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  1. Hi all, I got a weird issue with steam: Always I want to run multiplayer in ETS2 or ATS (this error happens on both), is Steam asking me if I want to allow the start of multiplayer. If I click on 'OK', the game starts but only in Singleplayer. I already uninstalled and re-installed 2 times the multiplayer but it just continues with this strange error. I hope anyone can help me out on it. Regards Stefan, alias VolvoLover
  2. Cześć, jak wiadomo jakiś czas temu wyszło nowe DLC Vive la France, a wraz z nim przed premierą osiągnięcia na Steam. Bon Voyage! Discover all French cities (requires Vive la France! DLC) - Aby to odblokować nie było problemu. Go Nuclear! Deliver cargo to five nuclear plants in France (requires Vive la France! DLC) - Również proste. Landmark Tour Discover following landmarks of France: Carcassonne, Brotonne bridge, Tiger tank, Peyrat-le-Château, Château de Ventadour, Château d'Ussé (requires Vive la France! DLC) - Wystarczy odkryć całą mapę. Check-in, Check-out Deliver cargo to all cargo airport terminals in France (requires Vive la France! DLC) - Tutaj się rodzi problem. Gas must flow! Deliver diesel, lpg or petrol to all truck stops in France (requires Vive la France! DLC) - Tutaj również. Widziałem, że niektórzy już mają odblokowane wszystkie osiągnięcia (41/41) i tutaj moje pytanie w tym poście (może jest już jakiś poradnik, lecz nie znalazłem na tą chwilę), gdzie jest tych 6 terminali (jak sie nazywa ta spedycja lub w jakim mieście się znajduje) i gdzie jest tych 7 spedycji, z/do których trzeba dostarczyć benzyne (również jaka to jest spedycja lub w jakim mieście). Tak szukam, szukam po tym rynku przesyłek jak i na WOTrze i nie moge za chiny takiego zlecenia znaleźć. Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny za pomoc , na pewno się przyda to wielu osobom.
  3. Então galera, comprei o jogo na Steam nessa promoção de inverno. Baixei o TruckersMP e joguei online normalmente nos 2 primeiros dias, Porém hoje não consigo entrar no online. Quando inicio o jogo, simplesmente a tela fica toda preta porém o som continua rolando normalmente, até que a tela inicial aparece, porém a tela que aparece não é a do Online e sim do Offline. E assim que aparece a tela, o jogo trava e não consigo mexer o mouse. Gostaria de saber se alguém tem a solução pra esse erro. (Lembrando que nos dois primeiros dias pegou normal e hoje, 05/01/2017, o modo MULTIPLAYER não quer pegar) Att.
  4. Hey, as I said in the title, everytime I log in, I'm sent to Berlin (the place I started the game). Even tho I was in another city when I loged in. I am playing on the same realm (Europe 2) Any way to fix this error?
  5. Well actually i have this problem with my g27 some one can help me plz?
  6. Witam, zacznę od mojego sprzętu a więc : procesor: i5 4460 karta graficzna: gtx 1060 6gb ram: 8gb Problem w tym że gry typu gta 5 lub Dark souls 3 na full detalach nie tną się, a w ets'ie naprzykład w mieście fps'y spadają nawet do 40, więc raczej to nie jest wina sprzętu. Zrobiłem nowy system, sterowniki aktualne. Z góry dzięki za pomoc.
  7. Guest

    Is lagging bannable?

    Hello, since that happend i cant anymore sleep now: i was driving at an Railcross, my engine stopped working, so i turned it on, then i drove over the railcross, and an small lag was. (pc, not internet connection) the Guy behind me said, reported for ramming and blocking. 1. Blocking? I was only standing 2 seconds, and the guy said blocking???? My question is: Could i get banned for lagging? My PC is normally really good, I7 6700k and the GTX 1070. Im playing on middlesettings. There was quite much traffic, so the pclagged for 1 second. Could i get banned now for that? I have already one ban behind me for insult. I dont want to have to leave the MP by a ban. I really need help now, im only playing MP (ETS2 too) and i dont have any other games. Only ETS2and some lonely race games. Would be happy when it's not an ban reason, but i dont know. Because, the lag came from the PC. I was onlydriving. No proof's avaiable. I was quitting, because i was mad about that. ... regards..
  8. Witam! Mam problem z naczepą, a mianowicie ze śrubami w pierwszej jej osi. Pobrałem chłodnie KRONE i chciałem zmienić tekstury pod swoje wymagania i własny potrzeby. A więc przechodząc do sedna sprawy, kiedy tonaż ładunku jest mały i ośka się unosi, śruby w niej są koloru takiego jak przed ich zmianą, lecz kiedy tonaż jest większy i wszystkie trzy osie naczepy są opuszczone kolor śrub jest taki na jaki zmieniłem. W tym momencie zaczyna się problem ponieważ najprawdopodobniej muszę sobie z tym poradzić w zmodelerze, a z przyczyn, że nie korzystałem z zmodelera nie wiem jak to zrobić. Może ktoś z osób czytających mój post posiada jakiś filmik instruktażowy, który mógłby podlinkować w odpowiedzi i pomoże mi wejść na dobrą ścieżkę owego problemu. Z góry dzięki za odpowiedzi i jakiekolwiek porady dotyczące mojego problemu!
  9. Hello, i have problem with ets2 when i start laucnher ets2mp and get launch ets2 My game is starting normaly but when popup new window with login i have this problem wih timeout, try again my internet is on i don't know the problem please help me
  10. Hello, i have problem with ets2 when i start laucnher ets2mp and get launch ets2 My game is starting normaly but when popup new window with login i have this problem wih timeout, try again my internet is on i don't know the problem please help me
  11. Hi everybody, after reading mostly all tips ans tricks for the "invalid version" problem, multiplayer ist still not running. The actual version you should have is 1.26.3s. The version of ETS2 I have is 1.26.3s . So, I un/reinstalled the MP, tried the patch......but nothing worked. It still tells me that I have the wrong version of the game. Anybody can help me?
  12. Hello. I've tried the WinterMod and it makes my game slow. I unchecked the Winter Mod tick box on in-game MP Settings and re-opened the game. The roads doesn't have snow, but it's snowing, and it's annoying. I tried to remove it by re-installing the launcher and still no effect. Can someone show me how do I remove the WinterMod, pls. I can unnistall the whole mod it it's needed.
  13. Hi i have a problem i hope some of you can help me. When i start the multiplayer game it says that i have to downgrad and i need a version 1,26,2s but i cant find it what can i do ? i have tried to uninstall the game and reinstall it and the multiplayer luncher but nothing helps
  14. Howdy, I am having an issue with ETS2 freezing on the "launchpad" window when using the new TruckersMP launcher. I have no mods at all for ETS2 installed. I can launch the game through steam for single player and the game runs flawlessly. I am using the most current version of ETS2 through Steam "Build Version 1506905" I have verified my game files through Steam and this did not fix the issue. Would you like me to provide my crash data? I can verify that it is an apphangB1 Thanks
  15. Hey kan nogen hjælpe mig? når jeg skal spille Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer så fryser og når jeg laver jobliste så står der at spillet ikke svarer men den fryser altså når jeg skal sove, transportere mig til værkstedet eller hoppe hen til en af mine garager....spillet i sig selv når jeg køre kører meget bedre end det gjorde før jeg fik omkørt maskinen hvilket skete her i weekenden så den er ret clean nu...jeg tænker måske at det har noget at gøre med at jeg har garager i alle byer næsten og at den måske har svært ved at loade spillet? hvad tror i? og hvad kan afhjælpe problemet?
  16. Hey there, Hello everyone. Today I had bought the Christmas Paint Job but unfortunately it does not work in ETS2 MP. But why ?
  17. I have accidentally deleted my game account in ETS2 . The account I have deleted was my main one, that I used to play with. Do you know, if there is away to restore that account after deleting? Or there is no way and I need to start all over again?
  18. Since upgrading 14/14/16, this is giving start up error and I need help. Print : > http://prntscr.com/dk5m9h I NEED HELP! <3
  19. Hello i bought ets2 a week ago and this week i installed the mp mod. I already had the mod for ATS. So after downloading, everything went fine. i used my savegame from singleplayer where i had my own truck and so on. After a few seconds loading (i think cause of the huge amount of players), i could drive around in mp. But, like in ATS, the economy was empty. So i start the singleplayer ETS2 with the same savegame. After that, i start ets2MP again and the economy is up to date. But when i start the singleplayer with that savegame, after about 5 seconds, the game freezes, only making stationary sound. i cant do ctrl alt dlt, cant use windows key, so i have to restart my computer. How can i fix this? i bought ets2 for the multiplayer. Specs: GPU: AMD r7 280 club3D CPU: Intel i7 6700K RAM: 16gb ddr4 corsair vengeance Steering wheel: Thrustmaster T150 Thanks for replying and keep up the good work with this mod!
  20. Ciao a tutti, ho scaricato la seguente mod: http://mods.wotmp.com/mod/125-ton-romork.html (rimorchio 125 Tonnellate) e dopo aver seguito bene la guida per attivarla in singleplayer, non funziona in multiplayer. Come prima cosa la ho attivata correttamente nel profilo e poi ho preso il rimorchio in singleplayer, poi ho salvato la partita, poi ho riaperto il gioco in multiplayer e mi ha fatto caricare l'ultimo salvataggio (cosa che ha sempre fatto ovviamente nel multi rilevando cambiamenti ecc ed ho dato conferma di volerlo caricare) in modo da far funzionare la mod, però come entro in gioco mi porta al garage di default, ho provato a rifare tutti i passaggi ed a ricaricare il salvataggio manuale oltre a quello automatico ecc, ho fatto varie prove ma non funziona, alla fine sempre mi annulla il tutto in multi, se rientro in single invece funziona e ritorna tutto come avevo lasciato in singleplayer con rimorchio 125 ton ecc. questa cosa non mi era mai successa, usavo la stessa mod circa 4 versioni di gioco precedenti e ha sempre funzionato. cosa posso fare? Tieni presente che: 1. Non ho altre mod attivate o inserite nella cartella 2. A tutti i miei amici funziona perfettamente. 3. Ho controllato i file di gioco e reinstallato il gioco, tranne la cartella in documenti del salvataggio, per prova ho solo eliminato il file config per sicurezza e se lo ha ricreato solo. 4. Le ho provate tutte tranne eliminare completamente il profilo e prima di fare ciò chiedo a voi se è mai successo e come avete risolto. Grazie. Grazie a tutti
  21. Hello trucking community, Thank you for taking your time to read this post, I have recently upgraded to 1.26 so I can use the new features but I got a nasty shock when I loaded up my game and saw one of my profiles disappeared, although I do have a backup folder so if you know how I can try to restore it please let me know. Thank you in advance.
  22. Lowering the music volume doesnt stop the background music in ETS2, i preferable like to have a quiet BG sound I was late for my delivery because i wrote this fourm
  23. I have problems with the client there is no program in control pannel (i think you should add one) can someone tell me or show my how to uninstall the client so i can fix my current problems? And maybe re-install the client
  24. Hello, I know there is multiplayer mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2. I downloaded it, but it was .exe file. I can't run it on my mac only on PC. Is there any mac multiplayer mod for ETS2 ? Thank you for your help.
  25. So I have been trying to get my steam to download properly but it doesn't. I have 6Mb/s Download and steam limits it to 200 bytes per second. I've tried restarting steam, changing download server and changing the limit speed but nothing works. I have also searched this on google but none of the suggestions worked. I can't download the new Euro Truck update 1.26.1s -Bono Thanks for the help
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