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Veteran Driver III
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About ecypert

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  • Location
    Pennsylvania, USA
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Diego

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  • VTC Name
    CTB Express

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  1. I like this idea. However, the game is technically "American TRUCK Sim" not "Nascar 16". So with all due respect, should just play a racing game if you want to just worry about racing.
  2. Suggestion Name: Personal NameTag Suggestion Description: I know that we, as drivers, can see everyone else's name tags, but when I set mine, I want to know that I did not mess it up. I also like the idea of being able to just see my own name above my truck so that way I can see how cool it looks when doing a convoy with friends with similar tags. This can be an option that is turned off and on with the same menu that is used to change color and name ID. It could be a click box and say "See Personal NameTag" or something similar. Any example images: No, I can graphically design that lol ... But it could be like World of Warcraft style how you can show and hide your overhead nametag. Why should it be added?: I feel that it should be added because of drivers like me that want to see their own tag. Whether it be for a few minutes to double check that the icon is correct, the color is matching with the truck or company, the ID itself is correct, etc. There are also drivers out there like myself that want to be able to have the option of just seeing the name tag along with everyone else's name tag.
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