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  1. ¿QUÉ NOS HACE DIFERENTES? o Cooperativa Española en ETS 2 y ATS desde 2014. o Un único objetivo: Una Experiencia Realista. o Flota única y personalizada para SP (Pinturas y Mods) o Registro automatizado de viajes. o Reglamento actualizado. o Convoys Oficiales semanales y Eventos Especiales. o Encuestas, reuniones, y derechos comunes para todos los conductores. o Roles, distinciones en el Discord y otros logros. o Emisora Discord / TS3 y Chat escrito. o Explotación de Medios y publicaciones en Redes Sociales. REQUISITOS o Ser español o hispano hablante y tener un mínimo de 16 años. o Disponer del juego original Euro Truck Simulator 2 o American Truck Simulator. o Disponer de Discord y un micrófono en condiciones. o Leer y comprender nuestro Reglamento.
  2. Suggestion Name: Ability to change the colour of VTC members on the map. Suggestion Description: You can already change the colour of your steam friends bleeps in-game. But with the new VTC's we should be able to change their colour bleeps on the map so we know when we see people in our VTC. Any example images: No Why should it be added?: To be able to see other people in our VTC on the mini-map to bring VTC's closer in-game.
  3. !!! Un transporte de camiones excepcionales !!! ¿Estás buscando el mejor transporte de camiones disponibles? Permítanos presentarnos: Somos Logística Latinoamérica y nuestro equipo de profesionales está a su disposición. No cumplimos con las expectativas, las superamos. Ofrecemos servicio desde febrero de 2015 con el nombre de Logistica Argentina, luego con la entrada de más miembros de diferentes nacionalidades, decidimos cambiarlo a Logística Latinoamericana. Somos una de las compañías latinas más antiguas que pueden existir en TruckersMp con conductores profesionales de América Latina y también de Europa. EURO SIMULADOR DE CAMIÓN 2 Tenemos años de experiencia con el Euro Truck Simulator 2. Sabemos que es importante llegar a destino ya tiempo y sin accidentes, y eso es lo que le garantizamos. Estamos orgullosos del equipo con los contamos y del arduo trabajo que implica trasladarnos por todo el territorio de Europa sin importar el tráfico de camiones. Invertimos el tiempo que sea necesario en comunicación y preparativos para que llegue seguro a su destino. SIMULADOR DE CAMIONES AMERICANO ¿Le interesa contar con un servicio de transporte con años de experiencia? Siempre nos aseguramos de brindar el mejor servicio las 24 horas. Nuestros servicios en el American Truck Simulator nos distinguen del resto por nuestra consistencia, confiabilidad, comunicación y calidad. Cada uno de los miembros de nuestro equipo está altamente capacitado y su trabajo es puntual. Satisfacción garantizada. !!! Requisitos para ingresar a la empresa !!! ✔Ser alcalde de 16 años. ✔Tener ambos juegos originales, que son ETS2 y ATS. ✔ Mínimo tener más de 50 horas en los juegos solicitados. ✔Tener tiempo para los convoyes oficiales que se realizan en la empresa. ✔ Debe contar con discord para tener una buena comunicación durante los viajes o convoyes. ¡¡¡¡Cómo aplicar a la VTC !!! Para enviar una solicitud a nuestro VTC, debe leer los requisitos de la aplicación en nuestro sitio web y luego completar el formulario y esperar a ser contactado por el personal del personal Sitio web: http://latamvtc.com/ Registro: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzBq0mZQhy9ZFSLyeYtp_CCeQCD1TIlyO1qVUbehPHJFlTaA/viewform?usp=sf_link En caso de dudas, escriba nuestro correo o ingrese nuestro mensaje oficial de L-LATAM, estaremos encantados de darle la ayuda necesaria. Correo: [email protected] Discordia: https://discord.gg/xa4bdQU
  4. Logística Argentina Oficial VTC Somos un grupo (o empresa virtual) de jugadores de Euro Truck Simulator 2 y American Truck Simulator, desarrollados por la empresa SCS Software con el fin de hacer viajes y pasarla bien en grupo. -Convoy semanales -Humor y pasarla vien -Lugares y cargas interactivas -Convoys Multiempresas Transmisiones en vivo por Youtube y Twitch Toda nuestra info y redes sociales se encuentra en: http://www.logisticaargentina.ml/ Nueva seccion aportado por TruckersMP https://truckersmp.com/vtc/176
  5. Red Line Cargo Red Line Cargo is one of the most famous and active VTCs in the community with members from all over the world that love to drive together. RLC was first founded on the 21st of February 2018 as Marston’s Trucking Company by John Marston and soon after renamed to Red Line Cargo. RLC is known for our weekly convoys that are provided for the community. We host our ETS2 Convoys on a Tuesday and a Saturday while our ATS convoys are on a Thursday. We have a dedicated CC & Media team that will provide an awesome convoy. With hosting more than 100 convoys, we are well experienced. Unlike other VTCs, we don’t have strict activity rules. Instead of forcing members to do a certain amount of convoys, we allow our members to go to convoys that fit to their schedule. This way there is less pressure on our members and makes RLC a much more laid back and friendly VTC. With over 70 members and growing, we are one of the most active VTCs in TruckersMP. If you want to join Red Line Cargo or find out more, please check out the links below. • Discord: https://discord.gg/Qk5eh6b • Website: https://redlinecargovtc.com/ • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redlinecargovtc/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redlinecargovtc • Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/redlinecargo Red Line Cargo | The greatest VTC family you have ever experienced.
  6. If you are looking for a great group of drivers that like to have fun and push barriers, then look no further. We offer rewards for miles ran each month over 20K in raffles. We also recognize if you are a top recruiter, Rookie, and MVP. Out discord always has people in it and active. Requirements Age Restriction of 18+ (Now accepting applications for the 12PK-Junior division.) ATS game (DLCs optional) &/or ETS2 game (DLCs optional) Discord profile (join our Discord) World of Trucks profile Trucksbook Client App installed (apply to company) Truckers MP's App installed Virtual Speditor App (Load Creator) Good PC to run the game with little to no lag on TruckersMP Names must match across platforms (TruckersMP, Discord, Trucksbook) Become A Driver Read over our Requirements and Rules Apply to our company on Trucksbook by using the link provided below Join our Discord by using the link provided below Request an orientation in the “Orientation-Request” channel in discord Part 1: Must go through an Orientation Course before application is accepted (wait period 2-3 days) Part 2: Upon completing your Orientation and approval, must go through Road Course Tests and a Trial Period. (Training Role given) Part 3: After completing your Trial Period you will then become an 12PK Driver (12PK Driver Role given) (how fast you get thru this is up to you) Rules New Drivers must go through one week of Training, Orientation and Road Trial before becoming an 12PK driver Respect company drivers and other drivers Reckless driving is not tolerated 2,500 minimum miles required for the month MAXIMUM speed must not go over 75 MPH, results of speeding will get you a strike Be mindful of all players (In Discord & TMP's CB-Radio) Truckers MP gamer tag: 12PK-TRUCKIN' Have fun and enjoy the community If you're interested here are the links: website:https://12pk-truckin.wixsite.com/12pktruckin facbook:https://www.facebook.com/groups/553326255107791 trucksbook:https://trucksbook.eu/company/27815 discord:https://discord.io/12PK-Truckin
  7. Are you looking to join a great VTC that offers Discord Nitro as a reward? Are you also looking to join a no stress, no requirements VTC? Then RevGaming is the number 1 VTC for YOU. After launching recently, we have many staff opportunities including convoy control and driver manager; do you want to fill this roles? Why not apply today! However, if you’re interested in doing lots of miles, then we also cater for that too! We use Trucksbook, meaning there’s a competitive aspect to being here too. We would love to be within the top ranks in the UK and I’m sure you would be too. So if you’re a serious driver, you’re also welcome here! But we are still a No stress, No Targets VTC so you will never be pressured to do anything. What makes us stand out? • We offer Discord Nitro or ETS2 / ATS DLCs as a reward • We don’t have a monthly requirement. • We have weekly convoys, no DLC needed. • We have custom paintjobs and skins Right now, Applications are open and we can't wait to welcome new Drivers in our Company and on our Discord Server For more information, please visit our Homepage https://revgaming.co.uk/, our VTC on the TruckersMP website https://truckersmp.com/vtc/757, or our Trucksbook page https://trucksbook.eu/company/41122 If you have any questions left, please feel free to ask them here or contact us on Discord (Geo#1111 or Linciano#9362)
  8. Up North Cargo er et hyggeligt dansk VTC, som blæser rundt i Europa fra tid til anden. Vi kører udelukkende ETS2 multiplayer, og tager det selvfølgelig seriøst, men vi er ikke så strikse og dedikerede som andre VTCs, som f.eks. kræver at man kører X km om dagen, eller at man skal spille mindst X gange om ugen. Har man lyst, kører man, og har man ikke, så tager man en fridag. Men man skal dog selvfølgelig være aktiv med jævne mellemrum Vi synkroniserer både korte og lange jobs ned gennem Europa, og kører og sludrer på Discord, nyder landskabet, og både forundres samt bander og svovler lidt over andre spilleres manglende køreegenskaber. Hvis du er en "lone wolf", og ligesom os mener at man alt for sjældent møder andre danskere på EU2, så kan vi måske tilbyde dig ansættelse i Up North Cargo. Vi kunne godt bruge lidt flere chauffører, så vi kommer til at tage os bedre ud i statistikkerne (og med tiden også for at kunne lave små UNC-konvojer), så hvis du har lyst til at køre med os, skal du være mere end velkommen til at ansøge om optagelse. Du kan enten gøre det via TrucksBook eller vores hjemmeside. Vi foretrækker hjemmesiden, da du dér kan få mange flere oplysninger om hvordan det kommer til at foregå. Vi bruger TrucksBook til at planlægge og registrere vores transporter, og vi har lagt mærke til at der er rigtig, rigtig mange danske firmaer derinde med højst et par ansatte, så hvis du kører for eller ejer sådan et firma, kan vi også tilbyde at gå sammen i UNC, så vi kommer til at stå stærkere. Vi er et forholdsvist nystartet firma i ETS2-regi (april 2019), men konceptet UNC har eksisteret siden 2004 og været brugt i andre racing-sammenhænge gennem årene. Firmaet består indtil videre af en lille håndfuld voksne drenge i omegnen af de 40, så hvis du har lyst til at hænge ud sammen med tør, plat humor og ofte uforudsigelige hændelser på vejene, så hører vi meget gerne fra dig. Vi forventer, at: - du er fra Danmark - du er over 16 år gammel - du kører forsvarligt, og respekterer de gældende færdselsregler samt reglerne hos Up North Cargo og TruckersMP - du taber og vinder med samme sind, og er ikke en ragequitter (det er trods alt kun et spil…) - du bruger TrucksBook ... - og selvfølgelig Discord Tjek enten vores TrucksBook-side: https://trucksbook.eu/company/41981 - eller http://unc.psylicium.dk/, hvor du også kan læse meget mere.
  9. Ci presentiamo Gli Arrows Prime ITA sono un gruppo di amici videogiocatori, la nostra VTC viene fondata nel febbraio del 2018 con lo scopo principale di creare una comunità virtuale di amici dove chiunque può sentirsi invitati. Il nostro intento principale è giocare e divertirci in compagnia rispettando le regole. Cosa facciamo? Giochiamo principalmente ad Euro Truck Simulator 2, organizziamo convogli giornalieri cercando di organizzare il tutto molto dettagliatamente, il nostro gioco non si ferma qui infatti organizziamo sessioni di gioco su American Truck, Farming Simulator 17/19 e molti altri giochi. Cosa cerchiamo? Cerchiamo persone disposte ad entrare nella nostra azienda virtuale, non abbiamo requisiti particolari se non educazione e rispetto verso tutti. Come comunichiamo? "Discord" è possibile anche trovarci sul nostro forum o su vtlog . [Forum ]> https://arrowsitalia.forumfree.it/ < [VTLOG ]> https://7344.vtlog.net/ < Discord> https://discord.gg/bkDxYYy <
  10. AtGlobal We are a small Virtual Truck Company primarily on Euro Truck Simulator 2, We focus on TruckersMP and Base game. Since 2017, Members have come and gone but we have traveled hundreds of thousands of Kilometers delivering hundreds of trailers annually. Why Choose us? We dedicate all our time to our Virtual Trucking Company, Our management team has been active from the beginning and focusing on improving the company. We use automatic logging and provide dispatch through trucksbook. Here is what we have to offer: + Easily Join & Leave using our bot commands, NO Registeration Forms! + No Unrealistic Monthly Driving Quota + Monthly Convoys + Focus Management, Great Community + Support for English Speaking Players + Turkish Speaking Players + Minecraft Server, other smaller gaming communities within our VTC Community. NO FORMS, SIMPLY JOIN AND LEAVE THROUGH OUR DISCORD BOT Apply https://www.atglobal.xyz/ More Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atglobalcommunity
  11. Kursun Logistics 04.07.2018 Tarihinde Hüseyin/15 Ve Orhan/16 Aracılığıyla Açılmıs Bir Lojistiktir Geçmişte Birkaç Sebepten Dolayı Kapanan Kursun Logistics 18.03.2019 Tarihi İttibaren Yoluna Devam Ediyor Euro Truck Simulator 2 Konvoyları Düzenliyoruz Amacımız Güzel Kaliteli Bir Sohbet Ortamı Ve Kaliteli Konvoylar Düzenleyip Üyelerimize Kaliteli Hizmek Vermek Üzerinedir Katılmak İsterseniz Kapımız Açıktır Alım Şartlarımız; 1-Euro Truck Simulator 2 Dlc Şartlarımız 1- Euro Truck Simulator 2 - DAF Tuning Pack 2-Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Mighty Griffin Tuning Pack 3-Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Scandinavia 4-Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Michelin Fan Pack 2-En Önemlisi Saygılı Olması Kalp Kırıcı Kelimeler Etmemesi Gerekir 3- Rahat Bir Şekilde İletişime Geçebilmesi İçin Mikrafon Şart'tır 4- Aktif Bir Şekilde Konvoylara Gelebilmelidir 5- Discord Profil Resmini Değiştirebilmelidir Bize Ulaşmak İçin İletişim Adreslerimiz; Discord Sunucu Linkimiz; https://discord.gg/y7KcBT2 Facebook Grubumuz; https://www.facebook.com/groups/338437310131664/ İnstagram Sayfamız; https://www.instagram.com/kursunlog/ Blog Sitemiz; https://kursunlogistics.blogspot.com Yönetim Ekibimiz; Orhan/16 Ahmet/17 Hüseyin/15 Lojistiğe Ait Bazı Fotoğraflar;
  12. [COMING SOON] We're just making some updates, standby. → Website: http://valtoxgaminggroup.com/ → Discord: http://discord.gg/valtox
  13. Freedom Trucking is a family based company looking for dedicated drivers. We offer OTR, Dedicated and Regional positions. We also have an amazing Owner Operator Program. If you're looking for a family based VTC that love to have fun... Well look no further, Freedom Trucking is the one for you! If you're interested in joining our family, please visit Freedom Trucking VTC and apply! RULES & REGULATIONS Freedom Trucking is an equal opportunity employer. However, we reserve the right to ask anyone to leave the group at any time for whatever reason pertaining to rule violations or conflicts created within the group. Requirements to join our growing team: 1. Must be 21 years of age. 2. Must have a steam account. 3. Must be a follower of the Freedom Trucking Twitch channel. When leaving resume on website, must leave your Twitch username so we can verify subscription. 4. Must have a world of trucks account. 5. Must have TruckersMP. **Must follow any/all rules & regulations of TruckersMP** 6. Must have high-speed internet…….. No exceptions (excessive lagging/rubber banding just makes it rough on everyone’s enjoyment of the game/convoy). 7. Must be mature, ethical, professional, and respectful to other multi-player drivers, co-workers and guests. Rude conduct, harassment of any kind, or racism towards anyone will not be tolerated. Violations will be addressed promptly and could result in termination. 8. Must have experience with ATS, ETS 2, or driving trucks in the real world. 9. Must be respectful of the management team as they are there to provide an enjoyable experience for everyone while promoting the development of the team/company. 10. We all know truckers can have a potty mouth, but we must try to keep swearing down to a minimum. There may be video recording in progress and such videos could be made public. We shall refrain from any obnoxious behavior, crude language, offensive terms, or harassment towards or in the presence of anyone. Habitual offenders will be asked to leave the group. 11. Must have a mic for communication with the other team members. When multiplayer trucking with company members, CB must be turned on company channel 13. Please keep CB/mic chatter to a minimum during video recording. 12. Date, time, and location of group convoys will be posted in group. Must show up with a load going towards the destination chosen by management and truck must be fueled, ready to go. Convoys will be leaving at the designated time, be there or catch up……. No exceptions!!!! Official convoys are for Freedom Trucking drivers and special guests only!! 13. Driver Status After a qualifying probationary period, drivers will be voted into full membership based on attendance, group assimilation, attitude & driver skills. 14. Streaming Policy There will be no recording/streaming of our convoys/game-play or posting videos without expressed permission Freedom Trucking management (no exceptions)!!! Happy Trucking!! If you meet our requirements, please head over to our website and submit a application team. If you have any questions, we may be reached via email: [email protected] or Facebook:Freedom Trucking From the Management Team of Freedom Trucking!
  14. The idea for founding the Bulgarian Rose Company [BGR] came at the beginning of May. For several months, I researched Bulgarian companies and came across 3 companies that agreed to join my idea and become a big family. Here, today, 01.09.2019 this idea has come true and is already a fact. Thank you all for being a part of our big Bulgarian family We are a chilled team of well-experienced drivers, who play by the rules and obbey traffic laws. We pride ourselves on our good reputation among other international VTCs. We offer: -A nice relaxed family-friendly atmosphere. -A chance for participation in our every-day drives; company, public and international convoys. -Prospects for career development and winning prizes based on good performance on company and international level. - A chance to make your ETS2 dreams come true by working with us on our company projects and implementing ideas and suggestions. Get the best of the ETS2 & ATS driving experience by joining our VTC! Apply now Applicants must: -Be 17 or over. -Have more than 240 hours game play time on Steam. -Possess decent driving and parking skills. -Take part in our convoys (whenever they can) It is recommended that players have all map DLC`s Optional DLC`s: -Mighty Griffin tuning pack -DAF tuning pack -Heavy cargo -Special Transport -High-power cargo -Wheel tuning pack -Michelin fan pack Discord server: CLICK HERE Web site: Coming Soon
  15. VSB Transport zoekt chauffeurs. VSB Transport is een gezellige VTC waar we graag samen convoy rijden en onze passie voor trucks / simulators delen. Wij werken met Trucksbook om het zo realistisch mogelijk te spelen! (Link: https://trucksbook.eu/company/37467) Heb je interesse om onze VTC te joinen? Aarzel niet en meld je gelijk aan via onze discord! (Link: https://discord.gg/DMWRtU6) We hopen je snel te zien! Met vriendelijke groet VSB Managment
  17. Husky Trasporti è un progetto che il fondatore Siberian Husky porta avanti da ben 3 anni. In questo periodo abbiamo sempre lavorato di nascosto. I player ci chiedevano e ci domandavano, ma l'unica cosa che potevamo dirgli era "Presto saprete", restevamo molto vaghi. un giorno, precisamente il 5 giugno del 2018, ci siamo decisi e insieme ad amici abbiamo deciso, dopo ben 3 anni di preparazione, di fondare la Husky Trasporti. Eravamo solo in 10, ma pia piano, grazie anche ad altre VTC siamo cresciuti. Ora la nostra ditta conta 17 autisti, e il nostro server discord arriva a 63 utenti tra autisti e assocciati. Il nostro obbiettivo e divertirsi e creare un posto dove la gente possa giocare in tranquillita rispettando tutte le regole del quieto vivere e anche del multiplayer. Allora ti ho convinto? Ci accompagni in questa avventura Siberiana? Aspettiamo solo te Se vuoi far parte di Husky Trasporti devi: 1) Compilare la richiesta d'assunzione sul nostro sito web 2) Unirti al nostro server Discord 3) Compilare la richiesta d'assunzione su Vtlog > Sito web: https://huskytrasporti.wixsite.com/huskytrasporti > Vtlog: https://vtlog.net/vtc/3930 > Discord: https://discord.gg/ERdvXDK > Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/husky_trasporti?r=nametag > Twitter: https://twitter.com/HTrasporti?lang=it
  18. Pravila za vašu virtualnu kompaniju. Dragi igrači i menađeri virtualnih kompanija! Ovo je mjesto za reklamu vaše virtualne kompanije i prezentiranje iste igračkoj zajednici.Mi vas potičemo da postavite reklamu. Ako imate pitanje ili vam je potrebna pomoć kontaktirajte "Community Managera" ili "Community Moderation team". Želite proširiti informaciju o vašoj aktivnoj firmi javnosti? Postavite reklamu ovdje da zaradite interes ostalih vozača Ovdje su neka pravila koja morate pratiti i stvari koje morate imati da bi vaša reklama bila odobrena ovdje u ovoj sekciji. Molimo Vas da vam je sve kao što se traži prije nego postavite oglas.! Pravila su valjana sa današnjim danom. Vlasnik posta treba imati: Minimalno 30 korisnih postova na forumu Biti registriran barem 1 mjesec Ne smije biti prije upozoravan za ponašanje na našem forumu Virtualna Kompanija treba imati: Minimalno par vozača Mora sadržavati unikatno ime i logo Kontakt informacije (Discord, Teamspeak), informacije kompanije ili informacije za konvoje i kako postati član kompanije Mora imati neku vrste medije kao web stranicu (Facebook Stranica je dovoljna) Dodatno postavite: Informacije menađmenta kompanije Svaka vrsta medije kao što su slike ili video treba biti stavljen u "Spoiler" ako ne bude možba bude skriveno. Objava virtualne kompanije mora pokazivati ozbiljnost i vrijeme uloženo u kreiranju iste. Ostale stvari kao web stranica , logo, ime treba biti unikatno za tu firmu. Iako vaša kompanija možda ima sve potrebno, može isto biti odbijena zbog ostalih potreba u kompaniji koje namjerno nismo postavili. Također možemo odobriti objave koje u potpunosti nisu kompletno ispunjene to jest ne sadržavaju sve navedeno. Objave in-aktivne preko 1 mjesec će biti arhivirane.
  19. Kära spelare och Virtual Trucking företagsledning! Det här är platsen för att annonsera ditt virtuella lastbilsföretag inom gemenskapen. Vi uppmuntrar dig att annonsera ditt företag. Om du har några frågor eller behöver vägledning, kontakta gemenskapsförvaltare eller gemenskapsmeddelande laget. Vill du sprida ordet om ditt företag till allmänheten? Annonsera det i det här avsnittet och samla intresse från andra truckers! Här är följande krav som måste uppfyllas för att posten ska godkännas i det här avsnittet. Se till att du träffar dem innan du skickar in ditt inlägg. De gäller från och med detta datum. Posten ägaren ska: Ha minst 20 användbara inlägg på forumet Bli registrerad på forumet i minst en månad Har inte tidigare blivit varnad på vårt forum Det virtuella lastbilsföretaget ska: Ha åtminstone några förare Innehåller unikt innehåll som namn eller företagslogotyp Inkludera tillräcklig information som Kontaktinformation (Discord, Teamspeak) Företagsinformation eller Möjliga konvojer och rekrytering Har Relevant media inklusive en fungerande webbplats (Facebook-sida är tillräcklig) Dessutom ingår: Företagsledningsinformation Eventuellt relevanta media under annonsen, som konvoys skärmdumpar eller liknande, ska läggas i en spoiler, annars kan det vara dolt. The Virtual Trucking Company-ämnet måste visa att det har varit rikligt med ansträngningar som tagits in i skapandet av ämnet. Innehåll som webbsida, logotyp, formatering eller namn ska vara unik för företaget. Även om ditt ämne uppfyller alla krav, kan det ändå inte godtas eftersom det kan anses enligt flera krav som vi inte har målmedvetet listat. Men i så fall kan vi också godkänna ämnen som inte uppfyller några av de krav som anges. Inlägg som är inaktiva i över en månad kommer att arkiveras. Att ha ett företag ger dig dessutom möjlighet att få en discord tagg i vår offentliga guild, med tillgång till en internationell kommunikationsplats med alla företagsägare från hela världen!
  20. Dear Players and Virtual Trucking company management! This is the place to Advertise your Virtual Trucking Company within the Community.We encourage you to advertise your company. Should you have any questions or need guidance, contact the Community Managers or Community Moderation team. Want to spread the word about your company to the public? Advertise it in this section and gather interest from fellow truckers! Here are the following requirements that need to be met for the post to be approved in this section. Please make sure you meet them before submitting your post. They apply from this date The post owner should: Have at least 20 useful posts on the forum Be registered on the forum for at least a month Have not been previously warned on our Forum The Virtual Trucking Company should: Have at least a few drivers Contain unique content such as Name or Company Logo Include sufficient information such as Contact Information (Discord, Teamspeak) Company information or Possible convoys and recruitment Have Relevant media including a functioning website (Facebook page is sufficient) Additionally include: Company Management information Any relevant media under the advert such as Convoy screenshots or similar should be posted in a spoiler, otherwise might be hidden. The Virtual Trucking Company topic must show that there has had been plentiful amounts of effort put into the creation of the topic. Content such as Website, logo, formatting or name should be unique to the company. Even if your topic meets all the requirements, it still may not be accepted as it could be deemed under several requirements we have purposefully not listed. However, in that sense, we may also approve topics which do not meet some of the requirements listed. Posts inactive for over a month will be archived. Having a company additionally allows you to gain a discord tag in our public guild, with access to an international communication point with all the company owners from around the world! Note: If you speak this language and want to translate this post, let know Translaiton Manager.
  21. ¡Estimados Jugadores y gerentes de las Empresas de Transportes Virtual! Este es el lugar para anunciar su Empresa de Transportes Virtual dentro de la comunidad. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita orientación, póngase en contacto con el equipo de Community Managers o de Community Moderation. ¿Quiere hacer correr la voz sobre su empresa al público? ¡Anúncielo en esta sección y despierte el interés de los demás camioneros! Aquí están los siguientes requisitos que deben cumplirse para que el puesto sea aprobado en esta sección. Por favor, asegúrese de conocerlos antes de enviar su mensaje. Se aplican a partir de esta fecha. El dueño del puesto debería: Tener al menos 20 mensajes útiles en el foro. Estar registrado en el foro durante al menos un mes. No han sido advertidos previamente en nuestro Foro. La Empresa de Transportes Virtual debería: Tener al menos algunos conductores. Contiene contenido único como el nombre o el logotipo de la empresa. Incluir información suficiente, como información de contacto (discord, lenguaje del equipo), información de la compañía o posibles convoyes y reclutamiento. Tener medios de comunicación relevantes, incluyendo un sitio web que funcione (una página de Facebook es suficiente). Además, incluya: Información sobre la gestión de la empresa. Cualquier medio relevante sobre el anuncio, como capturas de pantalla de Convoy o similar, debe ser publicado en un spoiler, de lo contrario podría ser ocultado. El tema de la Empresa de Transportes Virtual debe mostrar que ha habido una gran cantidad de esfuerzo en la creación del tema. Contenidos tales como la página web, el logotipo, el formato o el nombre deben ser exclusivos de la empresa. Incluso si su tema cumple con todos los requisitos, es posible que no sea aceptado, ya que podría ser considerado bajo varios requisitos que no hemos enumerado a propósito. Sin embargo, en ese sentido, también podemos aprobar temas que no cumplan algunos de los requisitos enumerados. Los puestos inactivos durante más de un mes se archivarán. ¡Tener una empresa además te permite ganar una etiqueta de discord en nuestro gremio público, con acceso a un punto de comunicación internacional con todos los propietarios de otras empresas de todo el mundo!
  22. Stimați jucători și fondatori ale companiilor virtuale de transport (VTC)! Acesta este locul în care puteți să faceți publicitate companiei dvs. virtuale de transport (VTC) în cadrul comunității. Vă încurajăm să faceți publicitate companiei dvs. În cazul în care aveți întrebări sau aveți nevoie de îndrumare, contactați echipa Community Manager sau echipa Community Moderation. Doriți să răspândiți cuvântul despre compania dvs. publicului? Publicați-o în această secțiune și adunați interesul colegilor! Iată următoarele cerințe care trebuie îndeplinite pentru ca postul să fie aprobat în această secțiune. Asigurați-vă că le respectați înainte de a vă face publică postarea. Se poate aplica de la această dată. Autorul postării ar trebui să: Aibă cel puțin 20 de postări utile pe forum Să fie înscris pe forum timp de cel puțin o lună Să nu fi fost avertizat anterior pe forumul nostru VTC-ul dvs. ar trebui să: Aibă cel puțin câțiva șoferi Conține conținut unic, cum ar fi numele sau sigla companiei Includă informații suficiente, cum ar fi Informații de contact (Discord, TeamSpeak3), informații despre companie sau posibile convoaie și recrutare Aibă mass-media relevante, inclusiv un site web (pagina Facebook este suficientă) În plus, includeți: Informații privind gestionarea companiei Orice media relevantă sub formă de anunț, cum ar fi capturi de ecran convoaie sau lucruri similare, ar trebui să fie postată într-un spoiler, altfel ar putea fi ascunsă. Topicul despre VTC-ul dvs. (Compania Virtuală) trebuie să demonstreze că s-au făcut eforturi abundente în crearea acestuia. Conținutul, cum ar fi site-ul web, logo-ul, formatarea sau numele trebuie să fie unic pentru companie. Chiar dacă subiectul dvs. îndeplinește toate cerințele, este posibil să nu fie acceptat, deoarece ar putea fi considerat nepotrivit mai multor cerințe pe care nu le-am enumerat în mod intenționat. Cu toate acestea, în acest sens, putem, de asemenea, să aprobăm subiecte care nu îndeplinesc unele dintre cerințele enumerate. Postările inactive timp de mai mult de o lună vor fi arhivate. Având un VTC (Companie Virtuală) vă permite în plus să obțineți o etichetă de discord în societatea noastră publică, cu acces la un punct de comunicare internațional cu toți proprietarii de companii din întreaga lume!
  23. Caros Jogadores e Gerentes de Empresas de Transporte Virtual! Este é o lugar para anunciar sua empresa de transporte virtual na Comunidade. Incentivamos você a anunciar sua empresa. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou precisar de orientação, entre em contato com a equipe de Gerentes da Comunidade ou de Moderação da Comunidade. Quer divulgar a filosofia de sua empresa para o público? Anuncie nesta seção e obtenha os interesse de outros caminhoneiros! Aqui estão os seguintes requisitos que precisam ser atendidos para que a publicação seja aprovada nesta seção. Por favor, certifique-se de conhecê-los antes de enviar sua postagem. Eles se aplicam a partir desta data. O proprietário da postagem deve: Ter pelo menos 20 posts úteis no fórum; Ser registrado no fórum a pelo menos um mês; Não ter recebido "Warning" em nosso Fórum. A Empresa Virtual de deve: Ter pelo menos alguns condutores; Conter conteúdo exclusivo, como nome e logotipo da empresa; Incluir informações relevantes, tais como: informações de contato (Discord, Teamspeak), informações da possíveis comboios e recrutamento; Ter mídia para divulgação ativa, incluindo um site em funcionamento (página no Facebook é suficiente); Além disso, inclua: informações de gerenciamento da empresa. Qualquer mídia relevante sob o anúncio, como screenshots do comboio ou similar, deve ser postada em um spoiler, caso contrário, poderá ser ocultada. O tópico da Empresa Virtual deve mostrar que houve uma grande quantidade de esforço na criação do tópico. Conteúdo como site, logotipo, formato ou nome deve ser exclusivo para a empresa. Mesmo que o seu tópico preencha todos os requisitos, ele ainda pode não ser aceito, uma vez que, podem ser considerado requisitos que propositalmente não foram listados. Entretanto, nesse sentido, também podemos aprovar tópicos que não atendem a alguns dos requisitos listados. As postagens inativas por mais de um mês serão arquivadas. Ter uma empresa também permite que você ganhe uma Tag em nosso discord público, com acesso a um ponto de comunicação internacional com todos os proprietários de empresas de todo o mundo!
  24. Dear Players and Virtual Trucking company management! This is the place to Advertise your Virtual Trucking Company within the Community.We encourage you to advertise your company. Should you have any questions or need guidance, contact the Community Managers or Community Moderation team. Want to spread the word about your company to the public? Advertise it in this section and gather interest from fellow truckers! Here are the following requirements that need to be met for the post to be approved in this section. Please make sure you meet them before submitting your post. They apply from this date The post owner should: Have at least 20 useful posts on the forum Be registered on the forum for at least a month Have not been previously warned on our Forum The Virtual Trucking Company should: Have at least a few drivers Contain unique content such as Name or Company Logo Include sufficient information such as Contact Information (Discord, Teamspeak) Company information or Possible convoys and recruitment Have Relevant media including a functioning website (Facebook page is sufficient) Additionally include: Company Management information Any relevant media under the advert such as Convoy screenshots or similar should be posted in a spoiler, otherwise might be hidden. The Virtual Trucking Company topic must show that there has had been plentiful amounts of effort put into the creation of the topic. Content such as Website, logo, formatting or name should be unique to the company. Even if your topic meets all the requirements, it still may not be accepted as it could be deemed under several requirements we have purposefully not listed. However, in that sense, we may also approve topics which do not meet some of the requirements listed. Posts inactive for over a month will be archived. Having a company additionally allows you to gain a discord tag in our public guild, with access to an international communication point with all the company owners from around the world! Note: If you speak this language and want to translate this post, let know Translation Manager.
  25. Kjære spillere og Bedriftsledere! Dette er stedet å annonsere ditt virtuelle lastebilforetak i Fellesskapet.Vi oppfordrer deg til å annonsere din bedrift. Hvis du har spørsmål eller trenger veiledning, kan du kontakte fellesskapsforvalterne eller fellesskapets moderator-team. Vil du spre ordet om firmaet ditt til offentligheten? Annonser det i denne delen og samle interesse fra andre sjåfører! Her er følgende krav som må inkluderes i innlegget som skal godkjennes i denne delen. Vennligst sørg for at du møter dem før du sender inn innlegget ditt. De gjelder fra denne datoen. Eieren av innlegget burde: Ha minst 20 nyttige innlegg på forumet Være registrert på forumet minst en måned Har ikke vært varslet på vårt forum Bedriften bør: Ha minst noen få sjåfører Inneholde unikt innhold som navn eller firmalogo Inkludere tilstrekkelig informasjon som Kontaktinformasjon (Discord, Teamspeak) Firmainformasjon eller Mulige konvoier og rekruttering Har Relevant media, inkludert et fungerende nettsted (Facebook-side er tilstrekkelig) I tillegg inkluderer: Bedriftsledelse informasjon Eventuelle relevante medier under annonsen, for eksempel Convoy skjermbilder eller lignende, skal legges opp i en spoiler, ellers kan det være skjult. Den virtuelle bedfriftens emne må vise at det har vært rikelig med innsats i opprettelsen av emnet. Innhold som nettside, logo, formatering eller navn skal være unikt for selskapet. Selv om emnet ditt oppfyller alle kravene, kan det ikke aksepteres, da det kan være under flere krav vi ikke har målrettet oppført. Men i den forstand kan vi også godkjenne emner som ikke oppfyller noen av kravene. Innlegg som er inaktive i over en måned, blir arkivert. I tillegg kan du få tak i vår offentlige orden, med tilgang til et internasjonalt kommunikasjonssted med alle eiere fra hele verden!
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