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@leG BeLii78MD

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  1. To avoid accidents at high speed on the road. First of all, it is necessary to assess the road situation. to respect other players and keep your distance. Do not forget about the interference on the right and traffic lights, signs. Relieving rate and not to fly a turn of 90 degrees at full speed. And if something happened to the player at high speed, then he should only blame himself for allowing that. And wait for a fair punishment. and with these traffic lights, they write in the rules that they must be observed when someone is nearby. but not everything is smooth here when the green light is in front of you, the intruder passes in front of your nose. And naturally podaosh video report on the offender. Then the moderator answers you everything was normal there was no blow, there’s nothing to ban. And the fact that the offender creates an emergency because he does not respect others and thinks that he is alone in the game. Sense rules when they do not want to comply. And why me and those who play by the rules should go to the Arcade Let those who do not want to abide by the rules go to the Arcade. And let the main server be without speed limits, by all rules and fully understand the simulation. And those who do not want to abide by the rules of the server, after a couple of bans, they themselves will go to those servers where everything is allowed.
  2. Люба по русский говоришь ?

  3. Hello . We are very pleased that you have come so close to the release of the new version. So we can really enjoy the graphics and sound. But we still wanted to really enjoy the speed outside the cities, on the autobahns and intercity roads. So to speak, feel the reality of the simulator. Those restrictions that you have been set at the moment. For the sake of someone who likes to break the rules or go to a meeting. They do not work, because violators will still violate the rules. And so the bulk of the game participants suffer, for the sake of a few violators. And the whole meaning of full-fledged simulation is lost. really wanted you to hear and remove the restriction. With best wishes and all the best in your work.
  4. Hey. And how to find out the result of who passed the first round.
  5. Привет. У меня вопрос . А что делать если модератор покрывает нарушителя . И выдает ответ что тот получил бы удар в игре , а не бан. Или Однако я не могу принять ваше сообщение из-за недостаточных доказательств. Видео-доказательства не достаточно ясны, чтобы выдать запрет против пользователя, о котором сообщается. Хотя если посмотреть чуть внимательнее и приостановить видео чтоб увидеть ник , не говоря что на видео и видно таб . И там всё понятно по метрам , кто где.  И отклоняет , не имея возможности протестовать его решения. Спасибо заранее за ответ.

    1. @leG BeLii78MD

      @leG BeLii78MD

      Hey. I have a question. And what if the moderator covers the intruder. It was a blow to the game, not a ban. However, I cannot accept your message due to insufficient evidence. The video evidence is not clear enough to put a ban on the user. Although if you look a little bit, then carefully look at what is visible on the video tab. And there everything is clear in meters, who is where. I have no opportunity to protest against his decision. Thanks in advance for your reply.

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