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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by lucas109011

  1. Yes! There needs to be a wall behind who can purchase vehicles. I notice that even when vehicle drivers are issued bans, they live in a country where a new ETS2 game is cheap or they simply use a key site. The majority of players in cars do not wish to play the game as intended and only to use it as a cutting up truck simulator. Howerver, I honestly dont see a version of TMP where cars are locked behind a paywall. It's unfortunate for sure.
  2. When convoy came out in 2021, people suspected that TruckersMP would die out. In reality, playercounts on TMP dropped for a week or so and then pretty much returned to normal. Also, for many people it isn't so much just the multiplayer aspect of TruckersMP, it's doing the C-D road and witnessing crashes (or causing them!). I cant see this having any significant impact on TruckersMP.
  3. I love both. Although I find solo trucking while listening to my favourite music is so relaxing - it’s almost like I’m putting my brain into a different mode lol. But there’s also nothing like trucking with your friends, everyones in a discord call and it’s just good fun. So overall I would probably say that it just depends on my mood!
  4. Sync the weather and add AI traffic in unpopulated areas!
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