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Too High average ping!



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Ping is related to your location and internet link. The further you are from the server, the higher ping will be. Also, if your internet provider doesn't have good upstream links, it can affect for worse. You should check that while playing, your internet connection is not being used for anything else (if there is something downloading, for instance, your ping will be higher also, as it's the least priority traffic).


Anyway, there are lots of people from Turkey (to say the closest), Russia, even Australia, playing in EU servers with high ping, but not being kicked so often, so I believe there must be something wrong with your internet connection.


Good luck and regards


EDIT: Speedtest has to be used with care... By default, it will test your connection towards the nearest server, so the results won't be of any use to compare. Once in the speedtest web, you'll have to zoom out the map (using the slider on the left or your mouse's wheel), move it so it shows France and then zoom in and choose a server there (I don't know where ETS2MP servers are located exactly but I believe it's in France, I'd try anywhere in Paris, I get 63 ms there and in-game my ping is around 66 ms). That's the result you can use to compare (more or less) with the ping times you get in the game.

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GUYS I will tell you how to fix this! If you have same promblem i will tell you the steps. Go to regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE next SYSTEM next CurrentControlSet next Services next Tcpip next Parameters next Interfaces. in Interfaces you will find some folders. you need to search the DchpIPAddress. if you finded, you will do something. First do right click create and do a value DWORD. Rename it to TcpAckFrequency and do right click in TcpAckFrequency and press modification. you will set the value in 0 to 1 and go to OK. and do again right click again create and again Value DWORD. Rename it to TCPNoDelay and do right click on TCPNoDelay and go again to Modification and set the value 0 to 1 and do again OK and close the regedit and do Restart your computer. When you restart the computer go to the game and play. Will got kick but not offen only seldom. If you have questions tell me


Edited by PursuitGamer6
Warning added


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Ping kicks are nothing unusual for me, because I live in East Australia (New South Wales). When you get a ping kick its because the server your connected to is too far away. You can fix it by just simply using a wired Ethernet network. It's simple to do if you look it up on youtube, and has a much better chance of not getting kicked. Seeing as I'm too lazy :P, I couldn't be bothered to do that so all the Australians and me have to just deal with it :/. One of the most reasons why we ever get kicked.. If not the only

Calhon.jpg AVTC1 Owner - Calhon

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GUYS I will tell you how to fix this! If you have same promblem i will tell you the steps. Go to regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE next SYSTEM next CurrentControlSet next Services next Tcpip next Parameters next Interfaces. in Interfaces you will find some folders. you need to search the DchpIPAddress. if you finded, you will do something. First do right click create and do a value DWORD. Rename it to TcpAckFrequency and do right click in TcpAckFrequency and press modification. you will set the value in 0 to 1 and go to OK. and do again right click again create and again Value DWORD. Rename it to TCPNoDelay and do right click on TCPNoDelay and go again to Modification and set the value 0 to 1 and do again OK and close the regedit and do Restart your computer. When you restart the computer go to the game and play. Will got kick but not offen only seldom. If you have questions tell me


We are not held accountable for any damage this method may have caused. This method is all done under the risk of the user. Regardless of any damages it may have caused, you may not deem the ETS2MP Team responsible for any actions or concerns.



Ken (Lemmonez)

Happy Trucking! :)

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Found this about TCP_NoDelay: http://www.unixguide.net/network/socketfaq/2.16.shtml




TCP_NODELAY is for a specific purpose; to disable the Nagle buffering
algorithm. It should only be set for applications that send frequent
small bursts of information without getting an immediate response,
where timely delivery of data is required (the canonical example is
mouse movements).
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I may try it on a virtual machine tomorrow cos yolo but it does sound dodgy

plz dont tell to him yolo! I will

report this comment Chris! :angry:


I wouldn't recommand above...

what above? what you mean?


The reason i asked him to do a speedtest is to avoid speculations. What if he simply has a 100 kb/s internet connection? Considering TS is from South Greece.. 57% of Greece's population uses the internet.. that is less than Kazakhstan has :blink:

I do a wrong im live in Northen Greece but maybe you have alright because and Northen Greece some people uses internet because today its Monday Easter. btw i will fix the South Greece to Northen. :P


We are not held accountable for any damage this method may have caused. This method is all done under the risk of the user. Regardless of any damages it may have caused, you may not deem the ETS2MP Team responsible for any actions or concerns.



Ken (Lemmonez)

is not a promblem for ETS2MP Team, is in your computer. You have do something to not were get kick.


You need to do this to regedit and make sure you need to found about TcpAckFrequency. And dont forget! Change the value in 0 to set 1 to TcpAckFrequency and TCPNoDelay and make sure needed to be Value DWORD and make sure to restart your computer if you have the promblem :P


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Its because some people call me YOLO! And you do something and thats hates me! You send me a message in my gmail! This is worst ever! Dont do it again! Never!NEVER! and stop tell yolo! Is insult! STOP! This post is a for the "Too high average pinks" not insulting like "yolo" And stop send me a message in My ETS2MP Forum Profile! If you ask me again for this, i will tell admin to ban you for insulting! And stop tell me yolo is not insulting because if you said it, Banned!


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Interesting thread derailment... :D


But anyway apparently the registry fix quoted several posts above does not usually have any effect in Windows 7 or higher, according to a few sources. I did try it out and it's made no *apparent* difference on mine either (Win 7), but luckliy the ping kicks only seem to regularly happen in the evenings at weekends, during week is hardly ever a problem.

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Also Romy, YOLO is not an insult. It means You Only Live Once, so technically you can't even call someone YOLO. Those emails your receiving aswell, that's the ETS2MP automated thing that tells you when some sort of serious activity has taken place for your account.

Oh.. really? ok yet. Sorry Chris. I dont know evrything.


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