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[BT] bnussman [C&M-AD]

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About [BT] bnussman [C&M-AD]

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  1. We need a Truck! Not a Car! #America

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. [BT] bnussman [C&M-AD]
    3. MooneyARD



      be greatful what use are getting it took 2 years to make this and use are complaining.

    4. [BT] bnussman [C&M-AD]

      [BT] bnussman [C&M-AD]

      LOL! No chill bro!

  2. If you have some time, check out https://nussman.us/convoy ! Let me know if you guys think this has any potential for a site like ets2c.com! Feel free to make test convoys on the site!

    1. [BT] bnussman [C&M-AD]

      [BT] bnussman [C&M-AD]

      What other logins would you like?

  3. Would you guys like a site with similar ets2c.com for ATS?

    1. xDopeZ
    2. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      not to sure because its pain in the back then lol i like it how it is atm but yea mate its up to u but i think u have to ask the project managers

    3. Aragon


      Personally I think there should be a website like ets2c.com made by the offical TruckersMP devs for all the convoys because I'm tired of people getting away with insulting and spamming there and not being able to do a thing about it

  4. This may be just the way MP works. Whenever I get in range of a considerable amount of people my game will stutter for maybe half a second at worst. I'm not sure if this is due to texture loading, or the logging (C:\Users\User\Documents\ATSMP) of the players as you get near them... Maybe your hard drive is not liking the writes from MP? Just a guess
  5. Thanks for the news guys! This brings up a great opportunity to port and make double trailers available in the 64 bit update! JK! Take you time...
  6. Where can I get MetaltigerSA's mods? I know his website was shut down, but I don't have a clue where to get everything now!!!

    1. Kamusel


      Some of his stuff is on the etsmptr page :)
    2. [BT] bnussman [C&M-AD]
  7. Umm, you must be missing a dlc?
  8. I saw that a few minutes ago, seemed kinda fishy because he was kicked by Kat for the resond of "test" then perm banned by T7Pilot. Some of my log: [19:21:23] ADMIN [ETS2MP_CCTV] Kat_pw kicked muraterkin07. Reason: Test[19:21:28] hammyguybb25 (1773): ok[19:21:29] Shiscon (1611): we are at the hotel[19:21:37] Rana Anas (1521): ok i am comming[19:21:55] ZKjamieKZ (2351): ge are you coming to tramsomet[19:22:00] Ge26 (808): yes[19:22:02] ZKjamieKZ (2351): okmay[19:22:11] Shiscon (1611): yao u good?[19:22:17] [FC]Yaomin_18[ESP] (1081): yes[19:22:17] hammyguybb25 (1773): park outside some of you[19:22:20] Shiscon (1611): leaving in one min to wien[19:22:21] ZKjamieKZ (2351): .pm 808 add em on steame[19:22:29] Shiscon (1611): holo back up[19:22:30] hammyguybb25 (1773): lol[19:22:33] [FC]Yaomin_18[ESP] (1081): game became crashed[19:22:35] [FC]Yaomin_18[ESP] (1081): hahaha[19:22:41] [FC]Yaomin_18[ESP] (1081): go?[19:22:44] AresOne (2061): go ![19:22:49] Shiscon (1611): leaving[19:22:53] [TR] NorthFace (1594): ok go[19:22:57] AresOne (2061): who's the leader ?[19:23:12] [INFO] Official TS3 server - IP: ts3.ets2mp.com[19:23:16] [FC]Yaomin_18[ESP] (1081): slow[19:23:38] [BAN] Admin [ST] Craigals [TS3 Admin] banned player muraterkin07 permanently.[19:23:38] [BAN] Reason: speedhack Edit: Look at the current viewers of the thread, maybe they will talk
  9. Well, kat (the CCTV guy) has a command on his stream that says this: Alternative download location for winter mod: ets2mpstats.com/mods/winter_mod.scs and ets2mpstats.com/mods/winter_mod.scs.sha1 (for verifying the file, can be confirmed by anyone else who got the mod) I got those files, and put them in my \Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mods folder, but I cant find out how to enable the mod! Edit: I tried the installer again, and its going at a good speed!
  10. I'm having the same problem! My Speeds at home are 15MB Down and 1MB Up! I have Time Warner Cable... The installer shows i'm downloading at 16KB's! Hope This gets fixed!
  11. Yep, a 970 is a nice improvement, but its not gonna help much in busy places in MP. From what I know, the way all the trucks are rendered, hurts the FPS.
  12. after seeing the title of this post. I kinda understand why you were banned.
  13. Im not sure, but it sounds like a firewall, or maybe there is a problem with your install of ETS2MP. Try reinstalling the mod.
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