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  1. Después de muchas conjeturas y debates, muchos de ustedes llegaron a la conclusión de qué estado mostramos en nuestro reciente avance. Hoy estamos poniendo esas teorías a descansar ... Presentamos Colorado para American Truck Simulator. Hogar de algunas de las montañas más altas del país, una gran variedad de biomas y una variedad de industrias únicas; Esta expansión del mapa traerá hermosos paisajes y nuevas redes de carreteras para que los conductores exploren y entreguen. ¿Pero de dónde se originó el nombre Colorado? El origen de la palabra en realidad proviene del idioma español, que significa "color rojo". Este nombre fue elegido para el territorio por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos en 1861, lo que puede ser la razón por la cual el estado recibió el apodo de 'Colorado colorido'. Sin embargo, muchos creen que recibió este apodo debido al magnífico paisaje de montañas, ríos y llanuras que puedes encontrar en todo el estado. Colorado es un proyecto que actualmente estamos desarrollando a plena capacidad en paralelo con el DLC de Idaho ; ¡por supuesto, nuestros fanáticos de Euro Truck Simulator 2 saben que aún hay más proyectos en producción! Por el momento, nuestro objetivo es completar y liberar Colorado unos meses después de Idaho, tentativamente hacia fines de este año. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que debido a circunstancias extraordinarias que enfrentamos durante este tiempo, este plazo puede cambiar. +info: https://blog.scssoft.com/2020/03/introducing-colorado.html
  2. Witam. Po zakupieniu i zainstalowaniu Dlc mapowych do ets mam problem z ich uruchomieniem tzn działają bo są aktywne w singlu ale jak wchodzę do multi to ich nie ma. Dodam iż miałem juz wcześniej zakupione scandinavia i going east które działają normalnie. Próbowałem reinstalowania truckersa, reinstalowania dlc i nic nie pomaga. Sorry za chaotyczną pisownie
  3. Hola camioneros! ¡Con la Navidad a la vuelta de la esquina, hemos decidido lanzar un sorteo con 16 ganadores potenciales! En total, estaremos regalando: • Tres Vive La France! DLCs; • ¡Tres yendo hacia el este! DLCs; • Dos DLC de Escandinavia; • DLC Tres más allá del mar Báltico; • DLCs de Five Road to the Black Sea. Para ingresar, deberá vincular la URL de su perfil de TruckersMP (ejemplo: https://truckersmp.com/user/293773) y seleccionar su DLC favorito aquí antes del 28 de diciembre de 2019 a las 0:00 UTC . Nota: ¡Entrar varias veces resultará en la descalificación y sus ganancias serán entregadas a otra persona! ¡Buena suerte! -TruckersMP Team +info: https://truckersmp.com/blog/189
  4. ¡Viaje a través de 3 países completamente nuevos con muchas ciudades importantes, pueblos, aldeas, lugares de interés, industrias y más! Compruébalo en la página de Steam Store: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1056760/Euro_Truck_Simulator_2__Road_to_the_Black_Sea/ +info: https://blog.scssoft.com/2019/12/road-to-black-sea-release.html
  5. Sabemos que nuestra comunidad ha estado muy ansiosa por escuchar noticias sobre la próxima expansión de mapas para Euro Truck Simulator 2. Con los toques finales, estamos listos y emocionados de anunciar una fecha de lanzamiento ... Road to the Black Sea se lanzará el 5 de diciembre de 2019 También hemos lanzado nuestro avance oficial para que lo disfrute, esto le dará una pequeña idea de lo que presenta esta expansión de mapa: Road to the Black Sea tendrá mucho para que los conductores exploren, las características principales incluyen: Más de 10.000 kilómetros de caminos para conducir. Rumanía, Bulgaria y la parte europea de Turquía para explorar La ciudad más grande de Europa, Estambul. 11 nuevos muelles e industrias locales 20 nuevas ciudades importantes y muchos pueblos y asentamientos más pequeños Monumentos famosos y lugares reconocibles Arquitectura balcánica característica Nuevos activos 3D únicos Clima exuberante vegetación acorde Trenes, tranvías y vehículos de tráfico locales con inteligencia artificial Carros de caballos - para el campo búlgaro y rumano Cruce de fronteras: incluye funciones con varios controles de fronteras Ferry por el río Danubio (Dunaj) Logros de la región del mar negro para desbloquear No podemos esperar a que explore los países de Rumania, Bulgaria y Turquía. Desde la arquitectura tradicional hasta los hitos históricos, habrá muchos caminos por descubrir e industrias a las que entregar. Asegúrese de agregar Road to the Black Sea a su lista de deseos en Steam y sea el primero en ser notificado de su lanzamiento el 5 de diciembre. +info: https://blog.scssoft.com/2019/11/road-to-black-sea-release-date.html
  6. Dear TMP community, first sry for my bad english but my question is: I buied the DAF Tuningpack and i can play it in singleplayer but not in the MP. Why? I can go to the DLC´s Button but i can´t activate the DLC. Please help me. Thanks for all the help! Greetings Vendetta !
  7. Здравейте всички! TruckersMP са добавили функция на уебсайта, която потвърждава собствеността ви върху дадено DLC. Целта на тази тема е да покаже как да се извърши проверка на DLC-та на уебсайта. 1 - Настройка на вашия Steam акаунт на обществен Това е просто съществена стъпка, тъй като позволява на сървърите на TruckersMP да имат достъп до вашия акаунт, за да проверят правилно дали притежавате DLC-тата, присъстващи във вашата игра. Първо, трябва да отворите профила си (или през уебсайта, или в приложението). След като сте там, уверете се, че сте влезли и кликнете върху бутона „Редактиране на профил“. В менюто „Редактиране на профил“ трябва да преминете към раздела „Моите настройки за поверителност“. След това просто използвайте падащото меню, за да промените профила си на публичен. 2 - Проверка за DLC на уебсайта TruckersMP След като профила ви е настроен на обществен - Тази следваща стъпка е възможна. Уверете се, че сте влезли в уебсайта на TruckersMP и след това отворете „Настройки“ на профила. Когато сте в областта „Настройки“, отворете раздела „Свързани игри / DLC“. След като отидете там, щракнете върху бутона „Проверка на DLC“ и това е всичко за тази стъпка 3 - Изчакване за проверка Тази стъпка е сравнително обясняваща. Процесът на потвърждаване може да отнеме до 5 минути и евентуално дори по-дълъг, когато сървърът е на максимално натоварване. За информация относно сървърите на TruckersMP, проверявайте редовно форумите и посетете официалната уеб страница за състоянието им. Ако не потвърдите DLC-то, а сте проверили сървърите, може да има нещо друго с вашия акаунт или като цяло на системите. В този случай бих ви предложил да се свържете с поддръжката, за да проверите дали те са в състояние да диагностицират проблема.
  8. ab wann funktioniert das GoodYear DLC im Multiplayer ich werde immer raus geschmissen?
  9. Glaube, es passt nicht wirklich hier ins Forum, aber hoffe dennoch auf Hilfe weil ich nichts gescheites im Internet gefunden habe.. Hey Leute, wie oben angegeben hab ich Probleme mit den zwei DLCs..ich habe sie mir heute gekauft (01.08.19) und mir wird keinerlei diese Frachten angezeigt (Multiplayer & Singleplayer) Vom High Power Cargo Pack seh ich gar keine Frachten & vom Heavy Cargo Pack sehe ich nur 2 Frachten (die Stahlplatten & die Kabeltrommel) Hoffe, dass mir irgendjemand weiterhelfen kann! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, FeverSwift
  10. Hallo, wird TMP das neue Trailer-DLC für ATS unterstützen und wenn ja, wann? Und wenn nein, was passiert wenn ich im TMP mit solch einem Trailer fahre? Muss ich mit einem Bann rechnen? LG, Dops PS: sorry wenn das Thema hier falsch ist. Dann bitte verschieben. Danke!
  11. I have installed it but truckersmp dont find it. please help me.
  12. A problem for the DLC color truck. .... Today I chose a color for my truck. But I faced a problem. My connection to the multiplayer server was automatically disconnected. What is the reason? ... For example, I used these colors .
  13. Karadeniz'e Giden DLC'si geliyormuş. Ve 3 ülkeden inanılmaz Şehir Gelecek. Ve benim anlamadığım. Bu dlc normal harita ile gidiyor East'dan geçilecek. Bir kişide Doğu'ya Gitmek Yok ise bağlantı nasıl yapılıracak. Bilgisi olan yazabilir mi?
  14. Hello, my problem is that I have every country-DLC but I don't get any jobs from or to one of these countries. I already try to solve the problem, but I cannot connect my DLCs to WoT. I tryed to LogOut/In from WoT-acc in Ets. I tryed to reinstall the DLCs. I tryed to connect the DLC in ETS/options/Online, but thats the thing I gonna see if I open this option -> Transleted in english, "no connection to new content of Wot, cause the Steam-acc you use isn't the acc which is used from Wot". But I am connected to Wot with this acc/profile in ETS, cause I get external Jobs, but just to the usuall cities, not the DLC cities. Also if I look at WoT, I see my archievments and WoT-event-gifts I got cause I succesfully complete those event-jobs. And I also got these gifts ingame, I can use them. So I hope anyone of you can help me. And thank you. neuJ kun
  15. Náš tím pre tvorbu máp pre Euro Truck Simulator 2 sa dlhodobo venuje vytváraniu novej významnej expanzie. Príprava na výskum a výrobu začala viac ako šesť mesiacov pred vydaním DLC Beyond the Baltic Sea. Máme ešte veľa práce na dokončenie, ale myslíme si, že prišiel čas vám ukázať prvé vizuálne nápovedy. Nebojte sa, za pár týždňov chceme oficiálne oznámiť novú DLC s mapou a hlavolamy by sa mali zmeniť na pravidelné príspevky s aktualizáciami. Existuje toľko skvelých nových produktov, ktoré vám chceme ukázať a tešíme sa na možnosť zdieľať ich s vami! Oficiálny článok: https://blog.scssoft.com/2019/03/a-road-to-somewhere-new.html Preložil: @Dominik (iFlufy)
  16. Bonjour à tous, Ayant acheté le dernier DLC sortis par SCS jeudi dernier (21/02) j'ai voulu essayé de prendre des contrats externes dans l'une des villes de ce nouveau DLC (à Kaliningrad) sauf que le jeu ne m'en propose aucune alors qu'en offre de fret il y en a. J'ai essayé dans plusieurs villes du DLC et même problème, et cela que ce soit en multijoueur ou en solo. Merci d'avance pour votre aide
  17. So i have some DLC’s to ETS 2 which makes me able to put on some extra nice mods on my Scania and some extra spicy paintjobs but they are for some reason only visible to myself when i play online. My friends say that they can see right through my hull and that my truck is painted white. Why is that? Can i do anything or is the problems at my friends? I mean i wanna show of my truck instead of being see throughable.
  18. bonjour en voulant utiliser une remorque du pack de chargement lourd j'ai été automatiquement kick for avoir utiliser une remorque incompatible alors qu'avant c'était totalement possible (je précise que aucun modèle n'a été installé ) il y a une solution pour pouvoir utiliser tout de ces remords en Multi le message lors du kick et de la remorque en question
  19. I brought the Christmas Paint Pack about 3 days ago, and the dlc works only in the single player, and not on Multiplayer, i have tried everything in the forums i have updated my dlc on truckers mp website, i have uninstalled both truckers mp and ets2, reinstalled both and still doesnt state that i have the dlc on truckers mp, i have veryified files on steam aswell, and still nothing, i have also requested a refund for the dlc, but i am not able to get a refund as i have played over 6hrs worth with the dlc, obviously steam thinks i have been playing single and not MP, i dont know what else to do This Forum was created for me, and this is what i have tried already in this post
  20. Hello everyone, I was wondering why I get kicked when taking a Dozer from the Heavy Cargo Pack on mp, I know that Special Transport DLC is not compatible and not alloud but then why do I get kicked when I take this cargo? Because I never had any problem with it...
  21. I just wanna ask does Heavy cargo DLC do not work in MP? Because as soon as I pick a heavy cargo trailer i get kicket because of some kind of accesorie error?
  22. When I try to join ATS mp “Connection refused. You are not owner of some DLC you use.” Appears. This has never happened before until today. (5/11/18) I’ve downgraded my game to match the TMP supported version. I don’t own any ATS DLC, my Steam profile is public, TMP recognises the game and I’ve tested it with unticking all free DLC they’ve added over the years but still no luck. Any ideas? Or Is this related to the new Volvo Truck update and I’m gunna have to wait? Any help appreciated..
  23. For some reasons my TruckersMP program won't launch. It just says "Cannot find required file: ".....ets2/mods/krone_dlc.mp")! Reinstall the multiplayer mod. I've played many time ETS2MP in 2017 and 2018. It's the first time I'm having this error. Do I now have to buy a DLC or something in order to play online? Thank you. Preview of the error
  24. Hello fellow truckers and colleagues of Truckers MP, this morning I stumbled upon some troubling whilst launching TMP. In Steam, it keeps relaunching and asking if the launch options / parameters are good, which they are, but it isn't working. Picture of the error here: Click here for the error message picture. Please help me out if you can, I never had this happen before.
  25. Suggestion name: Replace “BUY KRONE DLC” trailers with plain white trailers Suggestion description: When someone who doesn’t have Krone DLC sees a player with a Krone trailer, the player will see a grey trailer with the text BUY KRONE DLC. The player also won’t be able to see the taillights. So if the trailer can be replaced with a simple white trailer and standard taillights, I think the trailer would look a lot better and won’t be very dangerous because it doesn’t have taillights. Any example images: Instead of a gray trailer with "BUY KRONE DLC", something like this would look a lot better. Why shlould it be added?: The trailers are dangerous because they don’t have taillights and in my opinion the paint skin looks terrible.
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