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Found 25 results

  1. Hallo there, in ets2 online and in single players my game crashes when I try to drop my trailer to complete my delivery. and when I click on t and the statistics come up my game crashes immediately Do you have any idea how I can fix this. By the way, I have already created a ticket. Thank you for your help. game.log.txt
  2. Suggestion Name: A sort of player to player job Suggestion Description: Something like players can work to another player's company, instead of BOTs. Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: Some sort of panel with jobs requests and job offers, so the players can offer and request jobs from another player's company.
  3. I'm new to the TruckersMP. I just wanna know about jobs. I wanna complete them without changing my truck. that means complete deliveries using own equipments. but when I search for jobs in job market, It shows none. sometimes. and sometimes, they're always full. please guide me through this. And I also wanna level up real quick because I'm an old ETS2 player (crack sadly) and this low XP equipments seems a burden to me
  4. Up North Cargo er et hyggeligt dansk VTC, som blæser rundt i Europa fra tid til anden. Vi kører udelukkende ETS2 multiplayer, og tager det selvfølgelig seriøst, men vi er ikke så strikse og dedikerede som andre VTCs, som f.eks. kræver at man kører X km om dagen, eller at man skal spille mindst X gange om ugen. Har man lyst, kører man, og har man ikke, så tager man en fridag. Men man skal dog selvfølgelig være aktiv med jævne mellemrum Vi synkroniserer både korte og lange jobs ned gennem Europa, og kører og sludrer på Discord, nyder landskabet, og både forundres samt bander og svovler lidt over andre spilleres manglende køreegenskaber. Hvis du er en "lone wolf", og ligesom os mener at man alt for sjældent møder andre danskere på EU2, så kan vi måske tilbyde dig ansættelse i Up North Cargo. Vi kunne godt bruge lidt flere chauffører, så vi kommer til at tage os bedre ud i statistikkerne (og med tiden også for at kunne lave små UNC-konvojer), så hvis du har lyst til at køre med os, skal du være mere end velkommen til at ansøge om optagelse. Du kan enten gøre det via TrucksBook eller vores hjemmeside. Vi foretrækker hjemmesiden, da du dér kan få mange flere oplysninger om hvordan det kommer til at foregå. Vi bruger TrucksBook til at planlægge og registrere vores transporter, og vi har lagt mærke til at der er rigtig, rigtig mange danske firmaer derinde med højst et par ansatte, så hvis du kører for eller ejer sådan et firma, kan vi også tilbyde at gå sammen i UNC, så vi kommer til at stå stærkere. Vi er et forholdsvist nystartet firma i ETS2-regi (april 2019), men konceptet UNC har eksisteret siden 2004 og været brugt i andre racing-sammenhænge gennem årene. Firmaet består indtil videre af en lille håndfuld voksne drenge i omegnen af de 40, så hvis du har lyst til at hænge ud sammen med tør, plat humor og ofte uforudsigelige hændelser på vejene, så hører vi meget gerne fra dig. Vi forventer, at: - du er fra Danmark - du er over 16 år gammel - du kører forsvarligt, og respekterer de gældende færdselsregler samt reglerne hos Up North Cargo og TruckersMP - du taber og vinder med samme sind, og er ikke en ragequitter (det er trods alt kun et spil…) - du bruger TrucksBook ... - og selvfølgelig Discord Tjek enten vores TrucksBook-side: https://trucksbook.eu/company/41981 - eller http://unc.psylicium.dk/, hvor du også kan læse meget mere.
  5. Crash.log: https://pastebin.com/nwWZFVE1 Since yesterday (25.09.2018) I'm having problem with completing a job and taking ferries. When I press the "finish this job" or press the yellow travel button on the ferries my game freezes. The task manager says that the game is not responding. I've tried it without any mods installed and I have tried verifying game files without any luck. I can take any job and drive to the destination, but it is there it crashes. Help!
  6. Jxsh_y

    Job time.

    Hiya, I actually have a problem with my quick jobs, whenever I decide to leave the game, (after saving of course), I come back at a different time, and as I had a job active at the time of leaving the game, I return to find that my remaining time has gone way over. I find it very annoying as I can't always stay on the game until I've finished the delivery. When I park up my trailer at it's final destination, it says I'm something like 350h late or something like that. If someone could help me, it'd be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  7. me and the one i play ats with are haveing some of the same problems we can be playing and frinsh up on a load at times and we go to get a new load and when we do that noting is there we keep on doing what the suppurt team tells ous to do it works but it gets old haveing to do that over and over agine so what i am talking about is no quick jobs and no fright jobs but we have extral contrckes so what we been told to do is go to a rest stop and rest witch does fix it but sometimes we cant rest so we have to come out to our ats folder and go to profiles and into it and into the next folder to and open up config and go to uset g_force_economy_reset it set at "0" have to change it to a "1" and save it and go into the game and it says a game change have been done then there back this way . then after all that is done you have to go back out to the config that you done the changes in and change the uset g_force_economy_reset "1" back to a "0" and save it agine and that puts you back at your home base grage. so can yell plz try and come up with a more a fix then what we are doing thanks .
  8. Hi, wir suchen Fahrer (m/w) im Nah und Fernverkehr für unsere Spedition im Aufbau Du solltest … – … möglichst unfallfrei fahren können – … Dich an Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen halten (wenn gefordert) – … einen eigenen SCANIA, MERCEDES ODER DAF LKW besitzen oder genug Geld für einen neuen haben. – … Respektvoll sein – … freundlich sein – … Spaß an der Arbeit haben Deine Bewerbung sollte beinhalten, … – … wieviel Spielstunden du hast und wie oft du fährst – … wie alt Du bist – … welchen LKW Du von den oben genannten bevorzugst – … ob Du vorher schon in einer Firma Erfahrungen sammeln konntest
  9. Hello dear TruckersMP Community. Since a few days I have the problem that I hardly have or get any more WorldofTrucks jobs. Yesterday I was in the city of Lion and wanted to start a WorldofTruck job together with my friends. Everyone had this job. I didn't have a single job in Lion, though. So I'm forced to take jobs from the freight market every time. Any of you have the problem, too? If so, how do you fix it? I also wanted to ask in the SCS forum, but my post was not published there. Kind regards CrowTearZz
  10. Hi, I just wanted to ask if its possible to together in American Truck Simulator, what I mean is having the same job and driving to the same destination. Its always a hassle to search a job that everyone has.
  11. Die Trans & Port Inc. mit Sitz in Östereich, sucht aktuell noch nach Fahrern. Falls ihr Lust und Laune habt, einfach bewerben unter: Trans & Port Inc.
  12. I understand there are solutions on how to fix the job list being empty but is it suppose to become empty after every? reset? I would reset it and it would come back, then I do a job and its missing again...
  13. Unsere Firma E&R Transport sucht noch Fahrer die uns unterstützen können und zuverlässig sind. Bei uns steht auf jedenfall der Spaß an erster Stelle. Bei Interesse einfach eine Anfrage in SpedV schicken. Gruß aus der E&R Transport Zentrale
  14. Hey, yesterday I took a job from Bern to Frankfurt. Half way, it was late. I decided to go to bed. Today I ended the delivery, and I was 57 hours too late... Is this because the time in the multiplayer goes on all the time even tho you aren't in the game? If yes how could I fix this? Thank you for antwortues. Drive safe, lipsiatrucker
  15. Hello every body, I have a problem with the ETS2 MP, because when I start a job , a message come to the GPS " the boss want his thinks, give him in time " but when I check my time do to my job, I have 0h.... and at the end of the missions, I have a penality of 200h late ... it's strange ? could you help me ? Other thing, I haven't walk mens in streets, y any cars ?! normal ?
  16. Hi guys, I have a question : why always when I finish to deliver I receive delay penalization (-7000h , ALWAYS ! And i don't have quick jobs ...why ? ) . Thank's for help !
  17. Hey! I've seen some job loggers out there and I've been programming a website for eurotruck and it would solve a lot if the job was submitted automatically when finished. Does anyone have experience in developing a job logger? The big question is, how can the program detect if a job is completed and get the values and so on.. Is there an API for eurotruck or a savefile somewhere? /J
  18. Just as said in the title, ets2 jobsync says "unable to upload file". I have everything in the right way, played ETS2 MP for like 50h-100h, it was working until now. Tried creating a new profile and many other things, nothing would work.
  19. I'm unable to obtain new jobs in multiplayer from the freight market or quick job list. I've tried a re-install and hard economy resets in the config but nothing. I used to be able to get jobs single player, then drive multiplayer and deliver single player, but when I try that now it says I've ran out of time and i don't get paid for delivering the job, leaving me beyond broke. Any help would be great.
  20. So, I cannot deliver jobs. I have one from the freight market for example. drive 20 ingame hours only to realize i can't deliver it. this has happened more than once. I tried the economy reset, f7>enter, garage switching, etc. It just doesn't work, and im getting to the point where its so frustrating im considering to stop multiplayer. If anyone has a fix for this PLEASE let me know.
  21. Hello, So it's been updated to, I install it, I go online but I don't get any job. Usually, sleeping fix it, but this time I can't sleep, even if I spend some time driving from one city to another. One said to repair the truck, I did it but no change. Now I've no clue. I don't know what to do, please help.
  22. I recently played MP on a new profile that didn't have a truck of it's own yet. I took on a job from the search menu. When I started it, I was already late. (about 2 days and 5h) I know server time runs differently and jobs expire at a much later date, than they would in SP, but is this usual? Do the jobs run out after their supposedly delivery time, because the run-out-time is longer, or is this a bug?
  23. HELLO like pls fix that stupid bug when i take a job.. and then i exit game just for f***** 5min.. and then i start a game..and what is that... job.. LATE!!!!! like rly.. i cant even go for dinner during the game or what ... i lost already more that 250.000e because of that stupid bug... do something with that.. THX
  24. Traian

    Job Bug&Road Bug

    First. I have loaded a job at Eurogoodies and my trailer look like this: 2. How the hack is this possible?
  25. Hey, I just updated MP to 0.1.1 Alpha and ETS2 to 14.1s [public beta] on Steam. Finished a job, got to the job details page, where I get the EXP and money, and when I press CONTINUE the game freezes and after a few seconds it crashes. So I go into the game again, load up the auto-save, finish the job, same thing, crash again... Yesterday I was running 12.1s without issues, I finished 5 jobs. I'm not sure what happened, but... It's weird I don't know if it's relevant to MP. How I updated: ETS2 > Properties > BETA > Change to 14.1 [public beta] > Save. Waited to download. Installed ETS2MP, started the game, logged in, got a job, started playing. Crash. Though, yesterday I bought 2 DLCs, after playing 12.1s. Maybe it's that? First Crash LOG: http://pastebin.com/xFNU9tj3 Second Crash LOG: http://pastebin.com/Z7dBfa6z
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