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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by eddie19722

  1. i'm with you on this friend all the way. punish the speeders and idiots not the genuine players.
  2. need to support the christmas truck paint for ATSMP. just paid for it and can not use it in mp. not happy.

  3. yep lol i almost crashed into you.

    1. NoTime4name


      Really? There wasn't anyone near me when it went, on my screen anyways :P 

    2. eddie19722


      sorry dude wasn't you. it was someone named phoenix.


    3. NoTime4name
  4. can they not just revert back to the 1.4xx before the last update so we can atleast play the damn thing
  5. why can't you just revert back to the 1.4xx for the time being untill you get ATSMP fixed. at least then we can get on there and play.
  6. just tried that rockysteel it lasted about 10mins then crash while on a delivery
  7. i know you guys do this mod for free and you can be very busy doing other things. but just wondering when the ats update will be ready because at the moment i/we cant log into the WOT to do external jobs.
  8. I like going on freeroam to many idiots on the other server's that just want to bash in you for fun. but even in freeroam where not many people go on I still got kick for being AFK. shouldn't happen at all in freeroam. oh yeh also in freeroam we can go as fast as the truck will take you. but that fine to do is it..
  9. had same issue got kicked for high ping. I was only looking for work. and the other matter is why in freeroam you can go as fast as you want, but you get kicked for AFK..
  10. saw the same thing snow in tunnels. but what about sunflowers in winter covered in snow. pmsl.
  11. not sure if I can post this here but I just got kicked of game because of a high ping. what does that mean
  12. I got AFK today was parked in the right place and went for a pee only gone couple of mins. come back and there it was afk. does this mean every time I need go for a pee or make a coffee I got come out of the game. it's stupid..
  13. I had same thing done to me tonight. got kicked for afk. only went the toilet for a pee came back couple minuets later and off.
  14. same here I got kicked off cause someone else in front of me. he wouldn't move.
  15. got the same problem. but I was playing then server went offline now can't get back into game.
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