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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by v8Smokin

  1. @the_bolt1 Has your problem been solved? Please let us know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  2. @PowerBoosterNL71 Has your problem been solved? Please let us know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  3. Happy Birthday! ;) 

  4. Happy Birthday! :D

  5. v8Smokin


    //Topic Solved. //Locked and moved to Solved Topics. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  6. v8Smokin


    @SW01 Has your problem been solved? Please let us know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  7. //Topic Unsolved. //Locked and moved to Unsolved Topics. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  8. //Topic Inactive. //Locked and moved to Inactive Topics. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  9. @BluPvP Has your problem been solved? Please let us know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  10. //Topic Inactive. //Locked and moved to Inactive Topics. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  11. Congratulations dude! :D

    1. Mirko9


      Thank you very much!

  12. Congrats buddy! Good luck. :D 

    1. LUIG


      Thanks <3

  13. A BIG Thank you to the Community and the TruckersMP Team for making this possible! Each year creates bigger and better opportunities, lets see what we can achieve this year as a Community.
  14. Dear, @Vinegar3547 Sorry for any inconvenience that this may of caused for you. //Unsolved Topic. //Locked and moved to Unsolved Topics. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  15. //Solutions provided and marked. //Locked and moved to Solved Topics. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  16. Dear, @A.Patterson Has your problem been solved? Please let u know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  17. Dear, @Chuva1990CZ Has your problem been solved? Please let us know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  18. Dear, @Vinegar3547 The reason for this is because, when you join the servers, the time is different to offline. This will always happen as the times online are always going to be different to offline. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  19. Dear, @Vinegar3547 The time on Multiplayer never stops and therefor, if you go offline and come back online 2 hours later, your time would not of paused. If you're taking jobs offline and then online or vise versa, then you will need to complete the delivery before going offline. I hope this answers your question. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  20. Happy Birthday! :) 

  21. @victor_euro Has your problem been solved? Please let us know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  22. @ClownPrinceUK Has your problem been solved? Please let us know as soon as possible. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
  23. //Only possible answer marked. //Locked and moved to Solved Topics. Best Regards, TruckersMP Support -XCE-
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