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  1. Witam mam dwa pytania a pierwsze pytanie tyczy się cb radia od nie dawna nie słyszę CB radia nie wiem czym jest to spowodowane. A drugie pytanie z winter modem jest takie że po pobraniu moda na stronie z linku na truckers mp, i umieszczeniu ich w Dokumenty/ETS2MP/mod nic się nie zmienia i nie wiem czy nie trzeba jakiejś aktualizacji mieć żeby dzałało z góry dziękuje za pomoc
  2. As I've seen in videos, the CB radio in your truck is supposed to be interactive and on when you first join, and you have the option to turn it off or change the dial to switch channels. My radio is blacked out and any keybind/button clicking/voice activation (x) doesn't work. I've tried to re-install both the drivers (Fn + F1 in the launcher) and re-installing the launcher (and deleting the files) and they don't work. Is there any other solution to solve my problem?
  3. Guest

    reduce the CB Radio glow

    Implement a setting slider to reduce the green glow from the CB radio numbers, i understand it realistic in some CB models but still it always annoys me to have such bright thing in the corner of my eyes when driving
  4. Hello , for two days i try make works the Almar CB radio in TruckersMP i try Xpadder to set it to X key i try Joy program and all is good its recognized as X key but in truckers MP not work... later i test it in Discord push to talk key and the Almar CB radio was detected as a Gamepad 4 (not X key) in steam is X key detection... so where i miss something or cant do it propertly! I need any Recent Help ... cannot find any new topic or info or video or any guyde how to do it ... everything what i find didnt work till now ! (and yes the CB radio its conected and tested and its works perfect... only in TruckersMP not respond when i press it like X key ! Thanks if someone can help me !
  5. The CB picks up my voice but some folks say that I sound to low and they cant hear me. The ingame microphone settings are turned up. Is there anything I can do to adjust the sensitivity, instead of me yelling into my mic.
  6. Suggestion Name: CB Radio Time Out Suggestion Description: Is there away to include a time out, so it times out for example 10 seconds, if the push to talk button has been pressed to many times. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: I've been noticing quite some players spamming the CB radio a bit to much, and it does get annoying some times. And when you're friend is talking, the roger beep is in the way because of the spammers keep on keying up (I know you can turn it off but its a little bit cooler with It on and they shouldn't keep spamming it anyway.)
  7. Hola a todos Se me ha enviado un solo jugador a la comunidad del ETS 2. Él hizo amigos y participó en varios convoyes. Pero, tengo que tener problemas de comunicación oral con los demás jugadores. Para la comunicación escrita se activa con F9 y se presiona "Y", Eso me funciona bien. El problema sucede cuando intento comunicarme por la radio, si es antes de presionar la letra "V" para hablar, ahora se utiliza la letra "X", de cualquier forma, al principio, no se ha escuchado mi voz, ni tampoco se activa el radio CB. He hecho todas las configuraciones posibles, pero no lo logro. Además, siempre me aseguro de tener el radio encendido. Quisiera que alguien me ayudara con este problema. Saludos a todos !!!
  8. Hi! I´ve been using the CB Radio for a While but i want to change the letter to active it. Is There any possibility for it?, if there is, how?
  9. Levi1501

    Game Chat

    How do you turn game chat/cb radio off?
  10. HI All Did a search but could not find anything about the CB radio or distance I would like to inquire about MP distance. (assume both for ETS2/ATS) but will relate to ATS at the moment. For instance up in Las vegas and most areas, the distance seems to be 700-800m but I have now driven down/discovered Tucson and here I can see other truckers up to 5,000meters?
  11. It's too much annoying to hear a lot of sound from cb radio in a high traffic area as like Calais,Duisburg... Can I stop this for a while when I was in high traffic???
  12. I am having issues with the cb in multiplayer. People can hear me but I can not hear them. Microphone output is working. 1. reinstalled audio drivers. no help 2. uninstalled truckers mp, deleted atsmp folder. reinstalled truckers mp no help 3. verified files in steam. no help 3. only issue is in truckers mp. Teamspeak, Discord all work with no issues. 4. reverted to default sounds and no help I have checked my logs and have seen this error. <info> Game started <info> [codec] Initialization succeed <info> [cb_radio] Microphone initialized! : Mic in at rear panel (Pink) (Re / MME <error> An error occured while using the portaudio stream <error> Error number: -9985 <error> Error message: Device unavailable <error> [cb_radio] Unable to open output stream! <info> [settings] Microphone initialized! : Mic in at rear panel (Pink) (Re / MME <info> [settings] Speaker initialized! : Headset (Realtek High Definitio any help is appreciated
  14. Everyone can hear me on CB Radio but I can not hear anyone. I do not see if anyone is talking. All my settings are on and the sounds are also at full volume. LG. Fubsi_
  15. Merhaba! Bu rehberimde sizlere kalabalık ortamlarda bazılarımız için ses kirliliği yapan telsiz efekt sesini nasıl kaldırabileceğinizi veya nasıl değiştirebileceğinizi göstereceğim. İlk olarak TruckersMP kurulu olduğu yere giriyoruz "C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP\data" burada sırasıyla "ets2_mod > sound" klasörlerini oluşturuyoruz. Ardından buradan indireceğiniz ses dosyalarını, zip dosyasından çıkartıp. Oluşturduğumuz klasörün içine atıyoruz.Bu sayede telsiz efekt sesiniz kaldırabilirsiniz. Aynı zamanda kendi ses dosyanızı aşağıdaki isimler gibi yaparak, değiştirebilirsiniz unutmayın ses dosyanız (wav.) uzantılı olmalıdır. İşleminiz burada tamamlanmıştır, chate "/channel 19" yazarak, konuşan oyunculardan test edebilirsiniz.
  16. Can anyone help? I play TruckersMP a lot, and record it too, but I am trying to record a video now, on this date, but can't get the audio to come through my headphones. I have tries other games to see if is a problem with my headphones and it isn't, other games work fine, it is just TruckersMP and normal ETS2 where the audio isn't coming through my headphones! I have tried many things, and still haven't solved anything, if you know how to solve it, please let me know!
  17. Hey, is there some update in the future for speaking on the cb radio so you can change the ''X'' button for a other button? I have a special button box and i cant talk over it because of that x butten because i have to press the x button before i can speak but i would like to change that or is there some way i can do that now? Thanks!
  18. Witam, mam grę ETS 2 od sierpnia tego roku i od tego czasu mam problem z CB radio, mogę z niego korzystać prawidłowo lecz po dwóch minutach rozmowy na CB radio nagle nie mogę rozmawiać i nie pokazuje się ikonka mikrofonu a dodatkowo nie mogę pisać na czacie i muszę reset gry robić. Robiłem format komputera itd i nadal to samo. Tak mam aktualne sterowniki. Będę wdzięczny za pomoc ponieważ już ten problem mnie denerwuje, chce sobie porozmawiać z ludźmi i rozmawiam a po paru minutach nie mogę rozmawiać ani pisać na czacie a tych ludzi nadal słyszę.
  19. When trying to use the CB radio to communicate in game with other players it registers my microphone perfectly fine, but does not show me anywhere where other players are responding. I hopped on a skype call with my friend to test it and he said he heard my voice in game through the CB radio and heard others responding to it, but I could not hear or see any indication of activity on any channel frequency. Does anyone know of any fixes? (Voice chat volume is all the way up when I hit tab and go into settings, it is mapped to my audio interface, (I am using a Scarlett Focusrite 2i2 USB and my studio microphone).. I have tried outputting it to different TV speakers, wired headphones, USB headphones, my home theater sound system, nothing is sending CB traffic from others back to me.
  20. Witam problem występuje u mnie w obydwu grach, ETS2 i ATS. Po wciśnięciu klawisza x na radiu pojawiają się czerwone diody ale nie wyskakuje ten mikrofon w prawym dolnym rogu i nie mogę mówić. Mój mikrofon wygląda na nieaktywny pomimo, że na samym cb pokazują się czerwone diody po wciśnięciu "x". Przeinstalowałem gry oraz truckersMP ale żadna z tych czynności nie pomogła. Proszę o pomoc w tym temacie.
  21. Hello, I have tried many solutions and I still can not hear others through the CB Radio even though they can hear me. I don't even see anyone's names pop up on the top left when they talk. -Uninstalled/Reinstalled Realtek Audio Driver -Made sure audio devices in use were set to default. -Uninstalled/Resintalled both ATS and ETS2 -Uninstalled/Reinstalled TruckersMP -Checked settings in Tab, where I manually changed both input and output devices, turned up the voice volume to max and even lowered sfx volume. "Show Speaking Players" is selected even though the speaking players never show up for me. Again, they can hear me, but I can't hear them. Any more suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  22. Hello. I want to ask is it posiable to change CB radio activation key from deafult V to any other. Thanks!
  23. Witam! otóż mój problem polega na tym, że nie słyszę nikogo na cb radiu mimo jego podgłoszenia. Natomiast mnie inni słyszą. Na czym może polegać błąd?
  24. ja i kilku kolegów mamy problemy z CB radiem tzn. działa nam tylko w jedną stronę inni nas słyszą, my ich nie słyszymy. W ustawieniach na TAB-ie jak i zapory jest wszystko OK.
  25. Mylus

    Cb radio

    mam problem w etesie ze na cb radiu nikogo nie slysze i mnie tez nie slychac a mam kanal 19 robilem juz reinstala ustawienia sprawdzalem wszedzie i nic znacie jakas przyczyne tego?
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