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Veteran Driver IV
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About TBN

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  1. Perfect perfect perfect
  2. If you give weapon in hands of a kid, he will fire it...

    1. Creatured


      and then you know that guy who gave the gun has gone full retard

    2. FirestarteR93


      IF the guy is still alive

    3. Syntog
  3. 3 times in a row...
  4. How about we roll back to 0.1.2 and just add traffic lights and nothing else? Patch after patch more unplayable now...

    1. RootKiller


      No, we won't revert any changes.

  5. Please please please please please please please remove the snow and non-stop rain... Jumping trucks are back and my ping is fluctuating between 80-300, it was constant 80-90 before...
  6. Are we there yet? People started to abuse that crashing bug now...

  7. How many trucks does it need to crash entire city? - Only 1 to change a light bulb.

  8. I'm only crashing in crowded cities, which means someone there doing something naughty

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Takumi Fujiwara 86

      Takumi Fujiwara 86

      it doesnt affect everyone, but it affects most people

    3. Green-D


      my game is crashing everytime im coming to the 1st traffic lights in the city

    4. Rainis.


      Happened to me too in Rotterdam several times.

  9. Is there a command to stop that annoying snow while playing without winter mod? Or all day rain with 20 minute breaks? I tried setting my rain slider to none, even google'd found g_set_weather 0 command, but it snows and blurs vision in bright sun. It is a bug right? Please let me know if you know a workaround for this?
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