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The Forum rules,


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On the subject of profanity its called there are young kids on this forum and game and i dont think their parents would be too happy to sit down and look at this forum and find it full of people dropping the F word left and right because the think its cool also why does profanity need to be used im sure there are many more educated ways that saying the F word a dozen time to express your anger.

The game is rated 3+ (wtf, 3? Seriously...), the internet is for 13+, however with current idiocracy (love the example, and I now have to watch it...). I learned the words f b s (multiple versions of b/s including together) p (18+) around 5-10. Hell first 18+ material I saw was at the age of 6-8... 99% of the forums and websites state in their agreements that their site is for 13+ any younger and w/o parental consent you could get your account removed if found.

While I rarely swear in real life (take my online swearing divide it by ten and that's my avg over the same period.)

However if I think swearing will get the point across better I will. Why? Morons (general public) open their minds the second you swear at them, esp if they messed up... stupid but true.

But if they actually used a "real" forum software application like (omg can't use free, it haz 2 b trash) SMF they could just click a checkbox to disable words they don't want used on the forums and choose how to display them. They also could allow users to disable that feature in their profile if they want to permit that.

Also smf warns if a new post has been made before you post it making you look less like a idiot because of expensive poor coding...

When we wrote the rules it was to stop useless spam on the forums. Basically by using the full quote box it takes up a large amount of space and it is just something that isn't needed, using ^ or something else is enough to get your point across.

I prefer @op @user if I can avoid quoting or if I'm too lazy to quote lol I find the ^ idea annoying esp on the phone...

XKCD explains this better than I can:


Also, while internet is free and open. You are still accountable for your words within your country. Basically if the site wants to stay accessible in said country and one user breaks the law on their forum (say plotting to do terrorist activities). The owner of the site would have to cooperate with the government body. Also if their country has international agreements with said country the owner could face legal/criminal issues.

Another issue is server location. You (site owner) have to abide by the laws in that country too. 2 great examples are tpb and wikileak.

So a good example would be for here (using the example given above)

Say it happened towards the US government and they find out before it gets removed, or gets reported to them by a user/staff member. Let's say the current dev (as a example) is outside of U.S. agreements with other countries and refuses to corporate. The USA will contact the domain registrar (if information is not public) find the server ip location etc. Contact the provider (if within public relations/agreements), to gain access to the server files along with possible shutdown. The provider at their own discretion after cooperating (most will regardless of server location, as no-one wants to be black listed by the U.S.A.) shut down server and keep all funds.

USA will eventually find the user via their ip (all forum software logs ip's) and arrest said user.

Basically freedom of speech still has limits but if you want to try using it for the world to see, go ahead... just don't blame us if you land in jail or (depending where you live) deported and/or face death row... trust me in this, if you commit a crime and you are to serve it in that country, your country will deport you as long as various things are agreed upon (but not necessarily upheld, except execution where applicable, aka you could be shipped out to die)

Signature removed by a wondering ghost


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