genuine need to create a report, whilst also discouraging misuse.

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That is not smart idea. 


Dont get why some of people can't wait for moderators or admins to check your report ticket, and wait their turn when its time. If some players are cancerous, you know the staff team will always deal with them.


Not everyone has a bucks for paying for report tickets.


Happy trucking and safe roads! 🚚

CEO of Teapot Logistics International company from Hamburg's Kleiner Grasbrook hafen:


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Just now, K4XN said:

Imagine some users don't have an extra 1 EUR to pay to make a report.

So these users would have live with the griefing / harrasing "players"?


I'll get your point but this is like "The Englishman" said a stupid idea.


This is not about punishing people by making them fork out €1 for a report. It's more about placing value on it.

If what the player did is so bad that it warrants the €1 payment, then it's probably a high quality report. If not, then it's a report that shouldn't be made.


And to be completely frank, if you don't have the €1 for it then your time will probably be better spent earning €1 rather than clipping, trimming, uploading and writing reports out.

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2 minutes ago, Nina_Cortex2922 said:

That is not smart idea. 


Dont get why some of people can't wait for moderators or admins to check your report ticket, and wait their turn when its time. If some players are cancerous, you know the staff team will always deal with them.


Not everyone has a bucks for paying for report tickets.


Happy trucking and safe roads! 🚚


I'm not complaining about the time it takes to review a report. I have actually never reported anyone.

This is more about discouraging serial reporters who use the reporting system as a tool for toxicity, or those who are a 3rd party to an incident. 

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7 minutes ago, Vaults said:


This is not about punishing people by making them fork out €1 for a report. It's more about placing value on it.

If what the player did is so bad that it warrants the €1 payment, then it's probably a high quality report. If not, then it's a report that shouldn't be made.


And to be completely frank, if you don't have the €1 for it then your time will probably be better spent earning €1 rather than clipping, trimming, uploading and writing reports out.

I get the message but the way to handle this is very wrong.
Like Nina_Cortex2922 and I said: Not everybody *CAN* spend extra money on something.


Imagine yourself in this situation: You drive on Sim#1, some guys drive multiple times intentionally into you (and follow you to grief) and nobody gonna web-report them because it costs.

You can't spend a extra dime to do the web-report... Whats the end of the story?
Long story short: You are upset / sad because you can't report this invidual because it costs money (that you don't have) and have to deal with them ingame..



1 minute ago, Vaults said:


I'm not complaining about the time it takes to review a report. I have actually never reported anyone.

This is more about discouraging serial reporters who use the reporting system as a tool for toxicity, or those who are a 3rd party to an incident. 

Even if someone reports "3rd party to an incident" thing , TMP has rules.

And if I can't record or haven't a video, why not to ask someone?


IF all players would obey the rules, the report-system shouldn't be loaded at all.

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18 minutes ago, K4XN said:

I get the message but the way to handle this is very wrong.
Like Nina_Cortex2922 and I said: Not everybody *CAN* spend extra money on something.


Imagine yourself in this situation: You drive on Sim#1, some guys drive multiple times intentionally into you (and follow you to grief) and nobody gonna web-report them because it costs.

You can't spend a extra dime to do the web-report... Whats the end of the story?
Long story short: You are upset / sad because you can't report this invidual because it costs money (that you don't have) and have to deal with them ingame..


I think that actually highlights 2 completely different issues rather than this idea being flawed:


1. If your in-game report isn't answered, then there should probably be more in-game moderators. A shift towards prioritising action in-game rather than relying on clips would be healthier for the game in general. The "rec" culture is seriously toxic, and it just turns the in-game chat into a pretty much useless feature.

When you report someone after an incident has happened, then it's already no longer affecting you. If someone who is intentionally blocking the road gets kicked instantly, then that would be a much better outcome rather than them getting banned after. The fact that the web reporting system can only lead to bans as a punishment is a fundamental flaw and can lead to less serious incidents being punished.


2. You're also forgoing the need to take personal responsibility. If someone has rammed into you 5 times and is following you, then just do /disconnect and rejoin. You are not taking action to avoid conflict but rather keeping yourself in a poor situation.




Even if someone reports "3rd party to an incident" thing , TMP has rules.


Because when you are 3rd party to an incident, i.e you're just looking on a few metres behind, you are making a decision for someone else. It could be a completely innocent mistake and the people actually involved chose not to report each other, because they didn't want each other to get banned yet someone else did. 



And if I can't record or haven't a video, why not to ask someone?


I think if you aren't recording but really want to report someone, then it's a lesson learnt to setup your recording software for next time.



IF all players would obey the rules, the report-system shouldn't be loaded at all.


That is true but not something that will ever happen both in-game nor in real life. I should note that people generally always obey the rules outside of C-D, so it's worth considering not driving in congested areas if you want a better experience.

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7 minutes ago, Vaults said:

Because when you are 3rd party to an incident, i.e you're just looking on a few metres behind, you lack the context into what happened. It could be a completely innocent mistake and the people actually involved chose not to report each other, because they didn't want each other to get banned yet someone else did.


Someone who speak my language..👍


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15 minutes ago, Vaults said:


I think that actually highlights 2 completely different issues rather than this idea being flawed:


1. If your in-game report isn't answered, then there should probably be more in-game moderators. A shift towards prioritising action in-game rather than relying on clips would be healthier for the game in general. The "rec" culture is seriously toxic, and it just turns the in-game chat into a pretty much useless feature.

When you report someone after an incident has happened, then it's already no longer affecting you. If someone who is intentionally blocking the road gets kicked instantly, then that would be a much better outcome rather than them getting banned after. The fact that the web reporting system can only lead to bans as a punishment is a fundamental flaw and can lead to less serious incidents being punished.


2. You're also forgoing the need to take personal responsibility. If someone has rammed into you 5 times and is following you, then just do /disconnect and rejoin. You are not taking action to avoid conflict but rather keeping yourself in a poor situation.




Because when you are 3rd party to an incident, i.e you're just looking on a few metres behind, you lack the context into what happened. It could be a completely innocent mistake and the people actually involved chose not to report each other, because they didn't want each other to get banned yet someone else did.



I think if you aren't recording but really want to report someone, then it's a lesson learnt to setup your recording software for next time.



That is true but not something that will ever happen both in-game nor in real life. I should note that people generally always obey the rules outside of C-D, so it's worth considering not driving in congested areas if you want a better experience.

1) Most of these comments are stupid, like in CS "Cyka rush b". A chat will never be toxic-free. Most of the users who rammed into me said instantly "rec" - THEY DROVE INTO ME.

2) I have to disconnect to play in a civilized-manner? Never. A guy has been following me for 4 full days. It's not my responsbility to avoid the follower.

3) Wrong: Imagine some bad computers who can't record, this means you're screwed always?!

3.5) Thats why a videoclip should not be a "15 second" clip. The clip must have context to it.

4) True in RL aswell in TMP, some don't obey rules.


The trained report-moderators make his/her decision based on that evidence.

Most of the time you can't get banned because you did something that is an kick worth (natually some have records on their accounts and based on that...)



6 minutes ago, L-DR@GO said:


Someone who speak my language..👍


IF the occupant "tricks" to ram me and rammed behind me, there is your context.


We talk about a lot about what-if's.


Long story short: This idea dosn't add a value to tmp, neither helps it

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10 minutes ago, Bhagyesh said:

This is a stupid idea tbh , imagine a person ruins your drive intentionally , he has full right to report against him , why should he be costed €1,its not his mistake,and also if nobody gonna report him he will end up ruining other's game too some other day. 


As I mentioned above, this is about placing value on the need to report whoever that was. If you feel that it affected you so much that the €1 is justified, then it would obviously be a high-quality report right?

But, if you managed to just keep driving, barely took any damage, then it's probably not worth it.


Placing an actual price on a report creates the need to judge the value of it.


On a side note, it's interesting that no one has considered the fact that in-game reports would remain free.


For a real life example, Switzerland actually doesn't allow drivers to submit dashcam videos of poor driving and dashcam footage is usually ignored as evidence in court cases.

This is because they want to leave the policing of the roads to the police and not random people with the ability to record.


I think it's a good model to partially implement in TMP. Leave the moderating to the moderators, whilst ensuring the web reports that are received are of high quality by charging €1 to create it. I obviously do recognise the need to have the web reporting system, but I feel that it is being overused for extremely trivial incidents.


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55 minutes ago, K4XN said:

IF the occupant "tricks" to ram me and rammed behind me, there is your context.


We talk about a lot about what-if's.


Long story short: This idea dosn't add a value to tmp, neither helps it


Do trolls select a particular kind of people they ram 🤔



Sometimes the problems starts from vtc's you've joined and left.

Then u start having stuckers on the way 😃

Sometimes you try to be rude and get another driver angry

Sometimes you try to be smart

Sometimes you insult drivers on the way 

"And some gamers need anger issue management"


And most of you take this game/simulation way too serious you forget it's just a game.


And irl is not perfect either


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The Report System isn't Pay 2 Win. It would only increase the report load after exceeding the 10 cap. It's currently standing on Heavy. This also favors those who have disposable income and is encouraging multiple witnesses to report the same offender.


Do us all a favor and drive in empty parts of the map away from CD. No reports to worry about.

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I don't like those people who only play to drive up and down the same road recording and reporting. But if you are worried about them, the solution is simple: drive somewhere else, there's a lot of map and other servers. When someone complains about the toxic players who are continuously breaking the rules on the C-D road, that's what everyone else give them: "Go away from the C-D area".


I can see how this "suggestion" could be helpful to lower the "rec/rep" toxicity, but I also see that it would be even more helpful to raise the "F*** the rules" toxicity.


And as a joke, it's not bad, actually 🤣 (December 28th is in Latin countries like "April fools day" in other countries).

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The suggestion has no practical effect, as there exists a substantial number of disruptive individuals on the TMP platform, necessitating frequent reporting. However, if each report incurs a fee of 1 euro, it would entail a considerable financial burden to pay tens or even hundreds of euros annually on the TMP alone. This expense cannot be overlooked. Would you be willing to remit 1 euro for reporting an imprudent driver? The majority of individuals are unlikely to bear this cost, particularly those facing dire financial circumstances. Consequently, they would remain vulnerable to incessant harassment from trolls without any recourse.

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1 hour ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

I don't like those people who only play to drive up and down the same road recording and reporting. But if you are worried about them, the solution is simple: drive somewhere else, there's a lot of map and other servers. When someone complains about the toxic players who are continuously breaking the rules on the C-D road, that's what everyone else give them: "Go away from the C-D area".


I can see how this "suggestion" could be helpful to lower the "rec/rep" toxicity, but I also see that it would be even more helpful to raise the "F*** the rules" toxicity.


And as a joke, it's not bad, actually 🤣 (December 28th is in Latin countries like "April fools day" in other countries).


Unfortunately it doesnt matter where you drive on the Map. I got trolled and taunted by 2 Guys for longer than 15 minutes near Rostock, the Moderators will like the Video! Even the Single Player is not Safe, there you got trolled by AI ! 😄

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21 hours ago, Vaults said:

Suggestion Name: Charge €1 to make a report via the website

Suggestion Description: To make a report via the website, you must pay €1 for each report made.


Why it should be added: 

Ladies and gentlemen, I present my brilliant idea to reduce toxicity and the "report culture" in this game.


Charging €1 per web report will massively reduce the amount of frivolous reports, such as where someone who drives down C-D for the sole purpose of reporting people and clipping every tiny infraction of the rules regardless if they were personally affected by it.

Not only that, but it ensures the future of TruckersMP by providing a great source of income.


This proposed fee will therefore create a good balance between the genuine need to create a report, whilst also discouraging misuse.


This Idea would not help at all.

On the contrary.

If you charge money to use the report system, people that are not able to spend money on TMP or are not able to link their bank or whatever are then not able to report users efficiently (bc lets be honest, the In-Game Reports rarely have any effect).

That means that it would be even easier for trollers to stay undetected and unpunished. 

Also, why would you punish a player by charging him money, because he wants to report someone for breaking the rules?


I think that the path TMP has chosen by limiting the max amount of reports and also reducing the time a report stays, is already a good way to shield off a lot of useless reports.

You will never be able to completely avoid useless reports and you will never completely get rid of the "report culture" you talk about. But I think that TMP is taking a step into the right direction.


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