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Everything posted by Rider.

  1. Hello, We have already had a suggestion like this in 2020 and it was rejected due to *This permission is reserved for members of staff who require the permission to perform their duties, it is not given as a privilege in any circumstances.* Therefore, we are still not looking to accept this suggestion. Nonetheless, thank you for suggesting it! Regards, Rider.
  2. Hey, After reviewing the suggestion and the video, we've decided not to make this thing in-game. We have rules in place for situations where players ignore signs. These signs are basic size from the IRL road signs when you drive on the road. If people ignore them and break the rules that everyone has agreed to before joining our servers. Therefore, there's no need to make the signs bigger in-game as everyone should be aware of them before doing such actions. Nonetheless, thank you for your suggestion. Regards, Rider.
  3. Hey, We feel there is no need to add this to in-game. While in-game, you can always ignore those pings when driving and parked somewhere. Adding a /block command would be of no use as you can control what you ignore and what you focus on. It's not useful and we would rather not add this command in-game if you already have this ability to do it yourself. Nonetheless, thank you for your suggestion, but we will not add it to TruckersMP. Regards, Rider.
  4. Hello @MartinV90 After checking out this suggestion, we feel that this is hard to do. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do but have our moderators try to moderate the game whether it's in-game or on the website. We try our best to give each player the experience they deserve and, unfortunately, other players like to ruin it. Therefore, this suggestion will be declined as there's nothing we can do but moderate the game. Thank you, Rider.
  5. Hello @Tim [NL], Sorry for the late reply on this suggestion, I know this is to celebrate our partnership with ProMods, but we feel that adding all the country flags in TruckersMP would be a lot. Especially if we already have window flags in-game and adding more accessories would be a waste of time, BUT long ago we've added some accessories that are ProMods, TruckersMP and TruckersFM related. Meaning, you can have their logos on the accessories rather than have the countries flags. Hopefully, after responding 4 years later, this was a better alternative. I'm also sorry again for replying this late just to reject it. Nonetheless, thank you for suggestion this! Regards, Rider.
  6. Hello @[S.PLH]Warrior, After talking about it within management, we felt this wasn't something we are interested in doing. It's unfair to players to have scout cars disabled as I know many players enjoy driving them. There's no plan in disabling scout cars at all in-game. Also, there are many drivers that use the scout car that can drive, it is unfortunate that we have players that use it to troll and cause problems, but it still doesn't give us a good reason to disable them. Nonetheless, thanks for the suggestion. Regards, Rider.
  7. Hello @AviationLewis We do not plan on supporting VR in TruckersMP. However, in SCS (Single Player), it is supported. We feel that it is not needed and something we aren't interested in bringing onto our servers. If you want to play in VR, I recommend you go in SCS (SP) and use it there. Nonetheless, thank you for your suggestion! Regards, Rider.
  8. Hello @poopingcorn, After speaking with the respective managers/devs, we've decided to decline this suggestion. We felt this was more of a bug report and not worth changing as the lights work fine. It may have something to do with your monitor or something similar. Nonetheless, thank you for the suggestion! Regards, Rider.
  9. Hello @FL Command Center Are you able to elaborate or explain more about what you mean? I'm having a hard time understanding what you meant. Also, could you show some examples of what you'd like this new LED light to look like? We'd like to get a better understanding on this suggestion. Thanks, Rider.
  10. Hello @!iamwannngg, Unfortunately, we do not plan on adding any new vehicles to our game, especially for them to be used in Single Player. If you want more vehicles, I suggest searching online for vehicles you can use in Single Player only (mods). This way you can get more vehicles in that mode. As well, to add on top of that, due to internal rules, we cannot share or make the files public for the exclusive vehicles given to our team members. I hope you understand. Nonetheless, thank you for your suggestion, but unfortunately, it will be rejected. Regards, Rider.
  11. Hey! Thank you to everyone who posted in this Forum Topic. I love how everyone is excited for this DLC and others have some opinions on it. I am excited for you guys to see our next Hot Topic As well, we will soon have Hot Topic on our Discord Guild for smaller features, so keep an eye out on that! Happy Trucking
  12. Do I know you?


    1. Hubs.
    2. .George


      you don't. bye.

  13. Drove with Perseus today 🙂 - Thanks for the drive buddy. ❤️ 


  14. Hello everyone, This forum topic is to help you on how to create a question in the subforums. I will give you a step-by-step tutorial in order you know what you are doing and no mistakes are made! Since you are reading this, you have made it to the front page of the Q&A category. There will be a subforum for you to click and head over to in order to create a question. It should look like this: STEP 1: Press on the subforum where the event is taking place (e.g Q&A 2024) and you'll be redirected to here: STEP 2: If you scroll down, you will see an Ask a question button on the bottom right of your screen or at the bottom in the middle, as shown here: This is what you will be using to ask a question. STEP 3: Since you know where the button is; you can now click on it, it should show the following: This is where you can create your question, here is an example of what your question should look like before posting: Please make sure you follow our guidelines when creating a title. If your question does not follow the guidelines, it will be trashed. STEP 4: Now you know how to create a question, once you are done, you can post the Submit Question button. The submit question button will be at the bottom of your screen, it should be right here: Once you have submitted your question, it should look like this: Now that you are a PRO at creating questions, you don't need my help anymore. This means you can create more questions as long as they follow our forum rules and our guidelines for posting. You can view the forum rules here. Thank you for reading and following this step-by-step guide, I hope you enjoy the event!
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