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In-game Reports


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(I already posted this topic in the general topics,as suggested by a Game Moderator I post here too)


Hi, I have a suggestion for TruckersMP that maybe would be helpful for everyone...
I am talking about the report of players in game...maybe for people like me who play from keyboard and mouse it is difficult to report directly in game the players who break the rules..as you can not click with the cursor,or rather you can do it but it is very risky as the image when you run this freezes and you can not drive at the same time...or in the meantime you search for it in the list it disappeared...
My suggestion is to add the ability to do reports via chat for example:

/report @idplayer [Reason of report]

/r @idplayer [Reason of report]
it would be much easier than searching the players in the list or waiting the report on the TMP site for a days,weeks or months before you get a report accepted...as bc you're limited to report players...


I hope my suggestion is also to your liking.

Of course, tell me what you think about it too!


Kind Regards,



REMEMBER that you are playing a SIMULATOR GAME and this game is NOT a RACING GAME. If you like races,maybe you're on the wrong game. SL: 80-90 Km/h


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Hello again @'AboutViki.,


As previously mentioned, I personally like the idea of having chat commands for creating in-game reports, as these would prove useful for a multitude of reasons. As it currently stands, the only way to create an in-game report is by opening the scoreboard, right-clicking on the player, and then selecting the report option. From there, you simply select the reason for your report in the pop up menu, and then select submit. Although this sounds simple, and to many it is quite easy to do, I can understand that this may not be so easy for some, especially whilst driving.


That being said, as many players evidently find it very easy to type in the chat, there is the possibility that this could result in the in-game report system being abused with unnecessary reports. Additionally, should a user cause an incident that results in them attempting to leave the server before being reported, this then opens up another problem. If you proceed to report a user via the chat with their ID, if they have already left the server before you've finished writing your message, you may end up reporting another player who has recently joined and picked up their ID.


Overall, the suggestion is certainly interesting, and personally I think it's worth discussing, however it does evidently come with it's fair share of flaws.


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That's exactly how it used to be in the past. There surely was a reason to remove it when the new web and in-game reporting system was implemented. IIRC, it had to do with players sending too much gibberish as "reasons", in all kinds of languages, making the moderators' work too difficult.


It could work if the chat command "/report @ ID" just opened the TAB with that player already selected so it would simply be needed to hit the Report button.

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In game reports aren't a reliable way to make reports. You can send it and you'll get a "timed out" error that tells you to make a web report. A big time saver is to check "Show TMP ID" in the tab menu settings. This will eliminate the need to do /pinfo id. If i don't have enough storage space for a recording session, i'll stream it to Twitch and extract what i need later.


As i have tested, when you right click in the tab list, you still have control over your truck. I was able to turn the wheel. It just locks the position you are looking in when you press it.

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15 hours ago, SvartWolf said:

Hello again @'AboutViki.,


As previously mentioned, I personally like the idea of having chat commands for creating in-game reports, as these would prove useful for a multitude of reasons. As it currently stands, the only way to create an in-game report is by opening the scoreboard, right-clicking on the player, and then selecting the report option. From there, you simply select the reason for your report in the pop up menu, and then select submit. Although this sounds simple, and to many it is quite easy to do, I can understand that this may not be so easy for some, especially whilst driving.


That being said, as many players evidently find it very easy to type in the chat, there is the possibility that this could result in the in-game report system being abused with unnecessary reports. Additionally, should a user cause an incident that results in them attempting to leave the server before being reported, this then opens up another problem. If you proceed to report a user via the chat with their ID, if they have already left the server before you've finished writing your message, you may end up reporting another player who has recently joined and picked up their ID.


Overall, the suggestion is certainly interesting, and personally I think it's worth discussing, however it does evidently come with it's fair share of flaws.

Hey again,


I've read all your opinion but I want to clarify something you said above...

Yes,the idea is much simpler by doing it this way,but my idea was since everyone to access the TMP servers is also registered on the website and therefore already knows who you are... by doing so it will then not be possible to create "fake reports" via the in-game report,once a player is reported,it would link to the website report page and they would all queue up (practically the report limit is eliminated and they would thus be "infinite"),waiting for feedback (positive or negative)...maybe I am asking for the impossible,I realize that,but it is a way to speed up the response time to a report made on the website...otherwise it will take years if a report is accepted after 2/3 weeks...

REMEMBER that you are playing a SIMULATOR GAME and this game is NOT a RACING GAME. If you like races,maybe you're on the wrong game. SL: 80-90 Km/h


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