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Veteran Driver VI
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  1. Is this normal that sometimes I see people with empty trailers in mp?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1337



      Well I see many of them. Even 10-15 in 1 town. How can I fix it? I don't have any mods installed.

    3. FirestarteR93


      1 sec

      If You mean this one:



      that's MP's replacement of the huge trailers from the Heavy Cargo DLC

    4. 1337


      @FirestarteR93 Och, that sucks then

  2. Am I the only one getting disconnected after 20-30minutes of playing MP?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Astro x

      Astro x

      For me, when ever i sleep or Teleport to a garage, my game just goes black and freezes, this happens everyime. And i have no jobs. I tried the reset economy thing but my game just freezes everytime i f7 :(


      @EnLight I'll give it a try :)

      Thanks for the help

    3. Astro x

      Astro x

      @EnLight I only have 1 profile and it still does it :(, i can F7 fine now but because i have no jobs on my list. I have to sleep, but everytime i sleep, my game just stays on the "you are getting some rest" screen and doesn't do anything :(

    4. EnLight


      @Squashy  I will PM you, I don't want to discuss on someone else's status update. Don't worry I will keep helping you. 

  3. Every city in ETS 2 should look like Paris.

    1. Creatured


      but that would be a bit bland tbh


    2. DerAmpelmann


      I prefer Strasbourg

    3. 1337


      @Creatured I mean as complex as paris

  4. 1337

    0.1.4 R3

    I'd love to see a fix for fatal crash error.
  5. Still no info from any dev?
  6. So... maybe any admin could say anything?
  7. Same here, started getting crashes after the newest patch
  8. I can't connect too.
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