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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Replies posted by Krym

  1. I've been installing GTA V overnight... I wonder if it will be done for when I get home...

    1. Krym


      Im leaving work now! XD The only way to find out if it's done, is to find out if it's done!!!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  2. I've been installing GTA V overnight... I wonder if it will be done for when I get home...

  3. I've been installing GTA V overnight... I wonder if it will be done for when I get home...

    1. Krym


      Dammit FireStarter.... a meteorite could land on my house or anything!!! ;)

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  4. I've been installing GTA V overnight... I wonder if it will be done for when I get home...

    1. Krym


      :o or my car breaks down on the way home! STOP IT!!! YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME PARANOID!
    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  5. I've been installing GTA V overnight... I wonder if it will be done for when I get home...

  6. I've been installing GTA V overnight... I wonder if it will be done for when I get home...

  7. I've been installing GTA V overnight... I wonder if it will be done for when I get home...

  8. 45 Minutes left at work... someone come and save me???

  9. So guys, if somebody reports you with video evidence. Insult him on the video as much as you want. You won't get punished for it. T_T

    1. Krym


      Because he commented on your video... on YouTube... it has nothing to do with the TruckersMP Team. If he insulted you through the forums however, of course it would be the TruckersMP Teams responsibility to take action.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Guys we are aware of the issues with ATSMP, please do not create thread after thread!

  11. Guys we are aware of the issues with ATSMP, please do not create thread after thread!

    1. Krym


      ikr! One simple issue and everyone looses their minds!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Is there a way to rebind the "0" camera to a different key?

  13. I saw an ATS update and was like : Finally the new truck.. Read it and .... SCS is trolling...

    1. Krym


      Soon™ "A Few Short Days" - SCS (About a week ago) ;)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. new ATS Update (1.1.1s). Do not install now if you want to play ATSMP

  15. When People Think They're Driving In Need For Speed Instead of American Truck Simulator

  16. Ooh, a night theme for the forums! (Scroll to the bottom>Change theme) lol

  17. [ENG] ATSMP | Admin Stream #blamezirox http://www.twitch.tv/zirox_hd

    1. Krym


      I'll be tuning in Soon™

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