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  1. I brought the Christmas Paint Pack about 3 days ago, and the dlc works only in the single player, and not on Multiplayer, i have tried everything in the forums i have updated my dlc on truckers mp website, i have uninstalled both truckers mp and ets2, reinstalled both and still doesnt state that i have the dlc on truckers mp, i have veryified files on steam aswell, and still nothing, i have also requested a refund for the dlc, but i am not able to get a refund as i have played over 6hrs worth with the dlc, obviously steam thinks i have been playing single and not MP, i dont know what else to do This Forum was created for me, and this is what i have tried already in this post
  2. Hello everyone, I was wondering why I get kicked when taking a Dozer from the Heavy Cargo Pack on mp, I know that Special Transport DLC is not compatible and not alloud but then why do I get kicked when I take this cargo? Because I never had any problem with it...
  3. I just wanna ask does Heavy cargo DLC do not work in MP? Because as soon as I pick a heavy cargo trailer i get kicket because of some kind of accesorie error?
  4. When I try to join ATS mp “Connection refused. You are not owner of some DLC you use.” Appears. This has never happened before until today. (5/11/18) I’ve downgraded my game to match the TMP supported version. I don’t own any ATS DLC, my Steam profile is public, TMP recognises the game and I’ve tested it with unticking all free DLC they’ve added over the years but still no luck. Any ideas? Or Is this related to the new Volvo Truck update and I’m gunna have to wait? Any help appreciated..
  5. English I find that they would have to make the DLC to seem available everybody to see. It exists people with paintings of dlc you vary exactly but only they obtain to see they and who will have dlc. Everybody would have to be able to see the truck with dlc, now who does not have dlc is strange and ugly in such a way to appear all gray to say “buy dlc krone”. It´s just a suggestion- Good job truck drivers Português Eu acho que eles deveriam fazer o DLC parecer disponível para todo mundo ver. Existe pessoas com pinturas de dlc varias mesmo mas só eles conseguem ver eles e quem tiver a dlc. Todo mundo deveria poder ver o camião com a dlc, agora quem não tem a dlc fica estranho e feio aparecer desta forma tudo cinzento a dizer "buy dlc krone" . É só uma sugestão. Bom trabalho camionistas
  6. For some reasons my TruckersMP program won't launch. It just says "Cannot find required file: ".....ets2/mods/krone_dlc.mp")! Reinstall the multiplayer mod. I've played many time ETS2MP in 2017 and 2018. It's the first time I'm having this error. Do I now have to buy a DLC or something in order to play online? Thank you. Preview of the error
  7. Hello fellow truckers and colleagues of Truckers MP, this morning I stumbled upon some troubling whilst launching TMP. In Steam, it keeps relaunching and asking if the launch options / parameters are good, which they are, but it isn't working. Picture of the error here: Click here for the error message picture. Please help me out if you can, I never had this happen before.
  8. Merhaba, ETS 2 DE VE ATS DE BİRÇOK DLC VAR VE BUNLAR MPDE KARŞI TARAF OYUNCULARI NEDEN GÖREMİYOR BİZİM SAHİP OLDUĞUMUZ DLCLERİ BUNU MERAK EDİYORUM? Örneğin modifiye dlcleri boya paketleri bunları diğer oyuncuların görmesi gerekmetedir. Saygılarımla TruckersMp Forum Üyeleri.
  9. Hello. Recently I have brought the Special Transport DLC and was sad I had to be kicked due to unsupported DLC Suggestion Name: Special Transport DLC support Suggestion Description:Adding support for the Special Transport DLC even though I know it will/can be hard due to other players being able to see the DLC Any example images: No Why should it be added?: For someone like me who have brought the DLC for the sole reason to use it MP it would be really nice to have that option
  10. Do not work DLS such as: UK Paint Jobs, Canadian Paint Jobs, Germany Paint Jobs, Spanish Paint Jobs and so on... Help me please. I will be very grateful.
  11. Buenos dias amigos. Particularmente quisiera saber si el DLC de "accesorios de cabina" del ETS2 es compatiblie o no con el multiplayer? Hay alguna página dentro del foro donde se detalle lo que soporta y lo que no el multiplayer? Gracias, y saludos cordiales.
  12. The Cargo Packs (Heavy Cargo, Special Transport, and High Power) are not working in multiplayer but work perfectly fine in single player. In multiplayer the contracts are listed in the freight market and external contracts but whenever I try to go to pick up them up the GPS leads me to the service centre. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling my Cargo Packs and they did not resolve the issue. Please and thank you. Your replies are greatly appreciated.
  13. ETS2' Türkiye dlc'nin olmasını istiyorum ilgili kişi ve kişilere arz ve rica ederim
  14. TytOFF


    Dlaczego jak kupiłem dlc Mighty Griphin pack i Wheels tunning pac to nie działa mi na multipalyer?? Z góry dziękuje. Why when I bought Mighty Griphin pack and Wheels tunning pac, does not it work for me multipalyer ?? Thank you in advance.
  15. my dlc `s that i bought a few days ago, are not working in multiplayer. how can i fix it?
  16. hi, I have just bought the Dutch DLC, but i saw i didnt work on Multiplayer. and i think thats a shame. Is there a reason why the dutch paintjobs don't work? because I often see people driving with other paint job dlc's. I really hope maybe a moderator can add this. I just want to use my bought paint jobs on multiplayer and i think its a shame it doesn't work with the Dutch paint job. I hope somebody can fix this or can tell me why this is not working. if its just something that always happens with new dlc's tell me then pls. DJ_QW
  17. Guest


  18. Merhabalar, Dlc'siz Şirket aramaktayım +18 olursa daha iyi olur şimdiden teşekkürler cok fazla şirket yok oyüzden buraya böyle bir konu acma talebinde bulundum
  19. Makaron202

    DLC na mp

    Witam! Mam pytanie. Czy DLC dodające nowe typy przesyłek. "Transport specjalny itp." oraz o dlc schwartzmuller (chyba tak się do piesze, nie xD?). Chciałbym się zapytać czy dzialaja na multiplayer?
  20. Здравствуйте, я купил dlc heavy cargo pack, но я не могу взять груз из этого DLC, его попросту нету в "Заказы агенства" "Внешние заказы", в стиме dlc установлен, в чем может быть проблема?
  21. I wonder if I get Dlcler Multiplayer Other Players Do they look? TURKEY Skin Pack Mesale They Look Like?
  22. Hello ! my friend can not see my dlc ?
  23. Hello everyone, recency i purchased dlc paint jobs for my truck so i can make my truck look 'fancy'. I asked my friend to tell me what he thinks about my new truck dlc pain job, he told me that he cannot see the paint, it's the normal default color (white). I went to the TruckersMP website to check if I linked my new DLCs, i did that twice. Went in game and asked him again, still the default color. Is there any solution, or he has to get the DLC too so he can see the paint jobs? or that doesn't matter at all?
  24. Čau chci se zeptat ohledně toho že mě to již několikrát kicklo s Heavy Cargo Pack DLC návěsy/přívěsy. Normálně ale na videi z Youtube jsem tyto návěsy/přívěsy vyděl. Nechápu. Prosím poraďte jestli vůbec je to možné mít takové návěsy/přívěsy. Jsem měl plán na firemní konvoj, ale zatím se mi to nedaří nějak udělat :-CC. A omlouvám se ta to že píší návěs/přívěs nepamatuji si rozdíl.
  25. Guest

    special transport

    hello, admin, or trucker, i would like to know when will the special DLC transport be available on the ets2 multi. Thank you for your reply. cordially daniel17220
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