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Found 13 results

  1. Hello fellow Truckers! I am making a guide for how to change your profile name in both ETS 2 and ATS. This is mainly for those who have downloaded a profile with a random name that they wish to change to one that they want. Firstly, download the following: SII_Decrypt: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ldlmap8006wl375/SII_Decrypt.exe/file Java: https://java.com/en/download/windows_offline.jsp textcov: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9yikylftl5jxxdm/textcov.jar/file (I recommend downloading and installing this too, it's very helpful for editing anything - Notepad++: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/) I recommend making a new folder somewhere, like your desktop, for instance to save these in. First of all find the profile that you wish to change the name of, which should be in /Documents/{your game ATS/ETS 2}/profiles. If you can not find your profile or have it in the steam_profiles folder, follow the steps below. If you have multiple profiles and are not sure which one you want to change, do the following: > Load up your game (ATS/ETS 2) and select the profile that you wish to change. > Continue into the game. > Then save and close the game. > Then, go back to /Documents/{your game ATS/ETS 2}/profiles, and click on the "View" tab. > Under "Sort by", click on "Date modified" and make sure "Descending" is checked. The profile at the top of the list will be the one you just played (i.e. the one you want to change the name of). If you can not find the profile or if the profile is in steam_profiles*, do the following: > Load up your game (ATS/ETS 2) and select the profile that you wish to change. > Click "Edit". > Ensure that "Use Steam Cloud" is unchecked otherwise this will be in your steam_profiles folder, which will not work as it doesn't contain a "profile.sii" file. N.B. If a profile is using Steam Cloud, do the above to change the name and then you will be able to re-enable Steam Cloud once you have changed the name. (Your steam progress WILL NOT be deleted/modified) Once you have done this, it will have moved to the "profiles" folder where you can find it. Now you have the profile you wish to change the name of. Make sure you don't lose the name of it; copy and paste it into a notepad page or sticky note just in case! Now changing the names! > First, install Java (the file called "jre-8u241-windows-i586"). > Once installed, open "textcov" with Java. > A box will appear like so: https://imgur.com/a/ijK0se5 > Type in the box "Profile name" the name that you WANT your profile to be called. > Hit "Convert". > Select the "Save folder name" text and press "CTRL + C" (without the quotes) to copy the folder name. > Then find the profile you wish to rename and right-click on it and click "Rename". > Delete the original name and paste the copied text in (CTRL + V or right-click and hit "Paste") > Then double click the profile, and with the downloaded folder and your profile both open drag the file "profile.sii" onto the "SII_Decrypt" file which you downloaded. > Then, right click "profile.sii" again and edit it with Notepad/Notepad ++. > Scroll down right to the bottom of the file and there will be a line of text callled "profile_name". > Remove what is there and call it what your profile is called (Must be the same; i.e. what you wrote in the "profile name" box on textcov. > Finally Save the file and you are ready to go! *If you unchecked "Use Steam Cloud" earlier, you can re-check this once you have done the name change. I attach a brief video here, in case anyone got lost! Finally, load up your game and your profile should have its new name! Please let me know of any queries/questions/suggestions! Hope this helps! [Plasma] Sergey.
  2. Good Evening! About Patron Ιn the forum it doesn't show my name in yellow letters but on my TruckersMP account it shows normally. please I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with this issue! Thanks in advance! Yours sincerely @Serg1os
  3. I have a bug where the names of other players are on the right of their truck and move over to the left as I move closer. Have had it ever since I got a second monitor. Example: Is there a fix for this? My monitor setup: https://youtu.be/_A5dvwde8mM My multimon config file: https://pastebin.com/qDLkMzRi Kind regards, [Plasma] Sergey.
  4. I am already a Master Trucker, please tell me how to change my coloured name in game?
  5. Guest

    Meno na truckersMP

    Znenil som si meno v truckersMP na meno s emoji ale po potvrdení emoji zmizli čiže meno má len 3 písmená. Budem môcť aj tak hrať?
  6. Guest

    Name on truckersMP

    I changed my name to name with emojis but emojis after confirmation disappeared. And afther that i have 3 letters username. Can I play with that username?
  7. I've just changed my username in the account settings tab on the truckersmp website to "Lieng", however my forum display name has yet to change. My question is if it will update automatically, and if it wont, what can I do to change it?
  8. How can I change my name tage if I have banned
  9. I would like to change my name ingame. If this is possible, How could i do that ? Kind regards, Jelle
  10. I would like to change my acct username and I can't seem to find the settings tab and I really wish to change it.
  11. Moin zusammen, Wie ihr bereits wisst werden absofort die TMP-Namen angezeigt und nicht mehr die Steam Namen. Nun folgt eine Anleitung wie ihr euren Namen ändern könnt. Als erstes geht ihr auf der Website auf die settings. Alternativ könnt ihr auch den link folgen. Danach klickt ihr oben auf die Account-Settings. Dort angekommen gebt ihr oben einmal eurer Passwort zu Bestätigung ein. Danach könnt ihr dadrunter euren Steam Namen ändern. Unten auf Save drücken und eurer Name ist geändert. Bei weitern Fragen könnt ihr dies unter diesen Beitrag gerne tun.
  12. Hi! Recently I changed my Truckersmp profile name to it match with my in-game name, will be awsome to kno how do the same with my 'in-forum' name. I wish do it to meet easily with other 'colleagues' regards!
  13. IS the name displayed above my head my Steam name or my TruckersMP name? Thanks for the help, Regards, David
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