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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by .Dave.

  1. Have a good weekend everyone ❤️ Drive Safely!


    For those who watch F1 on Sunday, Enjoy and lets hope Red Bull win!!!

    1. Jack.Daniel's


      Have a good weekend ❤️ ?

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Thx, you have a good weekend too ?

  2. Hello Everyone, Have a Good Wednesday! ❤️

  3. Formula 1 Racing Today for Competitive League, Division 1 at Monaco!! F1 FAN? ESPORTS? I will be going Live tonight at Twitch.tv/TruckerDave98 Keep your notifications posted as this will be big!

  4. spacer.pngGPSspacer.png

    Nice little changes to the interior and GPS and also attending UTL Convoy tonight ?spacer.png

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ...AdamCat


      Hope you're not drinking and driving ?

    3. .Dave.


      @Lena'I like your style ? 

    4. Jack.Daniel's
  5. Congrats Dude! ❤️


  6. Any F1 Fans out there? What did you think of today's race? 

    1. GEMINaai_ZA


      Intense, hard fought and certainly one of the most exciting races to start a season with!

  7. spacer.png

    :tmp:Truckers FM Convoy Tonight, Who's Going? I hope to see you there, Say Hi if you see meee :LUL::kappa:❤️ #RLC


  8. spacer.png



  9. congrats bogs ❤️

  10. Congrats ❤️


  11. Congrats :)

    1. Anthony


      Thanks TruckerDave ❤️ & Congrats to you too! :)


  12. Happy 3rd Anniversary RLC !!!

  13. Thank you Kimmy Kat Mjaaauuuu

  14. Congrats Milo ?

    1. Robin.


      Thanks Dave! :feelswow:

  15. Happy Birthday Big Fan Smiddy ❤️


    1. Smiddy1050


      Thanks Bigger Fan Dave ❤️ 

  16. Big Fan! ?

    1. GEMINaai_ZA


      Ayyyyyy bruv! Thanks buddy! Big fan of your work too!


  17. Thanks for the follow! ❤️


  18. ❤️ bigfan ❤️ 

    1. Fezz


      Thanks for the follow ❤️


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