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Retired Team Member
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About SammyCat

  • Birthday April 11

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Talking with others, convoys, supporting other people with their technical issues.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Reno
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
  • Known languages
    English, Spanish

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Community Answers

  1. happy birthday! 🎉🎂

  2. Happy Birthday! 🎂

  3. Happy Birthday!!

  4. Happy Birthday 🎂

  5. Happy Birthday

  6. Happy Birthday 🎉

  7. Happy Birthday! 🎂

  8. Happy Birthday! :HaulieLove:

  9. Happy birthday 

  10. Happy Birthday  🥳

  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday🎂:HaulieLove:

  13. Happy Birthday 🎉🎂

  14. Hello there! Thank you for posting a thread within the Help section of the TruckersMP Forums. I am SammyCat, a Retired Staff member here at TruckersMP and I'm glad to help you with your question today. Unfortunately, as your subject says on this post "Can I buy an unban?", you cannot. The only way to come around this is by filing an appeal here: https://truckersmp.com/appeals and then wait for a Game Moderator to reply to your appeal. I do hope this helps! Kind regards, SammyCat
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