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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by RedNub

  1. 🎉I woud like to invite all to my birthday stream, which starts in 35 minutes. 🎉 https://www.twitch.tv/redwolf_plays 



  2. Good luck with the event organization for whole Event Team and you Managers @Velo
  3. Birthdaaay comming soon 😮  😊 🎉


  4. Ello there, @Labas_Printar First of all, welcome to TruckersMP Forums, My name is @[MCG] RedWolf [CZ] ~ and I'll be helping you today to solve your question. - > According to your question there are few option how you could put the strobe, or led's on your trailer. Using save editting - > https://discord.gg/universal-trucks-777161189310332968 // (Universal Trucks discord), you can contact me then for more servers with save editting - if you don't have an experiences with save edit, chill, you will learn it fastly -> please check this video - 2. Using steam workshop mods - some of them might work in mp some not, that's why I pointed save edit as first. 3. Some strobes are part of DLC - > Special Cargo Hope I have answered your quesiton, But you still feel free to contact me here on forums with Private Message. Have a good day! Regards, RedWolf [CZ] TruckersMP Veteran Driver IV | MCG Veteran Driver
  5. Jelikož je nákladní doprava náročnou prací, ať už se jedná o dopravu po Evropě, nebo kdekoliv jinde, řidiči potřebují dostatečný odpočinek, který je pro ně zásadní a to zejména na dlouhých trasách. Najít proto volné místo k odpočinku může být sem tam trocha náročné, ale díky specializovaným odpočívadlům pro kamiony si řidiči mohou v klidu vyspat a odpočinout si. V našem připravovaném DLC západního Balkánu pro hru Euro Truck Simulator 2 najdete spoustu míst, kde si budete moci udělat krátkou přestávku na doplnění vašeho paliva, stáhnutí okénka a dohnání nějakého toho odpočinku a nadýchání se čerstvého vzduchu. Čerpací stanice a odpočívadla pro kamiony, jsou z jedním z nejvíce navštěvovaných míst, kde si řidiči mohou odpočinout, tyto místa však prošli několika změnami. Náš tým vytvořil nový systém pro čerpací stanice, který vytváří více možností k jejich rozmístění a umožnuje jejich rozšíření a výstavbu. To nám nabízí příležitost udělat tyto oblasti pro hráče dynamické. Spolu s touto změnou jsme také poupravili vizuální stránku těchto stanic místním balkánským šmrncem. Na západním Balkáně najdete hned několik společností provozující čerpací stanice, například NADA, APUS OIL a BTS Petrol, ke kterým se vážou nebalkánské značky. Některé z nich mají modernější vzhled, na jiných je zase vidět trocha toho stáří, ale většinou se váží k nějakým pamětihodnostem. Samozřejmě nejde pouze o tato místa, které budete moci navštívit. Od malých odpočívadel až po větších odpočívadla s vybavením – vždy se najde místo, kde si můžete pořádně odpočinout od mnoha dálnic a polních cest západního Balkánu. Nikdy totiž nevíte, co v okolí spatříte, a proto si udělejte chvilku na to okolí poznat a seznámit se s ním. Doufáme, že se vám krátké čtení o západním Balkáně líbilo. Je čas vyrazit dále na cestu! Naše týmy na tomto projektu nadále usilovně pracují a těšíme se, že se s vámi v budoucnu budeme moci podělit o další novinky týkající se tohoto DLC. Do příště pokračujte v jízdě! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2004210/Euro_Truck_Simulator_2__West_Balkans/ Celý článek naleznete zde: https://blog.scssoft.com/2023/08/west-balkans-gas-stations-truck-stops.html Forum post: S pozdravem RedWolf [CZ]
  6. Welcome back! 


  7. Elllo there, Slow-Fast Rider I'm really appreciated your answer and as I seen now, the rule §1.4 -> the evidence must be no later than 14 days has been removed if im not mistaken. Maybe my point helped to the community! It's resolved, you are free to lock thus topic Regards, RedWolf [CZ]
  8. Congrats! 

  9. Hello there, I'm sorry to ask about this, but I think it's now on the place. Will we get any info why the count of created reports has been decreased? I think, we all know why it was happened, however should be cool if there would be any info from upper management. Why did I make thus question? I made this one due to fact that few of my reports are almost outdated of 14 days period, and also being a bit sad about fact there was many admins hired and the situation hasn't changed. Secondary, wouldn't it be better to extend the period of reports created in 14 days to 20? I would be more than happy if there was an annoucement! Thank you so much for the asnwers and your reactions people! Regards, RedWolf [CZ]
  10. The report system is now really busy, few of my created reports are almost over 14 days 🥺 What is happening? That feeling I would like to help them.. 😔

  11. Welcome back to TruckersMP Team ❤️


  12. Ello, there @Labas_Printar First of all, welcome to TruckersMP Forums, My name is Petr and I'll be helping you today to solve your question ------------------------------- If you're searching for double trailers outside of Germany, you can unlock them by using thus mods - >https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1683217202&searchtext=hct+trailers+mp + https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1113405579 As additional you are required to download thus - > https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1766128598&searchtext=double Don't forget that all mods must be firstly activated in Singleplayer then save the game and close the game, start MP All should be working well, if not let me know here! Good luck Kind Regards, RedWolf [CZ] TruckersMP Veteran Driver IV | MCG Veteran Driver
  13. Gratulace!

    1. ^Dominik^
    2. RedNub


      Nemáš vůbec zač!

  14. Welcome to TMP Forums! ❤️


  15. No, they'll stay permanently in your ban list, however in different color. They're now in green - which means they are one year active After one year they'll go into yellow color and will dissapear from your active bans and the number score comes back to 0 Regards, RedWolf [CZ]
  16. Happy Birthday! ❤️


  17. Hello there, First of all, thank you so much for creating thus suggestion even if is still does not follow the suggestion format When I carefully read your suggestion I came to this outcome - > I don't think you'd solve this if you created what you're saying. This isn't so much about Game Moderators as it is about the players who make up the whole problem of the various traffic jams in the game. It's true that Moderators are needed too, unfortunately as even they say, they can't always be in the same place where something is happening. So until the players learn to follow all the rules, nothing will change. I found only one solution which may change thus and this is introduce a new system of higher punishmets. I always saying to others "learn before you will enter to MP" Hope, you're satisfied with my answer I sent. Regards, RedWolf [CZ] TruckersMP Veteran Driver IV | MCG Veteran Driver
  18. Hello there @Mister.Bob, First of all, welcome to TruckersMP forums. I would like to thank you for using TMP help sections as we're really happy here to help you with any issue ----------------- When you get your first 3 bans, a 12-months period starts for them to turn to inactive. • The 12-month period starts from the date of the expired of the ban. As I can see your last ban was issued on 6.Aug 2023 - > so if I'm not wrong, thus ban should expired in next year in same date you got it. Hope, I answered your question! Regards, RedWolf [CZ] TruckersMP Veteran Driver IV | MCG Veteran Driver
  19. Happy Birthday Roman, I wish you the best in your life and stay healthy! Hope I'll see you soon back in the team 🎂

  20. Happy Birthday! ❤️


  21. Happy Birthday! ❤️


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