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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by JeKnYan

  1. Question:


    How will TMP implement special cargo dlc with the special escort ai vehicles?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I can't see it ever being MP supported

    3. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      I,m thinkong back to the promo video, where the pilot ban swerves into oncomming lanes often. I can imagine all fhe reports already lol.




      this sort of thing might work on the no collision server,mif the ai pilot car can be figured out.

    4. antrax737


      Dude just wait, you'll know when something happens. Maybe SCS will help TMP devs, you can never know.

  2. Gotta love Armada Music!



  3. I thought you might like this:



    1. DerAmpelmann


      That's pretty gooood 

  4. Can someone tell me the name of this song?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DerAmpelmann


      You sure that's a song? Maybe it's just a sample pack the guy put together like it says.

    3. JeKnYan


      It says in the comments that it’s a remix, but I haven’t been able to find it yet :( 

    4. JeKnYan


      I found the orginal song :D



  5. Whenever i get an idea:



  6. Remember don't share spoilers!







    1. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      Thanks for spoiling it for me


  7. Teen relationships are like a broken pencil. They're pointless 

  8. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the toilet?








    Because the p is silent!

  9. Discord is having issues?


    1. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      Speed doesn't kill people. Its the immovable objects in the way of the speed that kills people. :troll:

    2. Spieker
    3. A Simple Cheeseburger
  10. When a Steam Sale happens:


  11. Who doesn't like some hardcore/hardstyle every now and then?



  12. Introducing a newbie to ETS2 be like:




    1. [C16M] Baiano

      [C16M] Baiano

      It reminded me of my first ban. LOL

  13. That moment when you're doing last minute study for a test and your pen runs out of ink, and you can't find any other working pens



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      that happened me just before an exam :unsure: luckily my friend had a spare pen and I was able to use that for the exam and the others after it ^_^

  14. Imagine if this happened on C-D Road



    1. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      Whats funny about that? He just wanted to be with his family :)

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      LOL :lol: now with his family :)

  15. When one of our famous admins gets kicked from the team and another admin comes in...


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