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Posts posted by ALLIANCE Jean M.

  1. On 5/22/2021 at 11:14 PM, CHRISTINA said:

    Estou pensando em entrar para uma VTC do ATS.
    Algém poderia me indicar alguma?  ?


    Olá @CHRISTINA, tudo bem com você? Boa tarde! Não sei do seu conhecimento quanto a rede TruckersMP, mas você pode procurar uma empresa de sua escolha utilizando o sistema de "VTC" disponibilizado no site principal da TruckersMP. Por lá, é possível pesquisar por VTCs que atendam aos seus gostos e preferências utilizando um filtro no momento de pesquisa, e as opções são as seguintes:

    • Nome da VTC e/ou prefixo utilizado quando em jogo;
    • Mínimo e/ou máximo de membros;
    • Linguagem (ex: Português, Inglês, Espanhol, e outros);
    • Status de recrutamento (aberto ou fechado) e também de reconhecimento (validado ou verificado pela TruckersMP);
    • Relação com jogos (apenas ETS2, ATS, ou ambos).

    Para iniciar a sua pesquisa de maneira adequada, você deve seguir os passos listados abaixo:

    1. Você irá abrir o site principal da TruckersMP clicando aqui.
    2. Após abrir o site principal da TruckersMP você irá clicar no botão VTC conforme apresenta a imagem abaixo:
      • vfk2aWQ.png
    3. Após seguir o passo anterior irá abrir uma página que é relacionado ao mundo das VTCs, e você como uma jogadora poderá pesquisar clicando no botão "Search VTCs" conforme a imagem abaixo:
      • Fp6W6wy.png
    4. Aberto o sistema para pesquisas de VTCs baseado em filtros, basta você selecionar as preferências de acordo com o seu gosto (apenas para exemplificar, filtrei apenas as VTCs que são do idioma português) e posteriormente clicar em Search:
      • OkgIZ0J.png
    5. Após filtradas, aparecerão as possíveis VTCs baseadas nas suas preferências em formato de cartões com informações principais como "Membros, Linguagem, Data de Criação (Sistema de VTC), Jogo e Status de Recrutamento" e após verificar qual lhe chama mais a sua atenção ou pode ser interessante, basta clicar em View VTC e depois olhar as suas respectivas descrições, requisitos de recrutamento e regras. A que mais lhe interessar você enviará uma aplicação e em-breve os recrutadores daquela VTC lhe responderão com todas as perguntas e orientações necessárias para recrutamento.

    Da minha opinião pessoal, na comunidade portuguesa e brasileira é muito difícil ver VTCs que tenham o seu foco no American Truck Simulator, uma vez que o foco principal da maioria (senão todas) são no Euro Truck Simulator 2 (mesmo que raras às vezes essas VTCs promovem eventos ou rodagens pelo ATS). Portanto, espero ter ajudado e caso a sua dúvida tenha sido solucionada clique em :check: acima do meu nome e responda ao seu próprio tópico para os moderadores da comunidade ou integrantes do suporte não moverem para a área de tópicos inativos.

  2. On 3/22/2021 at 7:17 PM, Freddy_Pocaterry said:

    Nao consigo que esta plataforma indentifique o meu american truck simulator.

    Porque será?

    Foi comprado da mesma forma que o truck simulator 2 atravez de steam. 


    Olá @Freddy_Pocaterry, tudo bem com você? Você não especificou muito bem o seu problema, mas até a onde entendi, você não está conseguindo vincular o American Truck Simulator à sua conta do TruckersMP para jogar, certo? Se sim, você deverá seguir todos os passos deste artigo de ajuda para dar certo: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/270. Caso haja mais dúvidas, não hesite em abrir um novo tópico na área de ajuda aqui na discussão portuguesa, ou responder no seu próprio tópico enquanto estiver aberto.

  3. On 2/23/2021 at 1:37 PM, Sieghart (BR) said:

    Venho aqui pedir ajuda, pois já pesquisei e procurei no jogo e não consegui achar.


    Dentro do jogo não fala qual é a tecla para falar por voz, mas eu consegui achar na internet que é a tecla "x".

    Mas em meu jogo a tecla "x" é o erguer/abaixar eixo do reboque.


    Gostaria de saber se tem como alterar a tecla de chat por voz e onde altera.


    Se alguém puder me ajudar eu agradeço.




    Olá @Sieghart (BR), tudo bem com você? Por limitações da TruckersMP, até o momento não é possível alterar as teclas de atalho, sendo uma delas, o botão de pressionar para falar no Rádio CB. Entretanto, a única solução para o seu problema será alterar o botão de "erguer/abaixar eixo do reboque" para uma outra tecla que você não use, e também a TruckersMP não use para alguma outra ação. Caso haja mais dúvidas não hesite em perguntar na seção de ajuda na discussão Portuguesa.

  4. On 2/21/2021 at 2:29 PM, Halb_Gott said:

    Olá boa tarde, estou com 41hrs de jogo e de repente  de ontem pra hoje não consigo logar em nenhum servidor do online. Depois que eu clico para selecionar o servidor meu jogo para nessa tela.



    Alguém pode me ajudar com esse problema? Obrigado.


    Olá @Halb_Gott, tudo bem com você? Até onde é do meu conhecimento, essa mensagem não é relacionada ao problema de não conectar-se aos serviços da TruckersMP, mas sim, aos serviços do World Of Trucks. Sendo assim, selecione o perfil em que você deseja entrar, clique no botão "Editar Perfil" e no campo relacionado ao World Of Trucks, apague todas as credenciais (login e senha), aplique as alterações e tente entrar no perfil novamente. 


    Caso não tenha funcionado, atualize-nos do que está acontecendo e se possível dar mais detalhes, isso contribuirá muito para lhe ajudarmos.

  5. @Simulatorkingz Congratulations on the 3 years of VTC, Spedition Dortmund. We believe that there was a lot of dedication to reach the three years of VTC, right? I come on behalf of ALLIANCE to wish you happiness, success and all the best for Spedition Dortmund and even though this time my VTC was unable to participate, I hope that everything went well at your event, but there will certainly be future event opportunities. ❤️


    Kind Regards,

    Jean M. | President of ALLIANCE Virtual.

  6. 56 minutes ago, ACELERA said:









    Olá @ACELERA, tudo bem com você? Caso precise de ajuda ou queira retirar dúvidas, o local apropriado para isso é a seção de ajuda na discussão portuguesa, entretanto, enfatizo que o fórum não é o local adequado para discutir a respeito de punições, apelações ou qualquer outro assunto de mesma natureza. Portanto, se em sua concepção a punição aplicada foi injusta, recorra ao sistema de apelações e se esgotado todas as tentativas, e ainda achar injusto, recorra ao sistema de feedbacks do TruckersMP.

  7. On 12/28/2020 at 8:15 PM, alissonm8 said:

    Não é algo que me impeça de jogar, porém me incomoda bastante durante a gameplay

    Esses "rosas" nas barreiras de concreto principalmente (lado esquerdo Como posso resolver esse bug? 

    Acredito que seja bug do jogo pq no ATS fica normal, e em outros jogos também não há bugs. 

    Imagem do problema: https://imgur.com/8WRg5ec

    (uma no imgur, outra anexada abaixo:) 



    Olá @alissonm8, tudo bem com você? Até onde é do meu conhecimento, essa "texturização rosa" na barreira lateral é comum em usuários que rodam o Euro Truck Simulator 2 e/ou American Truck Simulator com os gráficos no baixo, contudo, não conheço uma forma pela qual isso pode ser resolvido pois isso também acontece comigo e por experiência própria digo que vejo isso já faz muitos anos. Portanto, se em sua concepção isso ainda é um bug ou deseja receber um suporte especializado, é recomendado que entre em contato com o Suporte da TruckersMP clicando aqui, uma vez que eles poderão lhe responder de maneira mais técnica.

  8. On 12/31/2020 at 2:36 PM, Raymond_ said:

    Topic approved.

    Good luck with the event & Happy New Year!

    @Raymond_ Thanks for approving the topic, even if it's late, I wish you a happy new year. ^^


    On 1/1/2021 at 9:37 AM, Λ S L Λ N said:

    Happy New Year 2021 dude, and good luck for this Event :P

    Thank you and I wish you a happy new year too, if you want you will also be welcome at our event. :D 


    On 1/1/2021 at 9:44 AM, Passion. said:

    Happy New Year! Good Luck!

    @Passion. Thank you and I wish you a happy new year too. :D 


    On 1/5/2021 at 9:34 AM, 007nicodim said:

    how i can join??

    @007nicodim I didn't understand your question very well, however, if it's about you participating in the event, all you have to do is be in San Diego, California at 3:00 pm in Brasília Time Zone, which will be the concentration period as explained in the topic. Afterwards, the departure will begin at 4:00 pm in the Brasília Time Zone, where everyone will start in an orderly way towards the destination.




    Event changes:

    We thank everyone for their interest and you will certainly be very welcome at our event, but this time due to changes in the TruckersMP event system and also for internal reasons, this time ALLIANCE will hold your event on a public server, however, we count on the collaboration of all participants and we emphasize that we will be limited as to the organization of our event because we didn't get a reserved server.


  9. jMduhnP.png


    Oh, January! Holidays, beach, lots of sun and heat that makes you want to drink coconut water. It's in this summer style in Brazil that ALLIANCE opens its calendar of public events for 2021 and so, we present to you the Summer Convoy that will have a 100% summer feeling and you will be able to enjoy one of the most beautiful beach views in the state of California in American Truck Simulator.


    Everyone is invited to participate with us and socialize in an event that promises to be sensational, however, we emphasize that our events will always be organized in the Brazilian Portuguese language and due to linguistic limitations on the part of our team, support for other languages will not is guaranteed or if there is a possibility it will be very limited, however, this will not prevent anyone from participating and having fun with us, so embark on this trip with us and if there are any questions that will influence your participation during the event, we ask you to make questions it in advance through the support channels on our Discord, which you can access clicking here.


    • §1. How will the event take place?
    • §2. Event information.
      • §2.1.  Notice of temporary event rules and slot system.
      • §2.2.  Attendance List (RSVP).


    1. How will the event take place?

    All events in the ALLIANCE Convoy category consist of a stipulated period of one hour which is called concentration and is intended for the meeting of all players in order to position themselves in areas where parking is permitted, adequate and preferably without collision according to temporary rules. Subsequently, everyone will have the only and essential time to configure their game properly (e.g.: simulation settings) then your vehicle and trailer.


    After the period of concentration, we will start the departure of all participants in an organized manner and according to the event proposal being initially defined by the departure of ALLIANCE, participating VTCs and successively the public to proceed towards our destination while the events sector does its job along the entire route. When we arrive at the destination everyone will go to their respective slots (if any), the final works will be carried out by the competent sectors, there will be a final speech and later we will leave a space for any players or VTC representatives to talk about the event, which can be from praise, constructive criticism, suggestions and miscellaneous.


    This is the model of our event and in short, it's a regular and traditional event in order to meet monthly with everyone who accompanies our work, always looking for something different and fun and despite everything, everyone is very welcome as long as they respect the organization and the temporary rules of our event. Therefore, we thank everyone who supports the work of our team.


    2. Event Information:

    • Date: Sunday, January 24, 2021.
    • Meeting Time (Concentration): 15h00m (Brasília Time Zone).
    • Departure Time: 16h00m (Brasília Time Zone).
    • Server: [US] Simulation.
    • Required DLC(s): None.
    • Start: San Diego (CA)
    • Destination: Santa Cruz (CA)
    • Route: Click Here.
    • CB Radio Channel: 19 (Default).


    > Do you live in regions and/or countries with a different time zone than the one mentioned above? Then click here and convert the time of the event to your time zone.


    2.1. Notice of temporary event rules and slot system:
    In order to request and obtain a specific and dedicated server for this event, we will not inform the temporary rules for security reasons and also because the application of the rules on a reserved and public server is different, so when everything is in compliance and ready for publication, a notice of temporary rules will be created for this event. We emphasize that if you want us to be able to provide the best quality and safety possible for this event, you need to help us by signing your name on our attendance list, for more information, check out Attendance List (RSVP) in this same publication.


    Regarding the slot system, we declare that we will work with it only if we get a server reserved and dedicated to this event, however, the images next to the booking slot form for the reservation of places will be available at VTC as part of the rules notice. However, it's important to note that the images of the slots will appear in advance on our Discord in the events area and possibly in one of the publications about the event in the TruckersMP forum.


    2.2. Attendance List (RSVP):
    In order to provide the best quality and safety possible in our event, as mentioned above it is necessary that all players, VTCs and other people in the community interested in participating in this event, sign their names on the attendance list until we reach the total quantity 50 signatures by January 10, 2021. If by any chance we are unable to reach the goal within the period mentioned above, unfortunately we will not be able to open a request for a dedicated server reserved for this event since we were unable to comply with part of the requirements stipulated by the TruckersMP network.


    If you don't know how to sign your name on the attendance list, watch our tutorial clicking here or enter our Discord server clicking here and access the support channels. Therefore, it is important to note that if we do not get a reserved server as stated above, we will hold our event on the server defined as a reservation in Event Information.


  10. Done, @Prime! Thank you for this opportunity and I fully agree that the community must and can contribute critically (constructively, of course) to the TruckersMP project with the aim of always improving and trying to provide the best for all players, however, I believe that this could be carried out periodically as well as satisfaction surveys on other teams (e.g.: Game Moderation Team).


    The only thing about this satisfaction survey is that as mentioned by @3ventic, there are required questions that for some players may be impossible to answer and perhaps this may distort some data about the Event Team survey, however, in my perspective I also believe that next time this survey can be make on TruckersMP's own website (even if it's necessary to create a specific area or link it with the Feedback area) and in addition to scales between "1-5" or "Bad and Good" can have optional answer boxes so that players can openly give their opinion on what is being asked.


    Kind Regards, Jean M.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Spoiler



    @poland.ball I fully support you when we say to remake Skoda and even bring news to the players of the TruckersMP network, because in my perspective the current vehicle is very boring, that's it isn't cool to drive it when compared to the time when Skoda was launched. However, I don't know if there is a possibility but I would venture to mention some items where my opinion could be changed in the vehicle (in addition to the items you mentioned):

    1. I believe that the physics and other items that interfere with driving the vehicle should be improved so that it's more realistic as well as adapting to TruckersMP players instead of being very unstable that uses a lot of fuel and at the same time, it seems to have no power in its engine and I always have the feeling that the car has no brakes (even if the brake sensitivity in the game settings is at maximum).
    2. New paintings could be created or even use the base paintings found in the game for Skoda, so that it's adapted and doesn't become something very strange or that will generate conflicts with the game.
    3. I don't know Skoda's sound in real life, but I believe it could be improved, preferably more realistic, as the current one looks like a jackhammer, drill or anything else in my ears that doesn't seem to be the sounds of a car.
    4. Although the set of police accessories are exclusive to specific TMP Staff, I believe that this exclusivity could be matched to the set of accessories intended for "Pilot" so that everyone can use it, because in my perspective, there is a difference and a very large variety for police accessories instead of Pilot. Along with that, I add that all items could be revised so that they look more realistic and beautiful, which includes new beacons with lighting identical to a cargo DLC (if I'm not mistaken) present only on trucks. That's, to create accessories intended for Pilot that are similar to those of the Police, and no, I'm not saying that players should use Police accessories, but rather, the same or better accessories be created and intended for the exclusive use of "Pilot cars".
    5. New trailers to use with Skoda. I believe that everyone's opinion is the same, however, in addition to its instability on Caravan Trailer, it's also no longer attractive.
  12. Spoiler



    @butilka123 Saying the first and second option sensibly seems to be one of the best solutions to this problem, but thinking about all the players and at any time I believe that the second and third option could be reformulated into a single item, so that the person not being able to drive your vehicle or something similar until the game is fully loaded, however, there must be a consistent time limit for the person not to spend all day trying to load all players if there is a very bad internet and a very bad computer too. I say this from my own experience, especially with the old "0.0m" problem which is very dangerous.


    Despite not being able to present technical arguments and playing since 2014 on the TruckersMP network with my "Potato PC", I believe that the current "Unrealiable connection" system has come to be an ally and kick people with excessive internet connection problems and the server, however, I have noticed that even though there is a stable internet where there are no ping fluctuations, where only the FPS can oscillate due to my computer, I'm also kicked by an unreliable connection. Although not the subject of this topic, but here is my question, is the connection unreliable as far as it's usually presented and is part of my knowledge, isn't it intended for people with connection problems instead of FPS?


    In addition to the items mentioned above and also based on the opinion of other people, for me it doesn't seem too bad to create the reconnect button to the servers after a kick or any other problem, if it's possible to develop. Therefore, even if the topic is old I believe that I can leave my opinion here and I apologize if there is something incoherent or confusing, after all, I'm still not good in the English language.

    • Like 1
    • Upvote 1
  13. 3sI5ISb.png



    2020 was a long year, wasn't it? Faced with so many events, whether good or bad, here we're for another ALLIANCE Convoy whose theme in December will be called Christmas Convoy, christmas is a typical holiday that takes place on the 24th and 25th of December. "Oh, christmas! Day of celebrations, fraternity, solidarity, day of exchanging gifts, eating french toast and panettone... ?". This date is the centerpiece of the new year parties and the holiday season \o/ (bosses, don't forget our holidays huh!), although traditionally it's a christian festival, the christmas holiday is celebrated by many "non-christians" and the popular, modern and typical christmas customs, include the exchange of gifts and cards, christmas dinner, christmas music, parties, a special meal and the display of different decorations (christmas trees, christmas lights, garlands, nativity scenes and miscellaneous).


    And it will be in this rhythm of special celebrations for the end of the year that ALLIANCE will bring on December 13, 2020, another public event! We're going to visit one of the most beautiful countries on the European continent, Germany. Everyone is invited to participate with us and socialize in an event that promises to be sensational, so prepare your christmas tr... ops, your truck and come and enjoy christmas with ALLIANCE ???.


    We emphasize that the event will be organized in the Brazilian Portuguese language and due to the limitations of our team, support for other languages is not guaranteed, however, this does not prevent any person from participating and having fun with us, therefore, everyone are welcome and any questions regarding the event should be asked in advance on the help channels of our Discord server that you can access it clicking here.


    How will the event take place?

    The ALLIANCE Convoy will consist of a stipulated period for the meeting (concentration) and all players must position themselves in their slots (reserved spaces) or if there is no reserved space, they must go to what we call public slot and later it will be the only and essential moment to configure your game properly with your vehicle and trailer, and when everything is ready, feel free to interact and meet the other participants. Then (departure), we will start the event and go to the exit phase where we will carry out the release of all VTCs that have reserved a slot and successively the public to proceed towards our destination.


    At the destination, we will start the event closing process starting with the parking of the VTCs and players in their proper places, the media team will carry out its work with all the participants, there will be the final speech with the final acknowledgments led by one or more members of our team and later we will leave a space for any player to feel free to say something about the event, whether from praise, constructive criticism, suggestions and miscellaneous.


    Therefore, this is the standard for ALLIANCE Convoy, in short, it's a more traditional event in order to meet monthly with everyone who follows our work, whether internal or external.


    Event Information:

    • Date: Sunday, December 13, 2020.
    • Meeting Time (Concentration): 15h00m (Brasília Time Zone).
    • Departure Time: 16h00m (Brasília Time Zone).
    • Main Server: ALC Convoy - Christmas Convoy
    • Backup Server: [US] Simulation.
    • Required DLC(s): None.
    • Start: Dresden ??
    • Destination: Nürnberg ??
    • CB Radio Channel: 19 (Standard).


    • Do you live in regions and/or countries with a different time zone than the one mentioned above? Then click here and convert the time of the event to your time zone.


    Event Route:




    Rules Notice (Temporary Rules):

    In order to request and obtain a specific server for this event, at the moment our team will not inform the rules of this event for security reasons and also because the application of the rules on a server reserved for events and an audience works in very different ways. When everything is ready and in compliance, a notice of temporary rules will be created for this event and there you will be able to check all the information related to it. We emphasize that if you want us to be able to ensure and offer better quality and safety for the event, it's necessary that you help us by signing your name on our attendance list which will be listed in the topic Attendance List (RSVP).


    Attendance List (RSVP):

    In order to ensure and offer the best quality and safety during our event, it's necessary that all players, VTCs and communities interested in participating, sign their names until we reach the total amount of 50 signatures on the 30th of November 2020. If by any chance we don't get the amount stipulated by TruckersMP within the period mentioned above, unfortunately we will not be able to open a reserved server request for an event since ALLIANCE as the event organizer has 14 days in advance to request a reserved server and dedicated to events with all the requirements imposed by TruckersMP.


    We emphasize that if you don't know how to sign your name on our presence list, you can watch our tutorial by clicking here or entering our Discord server by clicking here and accessing the support areas. Therefore, if we're unable to get a reserved server, ALLIANCE will hold its event on the server defined as reserve and/or secondary.




    We know that many players are not used to the slots system since in the Portuguese and Brazilian community we're of the only ones that use this system with the aim of obtaining a better organization, and how do we know, it's irritating having players parking in a place you arrived first and getting in the way of you, right? To avoid this, we use this system, and all VTC leaders and representatives can apply for a reserved seat without other people bothering them and, of course, choosing the best one for their drivers.


    • With that, all leaders and representatives of VTCs will be able to make their booking slot clicking here (coming soon). We kindly ask you to carefully read all the information on the form and fill in as requested, otherwise it will not be possible to reserve a place for you.
    • All slots will be available in our rules notice, official event publication in the English area of the forum or on our Discord server in the events area.
    • HaulieLove 1
  14. 3 hours ago, mirosmar30 said:

    E ai galera, quero fazer parte de uma empresa de cargas pesadas, gosta desta DLC, se alguém souber de alguma empresa que carrega esse  tipo de carga ou se alguém estiver afim de montar uma empresa avise aqui no fórum. blz. 


    Olá @mirosmar30, tudo bem com você? Esta área do fórum só permite a língua inglesa, então para as discussões em português você deve criar tópicos em Portuguese Discussion, todavia, o fórum não é um local para discutir assuntos relacionados à VTCs e para criar ou procurar alguma, é necessário que você acesse o Sistema de VTCs (Clique Aqui) e posteriormente vá em Search VTCs ou algum botão similar para isso para encontrar uma empresa virtual baseado nas suas escolhas. É recomendado que utilize os filtros para localizar mais facilmente se você prefere optar por uma VTC em que o seu idioma principal seja o português, inglês, espanhol, se é ou não verificado e/ou validado e dentre outras opções.


    Com relação ao conteúdo cargas pesadas (imagino que você refira-se à Heavy Cargo Pack), nem todos jogam sempre com esses reboques, mas isso não lhe impede a juntar-se à qualquer outro jogador e cada um ir com o reboque em que preferir.

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