(TT VTC) ThatGuyBrian Posted August 1, 2023 Report Posted August 1, 2023 Suggestion Name: More player tag live data options Suggestion Description: Adding the option to show the live distance and speed of the truck in front of you beside the live player ping feature under the player's name. Any example images: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15wH1xEdbHaUKsGIvhwUDNcOqPTRU_Rwj/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YC2jAh5SMYIQ09JS-Zc2ihjZMULX7XhO/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DFyt5MIEUDT9K_Ih7JJBwAJdrboek-xp/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/13qlEkHMmxYbNw6RyEFGfEVod1wSf04lJ/view?usp=sharing (Imgur was overcapacity and refused me access so hope google drive will be alright) Why should it be added?: When attending significant events the typical unwritten rule is to keep 100-150metres between you and the truck in front, at least that's what we stick by in the VTC aspect of things, to try and keep this distance you'd typically have to keep the tab menu open for the entire convoy, I believe by adding the live distance feature to the name tag itself it will make the overall convoy experience better, as for the live speed feature it could also aid those who can't tell what the trucks in front are doing, by having their speed above the players truck it will give a good indication to the pov vehicle what speed they should be going to keep a decent stable gap, it could also be used to help prove evidence in a reporting scenario, say speed was the critical factor but you needed a for sure way to prove that they were going excessively fast for the scenario. 2
Sunstrider Posted August 2, 2023 Report Posted August 2, 2023 I wouldn't mind seeing the ping displayed on their name. However, When you have multiple trucks lined up, it overlaps and is hard to see unless the camera isolates the player's name you want to see. Otherwise, it's just a tool to help reckless players know who's lagging and what speed they need to go.
Interstate Nomad Posted August 2, 2023 Report Posted August 2, 2023 Depending on the number of players, the calculation of the values and the display of all these features could have a significant negative impact on the performance. Furthermore, it can make it difficult or worse to see what is happening on the road. As a rule of thumb, your distance to a vehicle in front of you should be half of your speed in meters. For example, if you drive at 80 km/h, the distance shoud be 80/2 = 40 meters. In many European countries, you will find reflector post along the road, which usually have a distance of 50 meters to each other and can be used to estimate your distance. Another way is to use the three-second-rule. If the vehicle in front of you passes a certain landmark, you start counting. If you pass the landmark under three seconds, you're following too close and should get more time (=distance) to the vehicle in front of you. 1
kocalparslan97 Posted August 2, 2023 Report Posted August 2, 2023 Dear @(TT VTC) ThatGuyBrian, Thank you for sharing with us your suggestion about adding more gamertag live data options. Thank you for your thoughtful idea and your effort to provide sample pictures for better visualization. The current live player ping feature under the player's name, as well as the suggestion to show the live distance and speed of the truck in front of you, is really interesting. We understand the importance of maintaining safe distances during important events and convoys, and the feature you suggest can greatly improve the overall convoy experience. Having the live distance feature directly on the name tag eliminates the need to constantly switch to the tab menu, allowing drivers to focus more on the road and convoy coordination. This convenience can lead to a smoother and more organized convoy, especially for Virtual Trucking Companies (VTCs) that follow strict guidelines to maintain distance and coordination. In October, the live speed feature can be very useful for drivers who have difficulty assessing the speed of the trucks in front of them. Providing this information directly on top of the player's truck can help maintain a stable and safe space, contributing to a more harmonious convoy experience. Moreover, the inclusion of these live data options can serve as valuable evidence in reporting scenarios, especially in cases where speed is a critical factor. Having a clear record of live speed can help resolve disputes and ensure a fair reporting process. Safe driving and happy trucking! AlparslanK Karakteriniz düzgün olsun ki gerisini hallederiz.. My first condition is that your character is not broken... AlparslanK
Sinyordess. Posted August 2, 2023 Report Posted August 2, 2023 It may sound logical but the current system is no different, you can see the same features only from the tab view but it will be simpler.
Emirhan37 Posted August 2, 2023 Report Posted August 2, 2023 Hello @(TT VTC) ThatGuyBrian, First of all, thank you for taking the time to make suggestions, I think this would be very nice assuming it was added as a new setting.I hope your suggestion will be added to the game. 2 Kind Regards, Emirhan37, Experienced Driver for Prime Logistics, Veteran Driver IV, Forum Profile - Steam - TruckersMP Profile Unsure on the rules? | Reporting someone? | Need to appeal a ban?
Kael. Posted August 2, 2023 Report Posted August 2, 2023 Suggestion of showing the speed is something interesting, as it will help you to keep a certain distance from the player in front of you, I think it would be useful to add this feature in the game for players as well. Previous classification.: Idiomas: Português e Inglês | Discórdia: _amexz_ Bem-vindo e boa condução!
Tеddy Posted August 2, 2023 Report Posted August 2, 2023 Hello, @(TT VTC) ThatGuyBrian While the idea sounds good, our screens will be full of text in crowded places I wish you good forums, Kind regards, Mr Teddy Sincerely, Teddy Truckers MP - Community Moderator Create Report | Appeal Ban | Feedback System | Support System | Event Request | Rules | Meet the Team | Recruitment
stari123 Posted August 4, 2023 Report Posted August 4, 2023 I kinda like the idea. And I don't know why the people are complaining about this - This is an "option" - You *can* enable or disable it if you want or not. This is amazing for a convoy to keep enough distance for example.
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