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  1. I have a lot of mixed feelings about my experience. I started around Frankfurt do to not have garages farther south, so I took a load all the way up to Calais. I dropped the load off and found a load out of Dover down to Venezia luckily, so I could experience everything south of Frankfurt. So I leave Calais heading down the other way of the route seen no rules against it. Going down the Calais-Duisburg road Westbound almost to Duisburg a admin in police car blocked off westbound traffic going towards Duisburg and let eastbound towards Calais to go, I stop put 4 ways on to let people know from behind that there is stopped traffic. It didn't work I get rammed by a truck not pulling a trailer. The driver that rammed goes in the eastbound lane while traveling westbound so the wrong direction with trucks going eastbound towards him and almost goes head on with a truck traveling the correct direction, so the bad driver rams the truck in front of me to let him in right in front of an admin. Guess who gets kicked... Wrong I got kicked within the 1600km I drove not one collision happened worst thing I maybe did was go max 110km/h. In the kick the reason was blank so I sent a pm to admin that kicked me to see why I was kicked for sitting in traffic. The reason for kick was "You were not following the event route this is why you got kicked." Not 1 place have I've read that going from Calais to Venezia wasn't allowed not even in game admins said it. So i get kicked for doing something I didn't see that wasn't allowed but someone that was ramming and going in the wrong direction of traffic gets away perfectly fine. I'm pretty sure he didn't get kicked didn't see it in chat and he was pretty much gone from the place the admin blocked the road after he rammed me because he was the last truck to be let passed. Hopefully next event will be better, but the main problem is just to many people ramming and grieving which I understand there's not enough admins to remove them all. The few scenarios I seen was quite well just really annoyed that I get kicked for doing nothing wrong and it wasn't worth wasting time trying to get back into the server to see rest of it. EDIT: Don't want to much negative in this post but Thanks TMP for the few scenarios I was in it was great fun.
  2. I wish there was a server like this just like it was when MP first came out to the public people would sit on the curb waiting in line to drop there trailers off and passing by tracks would pass cleanly but some of you probably wasn't around at that time. No collision is the #1 thing I miss when Mp was first released to the public. I also miss the long lines going into Europort.
  3. Hello I haven't seen a topic that is like this if there is please let me know where. My problem is I live in the United States but I usually go on EU#1 because more people but I have friends that play in the US server and EU#2 and every time i try to join them severs it brings up Connecting to _______ Server then nothing ever happens and in the top right it says offline EU#1 Works perfectly fine connecting for me though. Please help
  4. Only way to find out if EU#1 would have more people without the speed limiter is to test it but i kind of doubt the moderators/admins and staff are going to do that.
  5. I'll just start videoing more i was just in eu1 and within a hour and a half i was pushed off the road 5 times! Only wreck i was in since they took limiter was 1 today that i caused because of me forgetting i was in Felixstowe.
  6. I agree with a few people switch over the server see if it has same count of people or see if they are going to a sever with the limiter so make EU1 no limiter EU2 with limiter see the result.
  7. Exactly what I did ran fast until i got close to somebody then ran slower but still fast enough to pass them when safe it sucks that we work hard to get loads and money to get fast trucks but now we only can do 90kmph with a truck that can go 140+. Also only ramming i saw today was me accidentally ramming someone because i forgot i was in UK and was on wrong side of road and hit them doing 30k.
  8. I don't see why everyone is complaining about the limiter i'm against it but to me the limiter seemed to have less wrecks do to the faster trucks are able to pass instead of people running side by side all the time. IMO Oh well the whiners will always win...
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