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Fast-rider last won the day on December 7 2021

Fast-rider had the most liked content!

About Fast-rider

  • Birthday 06/03/2003

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Vienna, Austria
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    Austria: Wien
  • Known languages
    German, English

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62296 profile views

Fast-rider's Achievements


Regular (8/13)

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  • One Year On
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Community Answers

  1. Hello there! As your issue has been solved, I will now go ahead and move this topic to "Solved". If you have any issues/queries in the future, do not hesitate to contact us via the Support System or ModMail, or by creating another topic. Kind regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team //Locked and Moved to Solved
  2. Hello there! Has your question been answered? Your confirmation of the status regarding your question helps us keep the forum organized. I await your return! Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team
  3. Hello there! Has your question been answered? Your confirmation of the status regarding your question helps us keep the forum organized. I await your return! Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team
  4. Hallo @Wellme81, Da dieses Thema nun bereits seit mehr als einer Woche inaktiv ist werde ich dieses nun schließen und in "Ungelöst" verschieben. Solltest du weitere Fragen oder Probleme bezüglich TruckersMP haben, so zögere bitte nicht ein neues Thema zu eröffnen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team //Locked and moved to "ungelöst"
  5. Hello @xForBeFirsTx, First of all, this doesn´t have anything to do with your username. Also, you are not being kicked by a Moderator ingame, this is an automatic kick due to §5.1. You are being automatically kicked from the server if your average ping is above 600ms. You can find the full set of our rules here. Yet, here are a few points you could still try: Avoid using Wi-Fi. Avoid uploading or downloading and playing MP at the same time. Avoid doing Windows Updates at the same time. Avoid having too many users or devices at the same time in your network. Avoid using streaming services at the same time. The following only applies if you're using a DSL connection: Try to talk with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and see if they can come up with a solution. Ask your ISP if they support internet profiles such as Fast path or interleave and ask for Interleave. Interleave will raise your ping but it will do more packet checks by your ISP. Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team
  6. Hello there! As your issue has been solved, I will now go ahead and move this topic to "Solved". If you have any issues/queries in the future, do not hesitate to contact us via the Support System or ModMail, or by creating another topic. Kind regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team //Locked and Moved to Solved
  7. Hello there! Has your question been answered? Your confirmation of the status regarding your question helps us keep the forum organized. I await your return! Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team
  8. Hello there! Since your topic has been inactive for more than 3 days, I will go ahead and move your topic to "Inactive". If you wish for this topic to be opened again, feel free to send me or another Support Team member a DM on the Forum. Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team //Locked and Moved to Inactive
  9. Hello there! Since your topic has been inactive for more than 3 days, I will go ahead and move your topic to "Inactive". If you wish for this topic to be opened again, feel free to send me or another Support Team member a DM on the Forum. Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team //Locked and Moved to Inactive
  10. Hello there! Since your topic has been inactive for more than 3 days, I will go ahead and move your topic to "Inactive". If you wish for this topic to be opened again, feel free to send me or another Support Team member a DM on the Forum. Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team //Locked and Moved to Inactive
  11. Hello there! Since your topic has been inactive for more than 3 days, I will go ahead and move your topic to "Inactive". If you wish for this topic to be opened again, feel free to send me or another Support Team member a DM on the Forum. Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team //Locked and Moved to Inactive
  12. Hello there! Has your question been answered? Your confirmation of the status regarding your question helps us keep the forum organized. I await your return! Kind Regards, Fast-rider TruckersMP Support & Event Team
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