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Cbrady40 [G29]

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Cbrady40 [G29]

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but I didn't want to put it on the forums since this is a bit of a "grey area". I had a ban by mistake over a year ago that was eventually deleted but for some reason its now showing up again? Looks real good on my profile...:mellow:

    1. Cbrady40 [G29]

      Cbrady40 [G29]

      Ah yes, I just found that out. That is better then, thanks! :)

  2. Ok so CD road at nighttime is way calmer which is nice, but now it seems we have another problem, drivers with high ping (seriously, most people ive seen are going with 300-700ms) and drivers going 150+ km/h Looks like theres no way to be calm on CD road :lol:

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      oh well thats there problem, as long as they overtake its fine  im sure 



  3. Will I be banned or punished for if someone rammed me off the road into the grass and I was trying to find his ID in the player list then I would have F7 Entered and most of my truck was on the grass and the end of my trailer was on the shoulder, but NO part of my trailer was even touching the white line whatsoever and a car came along and decided to overtake another truck on the shoulder and then hit into me?

    1. Rev.


      It will show in the replay from when you reported him that you couldn't do anything other than pull over as far as possible to get out of the way. If this was not possible you did as you are supposed to 'F7 - Enter'.


      There's a very low probability of you being banned and if so it should be an easy appeal to win.

      In that situation, you can only blame the original offender and the driver who chose to drive on the hard shoulder.

    2. Trucking Gekco

      Trucking Gekco

      No, you were off of the road out of the way. Players shouldn't be passing anybody in the shoulder nor the grass. 

    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      If you are on the grass and no part of your truck is blocking the road then you are fine. If you are on the grass but beyond the map boundaries, however, then you could be reported for that. Though you could easily appeal the case by explaining you've been launched there by some rammer and didn't teleport away immediately because you were trying to report them. But that should hardly ever occur unless you stay out of boundaries for too long.

  4. So we upgraded our internet today. We had a 3 year plan for internet, tv and phone from 2013 that ran out a few months ago and recently we could no longer do long-distance calls without being charged. So we had to get a new 3-year bundle, and instead of 30/10 and 500gb usage internet we now have 70/10 and unlimited usage (although half the time it goes between 80-105 :P) and it's cheaper too.

    1. Prototype


      How much is it per month?

  5. Kind of sad Club Penguin is shutting down...This may be old news to some as it was announced at the end of January but I just found out yesterday. I joined it way back in early 2011 and don't play as much now but still liked to check in on when they had parties and stuff, but I am sad to see it go.


    I guess it's time for me to play some Club Penguin until March 29th :lol:. I tried Club Penguin Island and it isn't half bad but I don't think it's a worthy replacement just yet, maybe when it gets out of beta I will see again.

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