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Veteran Driver IX
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Status Updates posted by ¦EUROTRANS¦ Nasteb [FR]

  1. Good suggestion for new users ? Reply and +1 :D

  2. Check this guys, it's will be released soon

  3. Hey guys,


    If u sent me pm here, on Discord, or u sent me an email, i will not reply because i'm in Tunisia, and the internet speed is very very bad



  4. De retour, après une "petite pause" de 5 mois ^^

  5. System.out.println("Happy Birthday [ @Krashnz ]");


    It's in Java :P


  6. Hello TruckersMP !


    Go check my topic on a Radio Mod, it's an exceptional mod !




    1. Mirrland


      Can I have a link to the coverage map?

    2. ¦EUROTRANS¦ Nasteb [FR]

      ¦EUROTRANS¦ Nasteb [FR]

      The link of the coverage it's on a localhost link, it's only on a home network, if you want to had the coverage map, you must install the mod, and open your internet browser and then go to http://localhost:8330/map.html

    3. Mirrland
  7. #PrayForIstanbul :'( :'(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mirko9
    3. _Pingu_


      my heart goes out to all those affected :( 



    4. Mirko9


      700-800 people was there ,in club 

  8. The company EUROTRANS organizes a convoy for the holidays, everyone are invited there, provided that they respect these rules below:

    - Overtake only in case of lags

    - The staff of the convoy is authorized to pass, they bear the mention | EUROTRANS |

    -  Truck+Trailer 

    - Staff members are marked with #ET and their role in the convoy EX: #ET / Leader | EUROTRANS | chatyo [FR], As this is the christmas holiday, some of the staff is in his family, traveling etc, so I would be Leader and drive to ensure security with @Nasteb I would often ride the convoy, before will be @lesimulateurbressan  As Co-Leader.



    Have a nice convoy !


    Original Post with pictures :



  9. The company EUROTRANS organizes a convoy for the holidays, everyone are invited there, provided that they respect these rules below:

    - Overtake only in case of lags

    - The staff of the convoy is authorized to pass, they bear the mention | EUROTRANS |

    -  Truck+Trailer 

    - Staff members are marked with #ET and their role in the convoy EX: #ET / Leader | EUROTRANS | chatyo [FR], As this is the christmas holiday, some of the staff is in his family, traveling etc, so I would be Leader and drive to ensure security with @Nasteb I would often ride the convoy, before will be @lesimulateurbressan  As Co-Leader.


    Have a nice convoy !


    Original Post with pictures : 


  10. Hey,


    Félicitation pour ton passage en IGA !



    1. Kibatsume


      Merci beaucoup Nasteb :)

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