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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Brandon8506

  1. oh how i can relate to that ban :< i hope it all goes well for you

    1. Sorcerity


      Thank you <3 

    2. Brandon8506


      <3 I hope this makes you feel better xD I got perma banned for having 2 lights on my bottom bar. Its pretty stupid since it doesn't interfere with collision. Ive had those 2 lights on my trucks for almost 2 years, been in events and all around admins and never got told to take them off till i got myself a perma xD




    3. Dziada


      Hello there,


      The forum is not the right place to talk about your ban. If you feel that your ban was unfair you can appeal it at https://www.truckersmp.com/appeals


      If you feel that the appeal was handled badly then you can submit a feedback ticket at https://www.truckersmp.com/feedback


      If you have any other questions feel free to PM me.


      All the best,


      TruckersMP Community Moderator


      //Locked status update

  2. Is this LED Indicator / blinker allowed on the truck and trailer? it does not block / poke out or interfere with collision. https://prnt.sc/l5i0h7

    1. Nataliia


      Hai @Brandon8506, could you send me another screenshot? This one is not clear enough.

    2. Brandon8506


      i will once the mod updates :)


    3. Nataliia


      Alright @Brandon8506, feel free to notify me here when you get the screenshot. :mlg_doge:

  3. gotta love admins not checking appeals because they have school :D:D

    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Game Moderators are not robots, they're humans like other players, so they've their own life 

    2. Brandon8506


      woah i didnt know that... I was sharing whats on my mind.. didnt need a reply but thanks

  4. got perma banned for excessive lights today... go me.

    Here is my truck. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1522981496


    1. Xiolin


      The ban is "permanent". meaning you will stay banned until you make appropriate changes. You can appeal the ban, asking what is excessive about it, or make your case on why its not excessive, and they will review the appeal and respond. If they respond, telling you to make changes, then make the changes, and provide a screenshot of your truck with the changes made. They'll then review your changes, and determine lifting the ban from there.


      EDIT: Do what Miyuki said. Just noticed the rectangular white lights you got on the bottom bar. As Miyuki posted, they are not allowed.

  5. Hey man, where do u get that third front mirror for ur scania? i need it since its allowed in MP


    1. Brandon8506


      this mirror -> HxGVRek.jpg

    2. Azusakawa*


      you can search head up display

      good luck

  6. oh how i love truckersmps staff "locks" a profile update about a ban. like who the heckers cares. ITS A STATUS / PROFILE UPDATE LOL TF

    1. Dziada


      Hello there,


      The forum is not the place for complaining about TMP staff. If you would like to give feedback about our staff members you can do so through our feedback system here:




      If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me.


      All the best


      TruckersMP Community Moderator


      //Locked status update

  7. when is the winter mod coming out for ets?!?!

    1. JJay


      We don't know when winter mod will coming out for ETS2. You need to be patient.

  8. can u please fix the new update for ETS2 and MP please...

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Developers are working on it. Please wait

  9. *Truckersmp- now supports 1.33*

    *ETS2- Beyond the Baltic Sea Comes out in 11 hours*

    *TruckersMP- damn we should of just waited for the map to release*

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Can't wait for new map :D Coming soon :) 

  10. is there a discord for truckersmp?


    1. JeffSFC




      Follow this guide here.



  11. guess we arent having a white Christmas in Truckersmp :<

  12. patiently waiting for the snow mod like a kid waiting to see Santa on Halloween  XDDDDDD:troll:

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