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Veteran Driver II
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About MattJJR

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  1. Thanks everyone, im now a little upset because i didnt know that i needed a truck i though i could use the job market to get that far
  2. Is it better to start a new profile or use one used before? I have one profile and bought the game yesterday about 20 hours ago to be more exact, and i started that profile back when i used the demo, it doesn't have any mods with it but i'm a level 3 and have about 20,000 Do you recommend i restart or keep using that profile
  3. once again its not a issue it was something i confused for a issue
  4. Lowering the music volume doesnt stop the background music in ETS2, i preferable like to have a quiet BG sound I was late for my delivery because i wrote this fourm
  5. I have problems with the client there is no program in control pannel (i think you should add one) can someone tell me or show my how to uninstall the client so i can fix my current problems? And maybe re-install the client
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