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Geology Rocks

Game Moderation Leader
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Geology Rocks

  1. Thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday

  2. Congratulations. Baby admin now. 

  3. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. 

  4. Thanks for the follow 

  5. Rest in peace Speedy (Legend). So sad to not see you around any more.  You will be missed by all. ?

  6. Thanks for the follow 

    1. InactiveLapis


      Np and thank you aswell

  7. ets2_20220323_203046_00.png


    Me and @TreesFamilyMember at todays. BVAR Trucking Convoy. 

    1. 'HeavenN.


      Brilliant Photo And Trucks! :HaulieLove:

    2. TreesFamilyMember


      I enjoyed the convoy! Lovely seeing you!

    3. Changas!


      Nice trucks!!

  8. Happy Birthday 


  9. thanks for the follow


  10. thanks for the follow

  11. Happy Birthday 

    1. Polyxena


      Thank you very much Geology! ?

  12. Thanks for the follow 


    1. v8Smokin


      You're very welcome! ?

  13. Happy  Christmas  everyone  hope  you  all  have  a great  day today. 

  14. Thanks  for the follow 


  15. thanks for the follow

  16. thanks for the follow

    1. Gani.


      You are welcome

  17. Thanks for the follow

  18. Thanks for the follow

    1. [Bars] No Fear

      [Bars] No Fear

      I would be very happy if you follow me.

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