1337's Achievements
Is this normal that sometimes I see people with empty trailers in mp?
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@FirestarteR93 Och, that sucks then
Am I the only one getting disconnected after 20-30minutes of playing MP?
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For me, when ever i sleep or Teleport to a garage, my game just goes black and freezes, this happens everyime. And i have no jobs. I tried the reset economy thing but my game just freezes everytime i f7
@EnLight I'll give it a try
Thanks for the help
@EnLight I only have 1 profile and it still does it :(, i can F7 fine now but because i have no jobs on my list. I have to sleep, but everytime i sleep, my game just stays on the "you are getting some rest" screen and doesn't do anything
@Squashy I will PM you, I don't want to discuss on someone else's status update. Don't worry I will keep helping you.
Every city in ETS 2 should look like Paris.
@Creatured I mean as complex as paris