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Veteran Driver IV
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Status Updates posted by Gonzalez

  1. Got my G2, pretty hyped.. Can drive on my own :D

  2. Birthday in 5 days. My plans: Sleep, maybe play ETS2MP, and sleep. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KrazyMudkip


      That sounds like plan!

    3. Danish


      you have a boring life

    4. Danish


      you have a boring life

  3. Canada is probably the only place where you can get a sunburn and frostbite within 48 hours.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. phil0499


      lol I agree!

    3. phil0499


      12°C here right now, was 26°C yesterday

    4. Gonzalez


      Lol @ Phil

  4. I got lots of suggestions/ideas hopefully I don't get in trouble for them :P

  5. Respect is like Bridges, Once it's built, it's strong. Once it breaks, it can't rebuild as quickly.

  6. Someone should make a topic in the DEVELOPMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS section to give more information on the issue with the server..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gonzalez


      I already know that. But people should make a topic regarding it in the news section. Isn't that what it's for?

    3. konfig0


      I proposed this, but FB is enough I think.

    4. Gonzalez


      I don't use Facebook so it just proves that not everyone uses that means of communication

  7. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, well I guess I could carry a truck on my back now.

    1. Ashley


      Ha. I have a tank.

    2. _J-M


      I have the whole planet :P

  8. What's on your mind? The fact that for all we know, the world could end tomorrow. Or the fact that marijuana show's the truth about the world, hence why they treat it as a threat. Or maybe everything's fine.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Master12


      Right now I'm wondering why would you be motivated to talk about weed in a virtual Trucking forum.

    3. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      because when a trucker goes down a steep hill they go "WEEEEEE"... The cop adds the "D" in the ticket for show...

    4. Gonzalez


      What Egg-roll said LOL

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