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Make a 90 km forced limit server

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Guest muri's

First of all, there are speed limits on the roads that must be followed, and this cannot always be low.It may vary according to the countries, but you can go up to 20% above the appropriate speed limit, this is legal.However, it is very important to follow the speed limit on a busy road and in case of an accident you may not be able to stop because you are over speeding.

Driving at 90 km/h continuously will cause kilometers long traffic and it will be impossible to pass heavy loaded trucks.

A server that can only travel at 90 km/h is a waste of time.


King Regards,


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Personally,Limiting the speed to 90 does not necessarily reduce accidents.

On busy roads, drivers should maintain distance and pay attention to traffic light.

In addition, drivers should always be alert, concentrate on driving, and avoid distractions such as using phones or other


These measures can greatly reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents.:truestory:

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3 hours ago, muri's said:

A server that can only travel at 90 km/h is a waste of time.

It would seem that the waste of time and resources was to open/change servers so players can drive at 150 Km/h.


Maybe limiting Simulation 1 at 90 Km/h would be what the speed/racing fans need to start using those servers, that were made for them more than a month ago.


And since the latest change was named "Back to basics", meaning "Back to the times of EU#1 and EU#2", it would make more sense, because EU#1 used to be limited at 90 Km/h, not 110 Km/h.

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You can fix the speed at 90km/H. If you make a server with a limit of 90km/H, you might as well play ATS, where the speed is endless, and there will be no accidents.

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TruckersMP 个人资料 |我的VTC |Steam 配置文件


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12 minutes ago, Nafeisaa said:

In fact, it's not realistic to have a server specifically designed for a speed of 90. Some people like to run 90, while others like to run 110. Running 90 in s1 is also quite good, isn't it

What is unrealistic is to have servers called Simulation in which trucks are allowed to go at 110 Km/h or 150 Km/h on the EU roads. In the EU trucks are required to have a 90 Km/h limiter. Why not make ONE server a bit more "simulation"? Those who don't want to be limited at 90 Km/h still would have ALL other servers.


There's a huge majority (apparently, according to the last surveys results) of players who want to drive faster than 110 Km/h, too bad that most of them seem unable to read.

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1 hour ago, [GTW] !!.AMIXSO.!! said:

It seems to me that it does not make sense to make a server with a 90km/h limit or to limit any other server to this speed.

And it seems to me that it does not make sense to reject changing ONE server's limit from 110 Km/h to 90 Km/h when players who don't want that limit have ALL other servers available.

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Even if they limited the speed to 90 there would still be accidents, there are people who just don't like to follow the rules, there won't be much difference, but if you want to go to 90 to avoid accidents (That they hit you) you can use a somewhat empty server and limit from the game configuration to 90 kph 🙂

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Based on the results of the February surveys, I expected the 110 km/h server and the 150 km/h server to have equal player counts, because players can choose a "fast" server and a "slow" server. However, the 110 km/h is not actually a "slow" server, but is instead a "compromise" server.


When there was only one Simulation server, 110 km/h was a good compromise, but it doesn't make sense now that there are two servers. For most players, the game has not changed because everyone can drive the same speed they were driving before on the same compromise server; therefore there is no reason to use the 150 km/h server. The only way to push the fast drivers to the fast server is to make the slow server 90 km/h.


Simulation 2 is not a compromise at 150 km/h (93 mph). Simulation 1 also should not be.

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Any and all opinions are my own. Generalizations and interpretations are based on public information and do not reflect the positions of any organization.

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Not really necessary as no matter what the speed limit is people will still find ways to cause problems/accidents. If you really don't want to be annoyed by other driver that are driving recklessly, I would highly recommend playing on Sim 2. It has less players so that is a downside if you like to see a lot of people but it generally has less trolls and more nice people. Sim 2 is also great to do any jobs on as the chance of it getting damaged is very low meaning you will get it delivered on time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me it's player count that determines which server I'd play on. I think the real solution is making the jump to Promods server, since players need to be really invested to play on it.


You'd have to make the speed limit unbearable to get people to transfer, and even then it'd be a split community at that point. I don't think there should be a speed limiter at all, and I don't think there is one on the Promods server, it's fine when it comes to trolls.


Trolls will gravitate to the server with the most players.


I think if TruckersMP added traffic, then you'd see a playerbase jump, and Sim2 would be popular again.....and then the trolls could forgo the "player count determines which server I play on" mentality. I hold that mentality cause I just always want to be on the server with the most players (although with Promods gotta stay on that one).


*Paying to play TruckersMP would be a better solution than changing the speedlimit, but it might be controversial as it may drastically impact player count. Or changing the speed limit on certain roads like Calais-Duisburg only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Simulation starts with oneself, in particular with self-discipline. If one wants to follow national road traffic regulations, one can decide to do so on literally any server. But I agree that players who drive their truck at excessive speeds diminish the experience of realism the same way as empty streets do.

On the other hand, A realistic depiction of road traffic thrives on diversity and cannot ignore the fact that people drive at different speeds.

Will it be a better and more realistic simulation when everybody was forced to drive at 90 km/h?

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On 6/2/2023 at 3:28 PM, blabberbeak said:

Will it be a better and more realistic simulation when everybody was forced to drive at 90 km/h?

I believe that it would be. At the end of the day, trucks in Europe are limited at 90 Km/h. Anyone who wants to drive faster would need to disable the truck's governor IRL and face the consequences (fines ranging from 1001 up to 4001 €) if they get caught. In TruckersMP, this would be done by hacking, so the consequences would be probably harsher than IRL, but IRL there's no "Simulation 2" or "Arcade" roads for people to drive freely as fast as they want without the need to use hacks or face any punishments.


It's true that a realistic depiction of road traffic won't be happening in TruckersMP, but this is not because the speed limit is 90, 110 or 150 Km/h. It's because there's no traffic. The only place where someone can find enough vehicles at any moment is Calais/Duisburg, and it would be preposterous to say that this area is a realistic depiction of real life road traffic... Anywhere else is mostly empty 99% of the time, which is, again, nothing like real life road traffic.


To put it simple: There's no way to make TMP a road traffic simulation, because the map is huge, there's no bot traffic, there are not enough players, and too many of these players only drive on a small area of the map. This is, IMO, the reason why most people who look for simulation have left TMP for single player or Convoy. We can drive anywhere in the map and with bot cars or buses going faster, trucks going slower, traffic everywhere. TMP never resembled a Simulation game, not even while Road to Simulation was ongoing and I'm pretty sure that it will never do, seeing the latest developments.

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  • 4 months later...



When we reviewed the servers earlier in the year, the speed limits of the new Sim 1 and Sim 2 servers was a hot topic amongst all involved actors. Eventually we settled on 110km/h for Sim 1 and 150km/h for Sim 2 as a good balance. Sim 1 is our "core simulation" server so has a lower speed limit, Sim 2 is more relaxed and so brought back the Europe 2-style speed limit of 150km/h. 


TruckersMP's current culture is that while speeding is discouraged due to the chance of an accident increasing, it is not prohibited and is permitted providing you can keep your truck under control. We encourage all players to drive at a safe speed but they are not punished for driving above the speed limit, if they can control their vehicle.


We do not plan to review the server configuration at the moment, we believe the current setup works for the vast majority of players really well.



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