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About Namі

  • Birthday June 16

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    New Zealand
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  1. Before I give my opinion: I'm not a GMM, so please do NOT take what I say as factual. I'd strongly suggest taking this question to feedback (GMM category) as this is regarding a rule enquiry. So the way I see it, theoretically I'd say yes, it's against the rules. I would classify it as a trainer, and that breaks §2.1. Though with that being said, in practice it would be very hard, dare I say almost impossible to prove that someone is using a tpc tool. It's not as straightforward as other rules where you can just show a single clip or a screenshot from another user's POV - it would require more extreme measures to prove that you're breaking said rule.
  2. I think it's a nice change and it's definitely more pleasing to the eye - unfortunately though, I'm going to echo the same complaint that many others have voiced already, that being the date and time function removal. It's personally a really important function as (in addition to assisting in reports, as well as assisting in verifying VTC event attendance) I tend to run a single monitor setup - I keep Tab open all the time, but with the removal of this function, I now have to reach for my keyboard or my phone every time I want to check the time, as opposed to just being able to glance up at the top left of my screen. I want to make it clear that, whilst it's not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, it's certainly a quality of life feature that I would appreciate having back.
  3. Happy birthday

  4. Happy birthdayy!!! 🥳💖

  5. Guest

    Happy Birthday

  6. Happy Birthday mate 

  7. Happy birthday Nami!! 🥳

  8. Thank you for the birthday wishes, it means a lot!

    (ps I did an oopsie and lost my discord account; it's a long story, I got taken advantage of... but if I had you added and you want to re-add me please lmk and I'll re-add you. thx)

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Belated Happy Birthday 🎂🎉🥳

  9. Happy Birthday🎂🎉

  10. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  11. Happy birthday 🥳🎂

  12. Happy Birthday! :HaulieLove:

  13. Happy birthdayyy :HaulieLove:

  14. Happy Birthday! 

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