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Veteran Driver
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Status Updates posted by YoRuK.

  1. Today, while I was driving a truck on TruckersMp, I saw someone I didn't know on the side of the road using a truck mod I made and I was so happy that I left him a congratulatory note for using my mod.
    [TruckersMP] Black Edition 780hp 😍

  2. I hope all the good things will come your way! 🎉🎊

  3. Welcome among us, my friend. 🥰

  4. I shared a mod about Ets2 in Steam workshop. It is a valid truck in TruckersMP andit attracted a lot of attention in one day.. I wanted to share this news with you. If you want to see it, you can take a look here👈😍

  5. That view I can watch until the morning... :HaulieLove:

    1. Almeida.


      Amazing combo ❤️ 

  6. I wish you a very happy birthday! 🎉🎊

  7. We stepped into Greece... 

    1. L-DR@GO


      Nice photo 👍 

    2. MarkON


      Great picture 🙂


      Happy Trucking!

    3. Almeida.
  8. I shot the CS2 version of some of my friends' memories from the CS 1.6 era. I hope you liked it. ❤️


  9. I just came back from training and I'm watching the first show right now. :thisisfine:


  10. can you come back please.. 😥

    1. Poyraz


      I think no for now 😢

  11. I wish you the happiest year of your life 🎉🎊

  12. I can't wait to show it to my friends.. :HaulieLove:


    1. 'Leo.


      Umarım güzel video olmuştur iyi şanslar :HaulieLove:

    2. Small Kai

      Small Kai

      Looking forward to it

    3. 'MaRtY
  13. I wish you the happiest year of your life. <33

  14. I wish you a very happy birthday dan ! 🎉🎊

  15. I wish you a very special birthday buddy!  🎉

  16. I hope you will always be happy in your new year. 🎉🎊

  17. We took a nice photo with Anous, me and Furıar.. 😍

  18. It was a nice activity day with buddy @Zargon.:mlg_doge:

    1. L-DR@GO
    2. Zargon.


      Güzel Fotoğraf Dostum! 😍

    3. PinkNub_
  19. Target Region: Alps was very exciting, I would like to thank all the TruckersMP team who participated.. :HaulieLove:


  20. Welcome to the Forum My Friend, you can have a fun time by joining the forum here <33

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