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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by LordBenji

  1. I don't think this is the right place to ask for help in Spanish. I know this topic has been asked in Spanish section. If a moderator or community manager could trash this topic, it would be appreciated.
  2. Make sure the wheel is well calibrated. Most of the time, unplugging and plugging it back (preferably from the power cord) will fix issues where the wheel turns slower/faster. Do not touch the wheel when it's calibrating (turning right, left, then center). I've had a similar issue where the wheel was oddly centered and the steering in the game was messed up.
  3. Here's my first entry... featuring @PatrycjaPL and @MrHarv98 ! (And myself of course) PS: I love the Raven Truck Design Pack DLC, it looks neat.
  4. How hard would that be to check once per minute or once per few minutes how many players there is? Then decide if it is required to enable or disable the AFK kick... And there could be a threshold too, to avoid constantly toggle the AFK kick.
  5. Well said @Killua (DavidOC93)! And just another note, I went through the report videos that I still have saved on my computer, and I counted 35 perpetrators that were using a car out of 165 in total. That makes 21% of the reports... When I know it's clearly an accident that I judge it's not worth punishing, then it ends up in my Random Moments videos, some cars but it's usually trucks in there. I also don't count when it's good overtaking that doesn't end up in an accident.
  6. @LoupBxl, comme Khaos a expliqué, il se peut fortement que dans tes options, la case du limiteur de vitesse soit coché. Évite les contrats externes également si tu ne veut pas le limiteur à 90 km/h. Si tu veux accéder aux options du multi, tu dois appuyer sur "Tab" (tabulation) pour ouvrir la liste des joueurs en mode conduite, ensuite clic droit de souris pour que le curseur devient jaune, et clique sur l'icone d'engrenage jaune en bas de la liste de joueurs. Tu devrais voir la fenêtre d'option du multi.
  7. No! But I know you tried to bump the topic lol.
  8. Useless traffic... Meh, admins will prioritize other type of infractions most of the time. In a few occasions, I see people getting kicked for having beacons or for useless traffic, but not all that often. And how many trucks and cars without trailer do I see on the Death Road? A lot! I mean at peak times where there's often stop and go, traffic jams, etc. Have fun trying to report a car just because he's driving on C-D road. Even if this would miraculously become a rule, I would not even bother making a report just for that. If someone trolls, ram, drives recklessly, in the wrong way for an extended period of time, blocks intentionally, then just record and report man. But I'm just telling you that removing cars will not prevent trolls from doing their job.
  9. @Zoidiano Did you have any other mods that was applied on your profile? Did you try to get another load in single player? I also remember I had a weird little issue when I just started messing around making simple mods to get trailers. It somehow said change detected, and messed up my save ending up with no jobs in freight market (single player), even after sleeping. I just loaded the save (not the auto save) and it somehow fixed the job listing issue I had.
  10. Well then... What about the people who drives normally? Trolls will remain trolls. If they don't have a car, they will use trucks, period. Let me explain something: Let's say you have the choice to own a knife and a pistol. The latter can be more lethal, I have to agree, but both can be used to defend yourself right? Would you still ban the pistol because some jerk shot someone? What about someone who used the knife to hurt a person? My point is that trucks and cars can be used to drive normally, or to troll others. So banning cars just because of some bad drivers using them is quite a drastic decision.
  11. Hello, I read that to change launch options, you need to run single player with the option you want. For example, I launch ETS2 in sp with DirectX, then I quit, and launch multiplayer. It should launch with the same option from last time.
  12. If you only have ETS2, make sure ATS is unchecked when installing. As long as you have one of the two games, it should be good.
  13. Hey @PilotinBlue, this is totally normal. Multiplayer time never stops, and that is why your time goes up when you go back in multiplayer. There's no way to change that, so hope it doesn't cause any issues for you.
  14. Hey @Calhon, have you checked the settings of multiplayer? When in drive mode, press tab, mouse right click (cursor should become yellow), left click yellow gear icon on bottom of player list, then go in Sounds. Make sure you have the right sound device, volume etc.
  15. EDIT: There is now a video tutorial at the bottom of the thread. (2019-05-02) Do you want to get started with save editing? If your answer is yes, then you came to the right place. Before you remind me, I am fully aware there's already a topic on this: I wanted to create an in-depth tutorial for those who wants to learn save editing. It contains pretty advanced technical information. And It's easy to make mistakes, I do it quite often too. Please note I will only support Windows OS (64 bit) users. Step 0: Obtaining game def (definition) files Before we start, you can create a folder where you'll copy and extract the def files from ETS2 (and ATS, depending which game you play). It's not mandatory, but it's highly recommended in order to see the path and where each def files are located. You can use this tool provided by SCS Software, and place it in the folder you created. Then you'll have to copy the def file (def.scs) in that folder too. The file is located in the game installation directory: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/MY TRUCK GAME/" (Please note that when you're in the file explorer, it uses the back slash '\'). If it's a non-steam version, it would be in the Program Files. When you have both files in the folder, just drag the scs file into the extractor. Then wait until the black window disappears. You should be able to see some files and folders. You can explore the files in that def folder to get familiar with it. For example, if I want the chassis from the cement mixer trailer, it would go like: "def/vehicle/trailer/cement_mixer/chassis.sii" Step 1: Downloading required files -Text editor You can try the vanilla Notepad from Windows, but I personally recommend using Notepad++. Any other text editors should do. Another reason I love Notepad++ is because I can search for all occurance of a certain value and replace it with another value. Notepad++ Website -Sii file decrypter for ATS & ETS2 You'll need it to decrypt the save files. You can try to find or compile a different one if you want. Download Non Java based decrypter (404 not found) Sii_Decrypt for format 2 Sii_Decrypt for any format There's a new version with a GUI. Thanks to @Ali365Dash for mentioning it. Step 2: Applying necessary changes You'll need to make sure your save games will save in the appropriate format. Open your File Explorer and go to your Documents. For ATS and ETS2, the folders should be respectively American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Once you found the folder, open config.cfg with your text editor. Then search (Ctrl+F keys on keyboard) for g_save_format, and change the number value to '2'. Then save the file (Ctrl+S keys on keyboard). If you want to do it on both games, you need to change it for each one. You'll also need to start the game in single-player, load the save game you want to modify later, save it, and quit the game. This will update your profile in the new save format. You only need to do it once for each profile you want to edit. Step 3: Save editing (now the fun part begins!) Very important! Always create a backup before each modifications! I simply make a copy before editing each time. I do not take responsibility for broken save files, game crashes or unexpected game behaviors. In the truck game folder (Documents->Your Truck Game), go in profiles folder (don't touch the ones that has ".bak"). At this point, I would recommend to sort the folders by modified date if you have a lot of them. Go in the folder that has been modified the most recently. Then go in save->autosave, and you should see a file called game.sii where all the magic is going to happen. Why autosave folder? Because that's the last modified folder when you quit the game. Another personal recommendation: copy the decryptor here for quick use. Make sure you are not running the game while doing this. Drag the game.sii (hold left click) into SII_Decrypt.exe. When you release your mouse button, a black screen should popup with some text in it. When the black screen disappears, open game.sii with your text editor. Bad result: Good result: Those _nameless.xxx.xxxx.xxxx are just addresses to differentiate each block. From here, I'll separate the different sections of save editing you can mess with. I also recommend to copy the address of each block you plan to modify, so you can refer to it quickly. You'll have to do it each time you save the game and decrypt the profile. -Bank -Player -Vehicle (truck) -Player Job -Trailer -License Plate -Paintjob/Skin -Color -Accessories Videos I might add more to this tutorial, or share knowledge from users with expertise in save editing.
  16. Salut, j'ai pas mal d'expérience avec les remorques modifiées. Si tu veux une remorque de couleur simple, je te conseille d'aller sur un site de mods approuvé pour le multi. Je peux t'envoyer mon tutoriel. Le contenu n'est pas super haute qualité, mais je pense que tu pourra arriver à suivre.
  17. After taking a quick look through my big profile which has a bunch of trucks everywhere, I found an example: license_plate: "LB62 EJK|uk"
  18. Oh sweet! I didn't expect to come in third place.
  19. I think there has been a little misunderstanding. From what @Hannes (GER) said, I understood that the smart GPS feature would help to detect if anyone is parked. Usually, people get kicked for doing so, or get a short ban.
  20. @JRBRITTON88, your microphone should be detected if it is default device for recording. You can plug it, right click sound/volume icon (near time, on task bar), and click on recording devices. You can see if it is default or not, and if it is, you can talk and see if green bar shows voice input. It is not required to have a microphone to play in multiplayer. But you can use it to talk in CB, while holding the 'V' key (push to talk). You must be connected to the server, and you will only be able to hear/talk to players nearby (in tab player list).
  21. Depuis récemment, je rencontre souvent des gamins qui ne réfléchissent pas avant de charger sa partie au beau milieux de la route... Résultat: Camion gravement endommagé et remorquage nécessaire. Non mais comment ils font pour être tellement bien synchro et apparaître à deux mètres de soi?
  22. Interesting, have you tried that @razzo120? Also make sure you're connected to Steam when launching the multiplayer mod.
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