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If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

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Everything posted by If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

  1. Traffic Warning: There are currently 7 - 8 Hackers openly active in D-C Area, also 3 pair of very aggressive Scoda Troll who causing Trouble! Be careful out there! 😉

    1. ItzKieren


      If you suspect anyone to be breaching any rules, record and use the report system. 

    2. Sunstrider


      Record the hackers, make sure you have the correct TMPID, and file a report.

    1. L-DR@GO


      Well, kinda 😀😀😀

      60+ pam ban 😀

      He or she is really the devil Skoda 🤣


      I tip my hat to you gun slinger 🤣

  2. At least, He is Polite! 🥰


    I hope, my little Chat with him did not cause the Crash! Do not Speedhack and Type in Chat!! 😄 :troll:

  3. All Police Related Accessory is only for TruckersMP Moderation Staff and some Upper Staff! Edit: There are some Local Mods that creating a Police Car only visible for you!
  4. D-C Traffic Warning: There are currently 5 - 7 active Trolls with 3rd Party Programs, who trolling the ppl around the Rail Crossing! New and older Accounts 😉

    1. If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

      If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

      5 Accounts are already handled by Staff! 🙂 

  5. It is correct, back in the Days without the Scodas, PPL used just Bobtail Trucks to Troll other Players. And with the adding of the /fix Command, they used Trailer too, cause there were more ways to troll. But, the Point of this Suggestion is, it does not matter if you have any Accidents, cause if needed, you are able to use a Save Game Reload. And with Profile Editing you are able to Skip the Single Player Grind, what i am recommend if you want to keep your Single Player Profile away from TruckersMP, but you want to keep the Progress. This is for the current State of TruckersMP. All this can change, when TruckersMP starting to make the Gameplay more challenging and implement an interesting Grind and Profile Management that can not be modified by the Player!
  6. ETS 2 and ATS are Single Player Games. Therefore the Grind in these Games is focussed on the individual Player. SCS Convoy Mode is still Single Player but you can drive together with your Friends, but you are not Grinding together! TruckersMP is a Mass Multiplayer Game and like other Multiplayer Games, it needs his own Set of Basic Settings, which are the same for every Player ( Physics, EXP, Rank, Money, Upgrades)! This means, TruckersMP need his own Profile Server, to make sure that no Player can manipulate his Profile, based on the Basics. This, on the other Hand, would be a massive change of Gameplay, and i am sure there are many Players out there who would enjoying this! It would also give the VTC System of TruckersMP a useful meaning. But, and here comes the big BUT, this would need more Manpower to Develop such System, this need a massive Change of Rules, it needs a own Team of Moderation and the most Important, it needs Extra Money/Donations to keep the needed Servers alive and Secure. And, what is also Important, it would not prevent Trolls of beingTrolls and doing Troll Stuff!
  7. Well, we all see how popular the Speedlimit of 150kph is, after the Survey by TruckersMP. Instead of talking the Idea down, why not strap the Man Pants on and give it a try? There is nothing to lose, but it is possible that Simulation Gameplay prefering Players came back to TruckersMP.
    1. RedNub


      Why? What's a point of this? 😕

    2. If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

      If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

      There are a lot of familar Hints on this Guy related to the Past! 😉

  8. TruckersMP Pegi 18, when?

    If you ever asked how tiny Boxtrucks or Vans were made! 😄


    Warning +18 Content!

    1. 'MaRtY


      HAHAH Nice video Rofl:LUL:

  9. Who said it is not Wanted? Many of 24/7/366 D-C Players having amorous Dreams about it!
  10. I hope so too, on the other hand, i am enjoying the fact that a uploaded report is handled within 30 Minutes - 1 Hour! Its a kind of real time Moderation! Satisfying and pure Luxus!
  11. No worries, it will not take long and the Numbers rising again! No offence towards Moderation Team, they´ve did an awesome Job to "fight against" the Result of the Problem. Now it is up to TruckersMP Upper Staff to find a Solution for the Problem!
    1. Interstate Nomad

      Interstate Nomad

      Looks good!
      How do manage to rotate the camera so smooth around the vehicle?

    2. If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

      If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

      With my Gamepad, i am still working on the other Axis, hard to doing this while driving, specially when you use the same Controller for driving! 🙂

    3. L-DR@GO


      I use controller too

      It moves camera smoothly compared to mouse 

  12. 1st Speedo Catch of the Day! 😄


    2nd Suspicious One 😉


    1. Interstate Nomad

      Interstate Nomad

      How do you know that the players shown in your screenshots were speeding? 🤔

    2. If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

      If Its Itchy,Just Scratch

      The 1st One was barely able to handle his car, the second is a suspicion!


  13. Would be interesting to see their Ban Appeal System now! I assume, sooooooo many Innocent PPL banned by Power Abooozing Admeeens!
  14. Never in TruckersMP History, so many Man owed so Few Heros that much!
  15. I having my own VTC ( Not TruckersMP)! I using a 3rd Party VTC Tool, having no Employe Truck Driver for now, cause of my own set of high Level Realism!
  16. Now, the Trolls can put more Effort in Violating the Rules and can work on normal Level. They do not need any longer keep a low Troll Activity!
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